
Assalamualaikum steemians

How are you? Hope so everyone would be safe and sound just like me as I am also safe Alhamdulillah...

Microprocessor is my today's topic to discuss so I would like to delve into many of its aspects!

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If I start with basics of microprocessor then it is brain of a computer that have responsibility of execution of instructions and careful handling of operation so it is a central processing unit which has always all processing system of computer and one chip that is made up of semiconductor material.

If I talk about brief history of microprocessor then first microprocessor was Intel 4004 which was released in 19th century in 1971 by Ted Hoff and Stanley Mazor. It was basically 4 bit processor that was made for revolutionising computing, as well as to enable small ,fast and more enhanced devices regarding their efficiency.

If we talk about architecture of microprocessor then it contains different control units arithmetic logic unit different registers and buses so if I talk about control unit then it is used for fetching and calling of instructions but arithmetic logic unit is used for performing calculations and logical operations.

There are different types of microprocessors which includes complex instruction set computing and reduced instruction set computing as well as Explicitly parallel instruction computing, multi core processors which include dual core quad core etc and last but not least there are embedded microprocessor such as IoT device all are microprocessor types.

If I talk about different component of microprocessor then first of all there is cache memory which is used for improving performance and then another component we have is pipe lining which is used for enhancement of instruction processing as well as branch prediction is another component used for optimisation of instruction flow last but not placed there are floating point units for calculating mathematical equations and graphic processing unit for the purpose of rendering graphics.

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If I talk about manufacturing of microprocessors than these are made up of silicon vapour photo lithography that is used for creation of different patterns and then Etching that is used for removing material and a process of doping which is used for adding impurity and metallization through which we can add interconnect.

If I talk about future of microprocessor then this is really bright because in future there are more and more development at Quantum computing, nanotechnology and 3D take processors as well as there is more focus on harvesting of energy and management of power as well as focus is also on advanced materials like silicon germanium usage.All these things give significance of its future development.

That was all about my topic in which I have briefly discuss about microprocessor,its types, something about its manufacturing and something about its bright future so hopefully now the topic is clear for all of you!



Hello @khursheedanwar,

Please the quality of your post is not satisfactory, kindly give a more detailed explanation to your post

I must confess this might be first time I will be hearing about this type of microprocessor

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