Business Activity|@Distribuidora de alimentos y servicios G.I| Receiving a load of coffee from Barquisimeto.

in Business Activity3 years ago

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My dear friends at #businessactivity, receive a warm greeting from me.

This time I come to show you the day of receiving a load of coffee that I bought in Barquisimeto, Edo. Lara- Venezuela.

The gandola that transports the coffee.

The warehouse where we receive the coffee is in Puerto La Cruz, Anzoátegui State. From Barquisimeto to this state it takes more than 10 hours, so the truck almost always arrives at night, this time it arrived at 9 at night.

In the previous photo you can see that the carrier is using a pickaxe to cut through the security tape, which is what indicates that the coffee has already been supervised and approved for transfer by the responsible entities and the National Guard.

More than 8000 kilos of raw coffee were transported in the truck, for a total of 250 bags to later be processed in the roasting plant.

To transport the cargo of coffee from the State of Lara, to Anzoátegui, the following papers are needed in order:

Insai, Sunagro and that of the Venezuelan Coffee Corporation.

PD: Sorry for the poor clarity of the photos, it was very night.

Logistics for unloading the truck.


For the unloading of this coffee, a logistics is needed that allows to carry out the complete unloading of the truck, weigh each bag and order them.

For this we need:

  • From 8 to 10 men to unload more than 200 bags of coffee weighing 46.5 kilograms each.

These men must be available for the night shift, to weigh and order everything in the shed.

  • Food and drink for more than 20 people to cover dinner for the working staff.
  • Simple availability in $ for the payment of workers.
  • Among other details such as gasoline and diesel for the cars and lodging for the carrier.

In a previous post I had commented to them that sometimes, the work day was night, this is a tough job that requires a lot of time and dedication.

Did you know that at the end of the 20th century, coffee gave a positive turn to the Venezuelan economy, thus displacing cocoa. The production, sale and export of coffee brought favorable changes to the country, such as the creation of cultural spaces, and the construction of main roads.

And the first coffee roasting company was the famous Fama De América. And today we are currently trying to build our coffee roaster company, despite the current situation in the country.

Boys unloading coffee.


Sorted bags of coffee.

Our goal is to have our coffee roaster, with our own brand, goals that of course are in the hands of God, waiting for the perfect time to see this dream materialize.

Business name:Distribuidora de Alimentos y servicios G.I
Owner's name:@angeloguzman31
Business address:Anzoátegui, Puerto La Cruz, Venezuela
About us:

Without more to contribute in this post, I say goodbye until the next opportunity. Wishing that ours are so blessed that very soon we will have to give employment. Until next time.


Hello @angeloguzman31 a pleasure to read your material again and see the constant work you do for the proper functioning of your business, we are sure that the growth of your business will be unstoppable, we would like you to focus a little more detail on your material, such as :

Do you pay any freight in the transfer of the merchandise?
Cost of pay per worker?
Cost of lodging and drinks?

This information is valuable to learn more about your business, remember to convert with your local currency and steem and sbd.

A pleasure to greet you.

 3 years ago 

Hello @gensequini thanks for visiting and reading my post. Yes, of course the freight must be canceled. In a next post I will be showing you the price.

I'm glad that little by little you are growing and faster and faster. It is good to know how your work works and thus understand a little more the role that the company plays in the market.

 3 years ago 

Hi thanks for reading the post. Greetings.

 3 years ago 

@angeloguzman31 , The coffee is beating world record, quality beans, aromas and special and powerful of this charming drink on the palate.

The distribution, loading and unloading is important within your work, detailing the activities to be done and how the internal operation of your process is.

It is not only to receive, it is to classify, it is to be thorough before receiving the merchandise that will be distributed to the different current clients and the new ones because they are participants in their client portfolio.

Hard work will give the reward and your brand name roaster is about to come to your business, with much more work.

The costs related to your local currency, change in $, and of course your valuation in steem and sbd, are important to us. We hope you can add them in your next publications.

Thank you for showing your business activity.


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