Creative Contest of the Week: Two Words, One Story: Love and Hatred by @Rezvan.

Two Words, One Story: Love and Hatred by @Rezvan

Salam Steemian!

I would like to thank @fonjougiresse profusely for organizing this contest.
This contest has become a great opportunity for steemians to participate and interact with the Steemit community. I feel very lucky to be able to participate in this contest and to be able to share my work and thoughts with fellow Steemit users.

Apart from that, this contest also provides encouragement and motivation for me to continue working and improve the quality of the content that I produce in Steemit. Contests like this give appreciation to Steemit users and encourage steemians to continue to contribute and actively participate in the community.


Once upon a time in a beautiful village in the mountains, there lived two young people named Rama and Sinta.they grew up together as neighbors and friends since childhood. they are always together every day , playing together and studying together.

As time goes by, Rama begins to feel his feelings for Sinta change, he realized that he fell in love with Sita. Rama was fascinated by Sinta's beauty, sweet smile and friendly demeanor. whenever they are together, Rama's heart beats fast and he feels happy.

However, fate said otherwise, Sinta treats Rama coldly ,he seems indifferent and indifferent to Rama's feelings. Sinta ignores Rama and spends time with other friends. Rama felt confused and sad,he didn't understand why Sinta could change like that.

Rama tries to approach Sinta and express his feelings. however Sinta firmly refused. he even insulted Rama, saying that he never saw Rama as a close friend. those words were very painful for Rama. he felt devastated and disappointed.


Rama hates Sinta. His heart was full of disappointment and anger. He felt betrayed by his own close friend. Rama decides to stay away from Sinta and tries to forget his feelings for Sinta. He focuses on himself and looks for ways to get rid of his feelings of love.

Several months passed , Rama turned into a stronger person. He became more confident and successful in his field. He is no longer dependent on Sinta and no longer feels deep hatred for her. however he still feels hurt by Sinta's betrayal.

One day, at a community event in the village, Rama meets Sinta again. Sinta looks different, she looks gloomy and looks like she's trying to avoid Rama. Rama was confused and wanted to know what happened to Sinta.

Rama finally knows that Sinta is having difficulties in her life. He lost his job, broke up with his girlfriend and felt lonely. Rama feels sorry to see Sita in such a state, even though he still feels awkward talking to her.


However slowly Rama started helping Sinta without expecting anything. He provides moral support, gives advice and helps Sinta in practical matters. Sinta initially refuses his help but Rama still insists on helping.

Gradually, Sinta began to open her heart to Rama. He realized the mistake he had made and began to realize how valuable true friendship and love was offered by Rama. Sinta feels sorry that she ignored Rama's feelings before and did not value him as a loyal friend.

Rama also felt that his heart was getting softer towards Sita. Although initially filled with hatred, Rama feels that Sinta is someone who needs to be given a second chance. He still feels love for Sinta, but this time with understanding and maturity.

Finally, Rama and Sinta decide to face the future together. they forge a loving, understanding, and supportive relationship. their love that was once filled with hatred has turned into a mature and sincere love.


Their story of love and hatred becomes a valuable lesson for them and also those around them. They learn that true love is not only about feelings but also about understanding , respect and a commitment to support each other through thick and thin. They also learn that hatred will not bring happiness, but will only damage relationships and negatively affect one's life.

With the love and understanding they found, Rama and Sinta lived happily together, living a life full of love, happiness and peace. They live the rest of their lives together , facing life's challenges and trials with love and respect for one another and making their story of love and hatred a valuable milestone in their life's journey.

And since then, Rama and Sinta have lived happily together, lived a meaningful love story and understood how precious true love is, which grows from understanding and respect. they learn that true love never comes from hatred, but from a willingness to understand and forgive one another.

Their story of love and hate serves as a reminder that true love can overcome anything, and that the journey of true love is not always smooth, but can be more beautiful when lived together with understanding and respect. finally, they live happily ever after, living their lives with true love and appreciating the true values ​​of love they found in their journey.

In this contest I invite @newby , @bintangsatu and @abdullahw2 to take part in this interesting contest.

Thank You So Much For Reading My Blog

Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.

 last year 

Nice, write up, the fact that sinta didn't see rama as a closed friend or lover from the beginning, and since rama feelings towards sinta is true, she stay with it and at the end they become lovers. This is their faith from the beginning, despite the fact that one hated and the other love. It's actually come to pass.

Good knowledge for me! Thanks

Such a beautiful story. It touched my heart. Thank you for a nice story.

Thank you very much

This post has been upvoted through Steemcurator09.

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Curated by - @juichi

I thank @juichi,@steemcurator09 and Team newcomer for his enthusiasm and dedication in advancing Steemit and providing support to Steemians. May success always be with you!


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