Soars my Tree High in the Bright of the Sun

in Club50504 months ago

Hello Everyone

Greetings from @shuly to all of you. I hope you're all doing well and having a great time.

The picture is taken Samsung Galaxy A12

Soars my tree high in the bright of the sun, adorned with signs that it'll bear a good crop. It has oranges on its stems to show how important care and attention it has entered. As the summer heat spreads across the land, it's time for the oranges to grow, which means it's time to snub and partake plenitude.


In the spirit of fellowship and society, I want everyone to partake in the crop joy. You're welcome to visit my theater . Lemon and lime fruits smell sweet in the air, and the tree's branches bend from the weight of its ripe fruit. There's a warm and agitated assignation, and anyone is welcome to take it.

But there is a catch the oranges are ripe, but they taste so sour that it would make indeed the bold people laugh. They taste veritably fresh, but they've a sharp tang that might catch you off guard. Right now, in the middle of the meeting, I need a strange want please do not talk about taste.

You're welcome to join in the fun and enjoy the beauty of nature and the gemütlichkeit that form when you spend time with other people. But do not say anything about how the orange tastes while you pick it from the tree and feel how heavy it is. Stop censuring and let the event be on its own. Do not say anything; just let the taste stay on your mouth.

It does not count if the oranges are sweet or sour right now; what matters is that everyone is under the tree together, enjoying the simple effects in life and the warmth of fellowship. Just so you know, occasionally what makes you happy is not how great the food tastes, but how beautiful it's to be with someone.

Hello, dear musketeers! Come over and enjoy the fall food. Join us as we laugh and hear to the stories that flow through the theater like soft breaths. Let's enjoy the oranges for further than just their taste. Let's enjoy them for the recollections they bring back and the ties they make. During this time of happiness, let silence say louder than words, and let our hearts be full of thanks.

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