Club5050 || preparation for school accreditation with the teacher council and demonstrasion || payout 10% to @japansteemit

in Steem Japan2 years ago

On this occasion I would like to make a post regarding the activities of the inaugural meeting with the new principal in order to prepare for the implementation of school accreditation which in the next few days will be down by assessors to assess our school's accreditation. Where before the preparation was carried out, first we together with the head made the main preparations by distributing groups of each module to be worked on which would be prepared for service assessors.



Where in the meeting chaired by the principal. Incidentally, I sided with the graduation module which I would later work on with other group friends because there were several modules that had to be prepared.

School/Madrasah Accreditation Mechanism

A. Targeting school/madrasah BAN-S/M determines the number of targets and a list of educational units to be accredited in each province based on the BAN-S/M database. BAP-S/M validates school/madrasah data that will be accredited in the current year. Data validation is carried out to ensure that the school/madrasah to be accredited meets the requirements and has readiness to be accredited.

To ensure that schools meet all requirements, BAP-S/M coordinates with the Provincial Education Office and the Ministry of Religion's Regional Office. The results of the validation carried out by BAP-S/M are sent back to BAN-S/M to be set as targets to be accredited in the current year.




B. Socialization and delivery of accreditation tools

BAN-S/M decisions regarding quotas and accreditation targets are submitted to schools/madrasahs through BAP-S/M, Disdik and Kanwil/Kankemenag. The purpose of this activity is for schools/madrasahs to prepare themselves to take part in accreditation, by: (a) studying the accreditation tools, (b) stages and schedule of implementation, (c) duties and responsibilities of schools/madrasahs, and (d) filling out instruments and completing supporting data.

C. Completion and Delivery of Accredited Instruments Schools/madrasahs download and study the Accreditation Toolkit document consisting of: (a) Accreditation Instruments, (b) Technical Instructions; (c) Data Collection Instruments and Supporting Information, (d) Scoring Techniques and Ranking of Accredited Results. Schools/madrasahs are filled out online through the Sispena application: (a) accreditation instruments and (b) data collection instruments and supporting information, according to the real conditions of the school.

D. Determination of School/Madrasah Eligibility and Assignment of Assessors



BAP-S/M downloads and finds the results of the school/madrasah accreditation entries from Sispena S/M to determine the determination of schools/madrasahs to be accredited. This activity is carried out to ensure that schools / madrasas that will meet the requirements meet the requirements. BAP-S/M sends the results of the determination for visits to schools/madrasahs and assigns assessors to carry out visits to schools/madrasas that meet the requirements.

E. Visit to School/Madrasah Visitation is an activity of leveraging and clarifying the contents of accreditation instruments, data collection instruments and supporting information (IPDIP), referring to technical instructions for filling out accreditation instruments and observing learning activities in class and school/madrasah conditions.

F. Validation of Visitation Process and Results The assessor who has completed the visit will submit a report to the BAP-S/M. The visit report needs to be validated, to ensure that the accreditation process and results are credible and can be simplified.

G. Verification of Validation Results and Preparation of Recommendations After the validation process and the results of the visitation, BAP-S/M carries out verification of the validation results and recommendations. This activity is carried out so that the determination of the results of the accreditation is truly objective in accordance with the conditions of the school/madrasah.

H. Determination of Accreditation Results and Recommendations Accreditation results and recommendations schools/madrasahs determined through a BAP-S/M plenary meeting attended by BAN-S/M members in a decree. BAP-S/M makes recommendations for related parties in planning for education improvement.

I. Issuance and Submission of Accreditation Certificates The results of the plenary session of BAP-S/M and BAN-S/M determine the results of accreditation through a decree by completing the recommendation for accreditation. The contents of the decree contain all data on schools/madrasahs that have been accredited, both accredited and unaccredited. As proof of the accreditation status and ranking that has been achieved by the school/madrasah, BAP-S/M issues and submits an accreditation certificate to each accredited school/madrasah.

Source mechanism guide


Thank you to all friends who support me in this STEEMJAPAN community especially our admins @tomoyan , @juichi and @zulhendra .also to the curation accounts in this community @japansteemit and @ecosynthesizer.

about me @whalewinners







 2 years ago 

@whalewinners さん、こんにちは。



💡 アップボートガイド 💡


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