Repetition is the way to perfection
Repetition of the same gesture every day is the way to perfection
Some people like to summarize the Gong Fu approach that way, limiting it to a discipline problem.
Of course, mastering Gong Fu requires a life of training and discipline, but that is not all.
In Gong Fu or martial arts, the repetition of a movement is meaningless if it is not done mindfully.
The first task of an apprentice in any domain is to replicate the Master's gestures. However, the main point is not to copy but to ask "Why ?". Why does this invisible detail in the global gesture matter, and how such a tiny movement can make a difference?
By repeating the movement, it becomes a part of us, like second nature. When we reach that point, we can repeat the movement with full consciousness but an empty mind.
However, there is a small catch. Indeed, only what we saw and understood becomes a part of us.
Reaching the empty mind state does not mean that we learned everything, but only that we climbed one step toward Mastery.
At that point, we need to become a beginner once more. Observing the Master with beginner's eyes again and appropriate ourselves new details.
This cycle never stops as there is always a Master to teach us!
And ultimately, the Leaf itself becomes our master!
I hope you enjoy your walk on the Way of Tea,
Raising a bowl to you.
All the pictures in this post are mine, I really enjoyed brewing these teas!
@rubylinx さん、こんにちは。
💡 アップボートガイド 💡