MAP(S) -- [A Bilingual Poem]

in Freewriters3 years ago

— For Artur Punte


Towards dusk, you — I, maybe them too — begin to realize that your main task is to draw map(s). A map (or several) of whatever shape, somehow headed somewhere, somewhere centered to somewhere, you don't know yourself. A map (or several) that either depict what countries, you don't know. A (temporary) map that's pink, purple, green, blue, or gray, you don't know. A map or a number of maps that are separate, independent, or continuous, you don't know either. You — me, maybe them too — just know that one day the map will be perfect, whether you want it or not, like it or not.


You remember. You will remember, back then, in the early days, you just obeyed when an old mapmaker in your village drew you a map. “Always carry this map with you. This map will guide you on your journey, it will also help you find your way back, the way to your peaceful hometown." You remember, on the map, the lands were neatly arranged, all scales were so certain, the sea, mountains and forests did not make you cringe.


You must have forgotten. You must have forgotten where you threw the map away or gave it to somebody from your childhood, long ago.


You remember. You will remember that you learned to draw maps from a semi-blind mapmaker who always erases the beginning of the maps he drew. "A map is a guide to go," he said, "because going back to home is just wishful thinking." And you believe. You know the maps are misleading sometimes. You know you get upset sometimes.


You must have forgotten. You must have forgotten how many maps you were trying to draw. You must have forgotten how much map you already have in your hand.


(Bahasa Indonesia)

—Artur Punte


Menjelang senja, kau—aku, mungkin juga mereka—mulai sadar bahwa tugas utamamu adalah menggambar peta. Sebuah (atau beberapa) peta yang entah berbentuk apa, entah menuju ke mana, entah berpusat di mana, kau sendiri tak tahu. Sebuah (atau beberapa) peta yang entah menggambarkan negeri-negeri apa, kau tak tahu. Sebuah (atau sementara) peta yang berwarna merah muda, ungu, hijau, biru, atau abu-abu, kau tak tahu. Sebuah (atau sejumlah) peta yang masing-masing terpisah, berdiri sendiri, atau sinambung, kau juga tak tahu. Kau—aku, mungkin juga mereka—hanya tahu bahwa suatu saat nanti peta itu akan sempurna, entah kau menginginkannya atau tak, menyukainya atau tak.


Kau tentu ingat. Kau tentu ingat, dulu, di awal-awal hari, kau menurut saja ketika seorang juru peta tua di kampungmu menggambarkanmu sebuah peta. “Bawalah selalu peta ini. Peta ini akan memandumu berpetualang, juga akan membantumu menemukan jalan pulang, jalan ke kampung asal yang tenteram.” Kau tentu ingat, di peta itu negeri-negeri tertata rapi, semua skala terasa begitu pasti, laut, gunung, dan hutan tak membuatmu ngeri.


Kau pasti lupa. Kau pasti lupa kau buang ke mana atau berikan kepada siapa peta dari masa kecilmu, dulu.


Kau tentu masih ingat. Kau tentu masih ingat kau belajar menggambar peta dari seorang juru peta setengah buta yang selalu menghapus bagian awal peta-peta yang digambarnya. “Sebuah peta adalah panduan untuk pergi,” ucapnya, “sebab pulang hanyalah angan-angan.” Dan kau percaya. Kau tahu kadang peta-peta itu menyesatkan. Kau tahu kadang kau kecewa.


Kau tentu lupa. Kau tentu lupa telah berapa banyak peta yang telah coba kau gambar. Kau tentu lupa peta keberapa yang kini ada di tanganmu.




I may find what I am looking as I walk forward everyday, far far away from where it started. But I hope the map that leads me towards it shows up and be my light.l never to fade cause if things are unbearable I may opt to come back and it is blurry I afraid I will be lost.

thanks for your bright comment... <3

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