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RE: Miner - We-Write Winners - Lesson 2
There was not only a lot of competition but most of you achieved nearly the same amounts of points. A deciscion if it coes to the winners is made by who followed all rules and comnented in all three communities, next the points achieved were counted where number 1 and number two have exactly the same score.
For 4+5 the highest score /grade is used.
If everyone would have commented in the Italuan community the list of winners would have looked differently.
Certainly there was. I can see a lot of dedication from everyone to this. But, I am surprised that a lot of people would not have commented in all three communities. I mean I was not expecting myself to put down 6 comments in Italian community. But, I was able to find things that I am interested in.
I respect that you did not share the usernames of those who did not follow the competition rules.
#wewrite #comment
There is English text and I invited for the photochain a comment contests where easily a few comments could be written.
I believe the post isn't read by everyone which is the most common problem hosts of contests and those writing reports deal with.
What is written is not read and trust me it's a lot of work to write a lesson, find the right topics and communities which are free and supportive and where you make a chance to be rewarded, next to adding all links of #howto posts we write and as you can see it does not benefit us.
The rewards we receive for the lessons say enough (in average 1/3 is left to share the rest goes to curators).
Still if 4 or 5 good growing Steemians arise this is a win for them but also this platform.
Like it or not but for that certain rules has to be followed to succeed. Those rules SEC did said for those following the SEC project but we hope the others also understad that investig in your niche can be rewarding.
Just like a business in real life it's easier with a plan.
It is not my intention to list who did what or not I am sure those who read this (if they read) know theselves and also understand what can be improved.
No or partly commenting is a loss of 3 points.
I can sense some anger and maybe a little bit of disappointment. I can tell that it must be really tough coming up with these contests on a weekly basis and then following up with all the contestants and their progress.
With that being said, I think the results that you are having is not surprising. At least not to you. Because, it is not a new experience to you that some people would just jump and answer a question before even knowing what that question is about.
I can understand that someone may miss something from a post. But, on a weekly basis that is odd.
#wewrite #comment
Every host of a contest deals with this and so does everyone who writes and receives an odd (AI generated) comment.