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RE: Keep your sadness to yourself

in Freewriters2 years ago

How come sadness is forbidden, who says it is?
Sadness can be felt. Even if you say nothing, do your best and smile the sad aura, negative energy surrounds you. Holding in eats you.


No, my friend, I am the type who keeps his wounds in himself and heals them without revealing them, to translate them later into inner strength, which makes me hard to reach and break.
I am so glad you came by and left a nice comment, thank you

i read the title and thought some would disagree with that ... its true that its shown as weakness , especially by former generations and mostly "a bother to others" and you cant be a bother to others, and then theres the ones who use it because they want attention, they overdo it and they make everyone blunt to it but

i think its like a pressure cooker

if you deny yourself at one moment it WILL come out by itself

and that might be more inconvenient than letting off steam yourself ... :)


Actually inside us is a pressure cooker, the more intense it gets, the louder the siren of an imminent explosion, so we need to stay away from everyone so that we don't burn anyone with us when we explode,
I hope that we do not reach this point. Controlling feelings and knowing how to make sadness fade away by doing positive and joyful things may be the most appropriate thing for us at this stage.
Thank you for stopping by and leaving a nice comment

it can sometimes be a rarity to have your posts commented any else than "nice post" lol - yea, but maybe there is someone who is good at absorbing hellfire close to you where you can release it . Otherwise i feel a good punching bag in the garage can work wonders (sadly i dont have one here :p)

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