Almost too much proof - Be the first AND scribble-post-leave

in Freewriters7 months ago

No I am not an SR
Just a freewriter
Rooming manoeuvring
The World of Steemit
That writer no one likes
To be

Kopie van Sheep.jpg

This is an engagement contest I read, if you don't receive at least 5 comments and 10 upvotes, your entry is not valid.

It reminds me of school. The place where introverts, intelligent and hardworking children are made a fool of, are abused to the benefit of the lazy to get a higher grade, forced by the teacher to 'help' the other children -meaning doing the teacher's job, while in the meanwhile being disliked and 'rewarded' with being scolded for being a nerd, study or boring kid.

There's something wrong if not the hardworking person is rewarded but the one with the most votes or higher in rank. Shouldn't commitment count?

If it comes to contests the first who join will receive the most votes and the last ones invited or enter will never win. As we all know each contest has a deadline plus you never know if you are the one with last entry. It's not that the average reader likes to scroll through the endless list of comments and entries to read and upvote the last ones. Those forced to engage will take it the easy way and the easy way is what is "trending".

Trending means the big(ger) upvote given by SC (curators). Indeed it's great to receive one of those upvotes but plenty of these posts are not read if they show in trending.
Yes, it feels like a reward for the writer that big upvote, to some it's a relief to make ends meet and to others stimulus to continue posting.
Upvoting trendy posts is more rewarding since these posts seem to benefit the voter. If this is the case why upvote a newb (newcomer) or the last entries of a contest or someone not joining the club?

Leaving the link of your entry just before the deadline

means no chance to be read and upvoted, unless you have very active, alert followers, active if it comes to reading, upvoting and writing. Most of us don't. Followers come and go, they easily forget you exist.

I know me, I never comment without giving an upvote, although I do upvote without commenting because after hours of writing, being on this platform there are always votes left where I hopefully can help a Steemian with who posted but is rewarded with 0 or 0.01
It's not hard to find such entries, not impossible, it's way harder to connect and make this connection last. It doesn't matter how great the conversations during the past days or weeks were, from one day to the next, you are forgotten because the next Steemblog contest is more interesting than engagement in the long term.


Is it worth joining contests?

Most likely it is for the average Steemian. People who write and post within 30 minutes, don't care about the written word too much, about repeating the same lines about three to four times to answer each question. If this works why not? No one notices or remarks on this fact.
Participating in contests hosted where an SC definitely shows, like those mentioned by @steemblog, is the biggest chance to be noticed and to receive an upvote.

No contest should be without engagement. The host or moderator should not be the only one reading and commenting on each entry and I know many don't because it is far from easy. We like to fool ourselves we all do a good job just like by using the phrase 'be creative' and the tag #creativewriting.

Back to the contest!

I can't help wondering why the one with the most comments - are all those comments read? - wins and not the person who engages most of all.

Just like back in school, it feels as if something is seriously wrong. To me, this is the world upside down. Not good content, effort and commitment, the biggest engagers of and most valuable Steemians of the platform are rewarded but those who are first visible, which reminds me -no offence- of those extroverts, the screamers, clowns of the class and bullies who always received the attention of everyone without adding anything good to the group.

Most of us like to be read once in a while, although once in a while I meet someone who doesn't care. Many ignore the list of good comments left behind and once in a while, the response is aggressive to what the commenter wrote.
It's true it's not always easy to understand the comment left partly due to the fact many writers do not remember exactly each word they wrote or how one sentence can affect/touch the reader.

I agree that if everyone who posts is not 'forced' to engage, platforms like these are only seen as a way of generating money by leaving a quick note rarely worth reading. Still, I see plenty of these posts rewarded generously which leaves me with the thought: What is hard work, typing all those words on a phone, good for, doing one's stinking best if no one cares and just one photo with #story does the trick too?

In my search for good content,

the hunt for stories by using #story I am disappointed by what I see. It's almost too much proof of the disinterest of the users of this platform if it comes hashtags.
I can't help thinking: Why not check the meaning of a word before using it? It is what I do at least forty times a day! I check dictionaries (indeed more than one, on average 3-4), ask my children what they think a word means (Dutch expression: two know more than one) and think, respond if to my opinion the tag doesn't fit to the content.

Can engagement be rewarded?

Should we force people to read, and comment on each other?
There's a way and I use it for a writing contest I host on a different platform on behalf of a writers community.
Only those who read, upvote and comment on at least three fellow writers have a chance to win. Indeed this means a lot of extra reading - I read every single entry more than once plus each comment which is upvoted as well - but it's worth the time. By now there are active, supportive commenters, putting effort into the comments they leave behind. Comments that are rewarded better than the average of what they write meaning reading and commenting is no longer seen as a waste of time. Who doesn't feel like writing can read, and comment and is rewarded for doing so by the community. No matter how good the entry is, those who do not engage will never win (which doesn't mean upvotes on the post can't be received by readers, followers or the community won't give an upvote (each entry receives the same amount unless it's not original).

Perhaps this way of rewarding commenters, the readers, those willing to think, talk and discuss but at the same time leave the writer valuable information about how the written text is interpreted, might be a way to motivate Steemians to be active members of this platform to fight the scribble-post-leave-mentality.

If it comes to the contest I read, I'll pass.

No I am not an SR
Just a freewriter
rooming manoeuvring
Always searching for
Words of Writers


I suppose it happens a lot of people is in a hurry because they count on a full-time offline job and they come here as a outlet and they can't engage as it were their main job...

 7 months ago 

Many are here to make an income they believe it's easy. So it is a fultime job. No matter how much I write I will never make 750 a week here and if ever it's because I am in club100 meaning I have 0.
So for me it's pointless to count on this platform for an income. I can't live from 5 euro/week.

750 euros per week? Unfortunately, no online job grants such an income and I count on 14 online experiences years to state it's pretty impossible. Unless we become freelancers tout court, what means we should be hired from a company that needs remote workers. In any way, ghost writers and translators earn crumbs in any way (in the case of ghost writers, unless English is their mother tongue and they work for a company/online newspaper headquartered in the States). Companies pay well engineers and other IT experts. I just read in another reply you live in Netherland. Obviously, impossible to live from 5 euros per week in whatever EU country, nor the cheapest, nor in the Philippines people would. In my case, I averagely earn 50 dollars per month (considering ALL my PTWs) because I'm often in power down mode (no way: I must maintain my household and this is my main job, so I can't help but power down).

 7 months ago 

You live in the Phillipines?

One of my daughters worked for an American company, transcribing youtube videos. It was online work..if at work a timer was set. At first it worked well till the lady who was in charge left (pregnant) the new guy stole the work she translated (it's stored in an online account) so he received the payment fot her hard work. She quitte but it's hard to find a job. Too high educated is denied. Now she works at the night reception at a hotel - ofgicially only if the workers are not available which is 3-4 nights per week.

Posted using SteemPro Mobile

It looks like the Italian environment in the worst regions, so sorry!
I live in Latin America (now it's Brazil, but I lived a while in Argentina also, with my mom's relatives). But I have best friends among Philippinos, as I'm member of various paid to post forums and these forums are mostly populated by Africans and Asians. My Philippinos friends told in the Philippines the government doesn't require any tax report about whatever freelancing and whatever online job of any kind, whether paid through Paypal whether paid through cryptocurrencies. These latter don't suffer any cumbersome regulation as in the western world. My Philippinos friends are free to earn as they want in Fiverr, Upwork, paid to post forums, steemit, publish0x, etc., etc., etc., without any need to declare a single penny to their R.S.I. Sometimes I would like to live there. In Venezuela, in spite of being a dictatorship, it's more or less like in the Philippines. I see our colleagues from Venezuela very free to earn as they want in cryptocurrencies without any worries.

 7 months ago 

I assume if a crisis is big enough the control just like care about people is given out of hands and with that the road to using cryptocurrencies is paved.
I heard in Greek paying taxes is a free choice. If that's true I wonder how it can be we pay that much and their country still thrives (is it possible for a country to go bankrupt?).

My guess is those countries where cryptocurrencies can be freely used are most present on platforms like these, to other country users it's not as interesting or importing. There are plenty of writer's platforms and other ways to invest in, besides the go verments fight it in every way. With cryptocurrencies they can not control on what it is spend especially not if banks are no longer needed to exchange it for the own valuta.

There are plenty of businesses moving to other countries for the tax benefits. I know a dog breeder who did twice. I wonder if that's an option for you.

I hope you get back on your feet sokn and will be rewarded for your hard work.


Posted using SteemPro Mobile

Thank you so much❤️
I didn't know this Greek benefit...

 7 months ago 

It's always pleasant to get lost in your texts because you manage to put the reader in a condition to activate their synapses, stimulating them to take action, whatever it may be. I believe this is the main motivator for every content creator. The Dutch expression "two know more than one" is very inclusive. This is the comment I wish to leave.

 7 months ago 

I thank you once again. I recently heard to most steemians I may be a chaotic writer and they have no idea what I write about. 🤯

 7 months ago 

dear Kitty, you are anything but chaotic, yours is a well-kept and defined project, you can see it from the graphics of your posts even before reading them, you don't care about fools they don't deserve, stay calm and continue your path and you will find people like me who respect you😃

 7 months ago 

The remark wasn't made out of disrespect on tje contrary, more meant that it's hard for the average Steemian to read me. I believe that and I am sure you do too. What the average post looks like says enough, so does the lack of creativity. I miss that. With templates it can't be expressed.

I'm happy you read me. Thank you for that. I won't change since I can't write in a different way.

Thank you for reading and commenting.

Posted using SteemPro Mobile

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