Ant, grasshopper or? - a weekendfreewrite
I am trying to buy firewood for the coming winter but have forgotten how much I need. The last time I bought firewood was two or maybe three years ago. All I can remember is that in recent years I have been using it more economically than in the early years. Heating economically also means that we spend a lot of time in the cold.
I just read an article from 2018 with tips.
Partly hilarious but now also up to date, although many will perish in the coming winter.
It seems easy to sleep in an unheated bedroom but during a cold winter, you will suffer physical damage. By sleeping in the extreme cold, even with a hat on, I have been suffering from earaches for several years now. An earache that at first passed in the summer but now has become permanent. The cold on your head is no fun either. Those who do not have enough fat in their head/face can relate to this. With only a hot water bottle and thick clothing, you will not make it. Sleeping with your head under the blanket is also no fun and nothing is as dirty as clammy sweat due to an extreme difference between the temperature under the blanket and the space you are in.
For the coming winter, I want to buy a few Mylar emergency blankets just in case.
I do not assume that there will be electricity (and therefore water) every day and in my opinion, it is better to have too much than a shortage. You can't control everything but that doesn't mean you don't have to prepare for anything. I may be a little older than you my reader, but I grew up with the saying that you never know when there will be war again. Now it has happened again. War again and again it is the same families who let the people lead them because war is a good business.
The fact that today's nation is completely untrained does not matter. Those who do not fight for God are forced to die for the fatherland or a foreign country that nobody cares about. There is no point in refusing, it doesn't matter if you are for peace, the government will make you feel miserable. As soon as you see your fellow man suffering, starving, and thirsty, you automatically fight for 'the good cause'. Even though you know that all weapons are sold on the dark web and government leaders do not live on a crust of bread and are certainly not vegetarians. Only Hitler was a vegetarian and drank herbal tea.
Today's dictators live a Burgundian lifestyle and buy one villa after another in Switzerland and fly around the world in a private jet to demand even more money. They do not suffer from the cold, they do not work as hard as ants preparing for winter and they do not have tired days. They believe that the ant works for the grasshopper and that they are entitled to the result of the ant's hard work. Perhaps you know this fable? If not, look it up and ask yourself why you should share the fruits of your hard work with a sloth, a profiteer.
"Those who don't work get nothing to eat", is what we say at home.
He who does not work (hard) has no right to make demands and lives by the grace of others (in the fable, this is the ant).
No, the story didn't end this way the grasshopper died.
Hard workers are not only to be found on the construction site but also farmers and gardeners belong to this group. You just try to grow enough food for your family, the people on your street, or the neighborhood where you live for a change. It is not easy.
In case you haven't noticed... the farmers are sent away or get paid to give up on farming
They have to stop growing crops, all the cows need to be killed. The Dutch farmers have been protesting for days. They love their profession and you would think that in times of war with the predicted famine for this winter, food is desperately needed! The political leaders think otherwise. Farmers are put on suspension.
The world as most of us knew it is no more.
I'll be fine though I grieve for those who built this world for us. The older generation fought for peace, a better world, and a society where there is a place for everyone. That chance is no more. Generation Z+? The majority of them are spoiled, born with high demands (demands not wishes). A generation without skills, brought up by the government, a generation stiff with fears and often lacking education, and life experience. A generation that lacks independent thinking and common sense. I can't really worry about them anymore.
The youth is the future, they say. Who knows, when everything has been bombed to smithereens, that these young people will build something themselves, become stronger, wake up and develop their own opinions. Who knows, the crickets might one day become ants, and if not? Then nothing is lost.
I bumped into this video and actually, I think this man is right.
See@mariannewest for the daily prompt
For the prompts used see here