RE: Out-Of-The-Box: Last Chat On Your Deathbed
well its a really tough question, at deathbed when you know you will not live more. whole life will go in your mind like a movie. you visit from your child hood to date of your death.
if i have to make wish then there will be more than one with , may be there will be a lot of wishes in my mind.
1st: first wish that will come into my mind to meet once my parents , specially my dad who was passed away when i was a little child . and i will be little happy somewhere that i will go and meet my father after death.
2nd; and my 2nd wish will be to that i want to see my children after death , how they grow and how they live after my death.
3rd: and my another wish will be about after death life, i want to go heaven and live tensions free life there. where no tensions and sorrows will be.
right now i cant think more about my deathbed , feeling afaid . so thankyou for reading
Who says your entire life will flash by? Did you die before and remember it clearly? It all depends on how you die and what your deathbed looks like.
If you are in bed for several years barely alive I doubt you still see flashes of you life. If you cry it out of pain you have better things to do as well as looking calmly back at your life and answering questions and why should you do that? Why answer someone who has had plenty of time to ask? Why suddenly now? It all doesn't sound as if that person came to comfort you which should be the case if showing up at someone's deathbed. If that visitor can't do that it's better to stay away. Btw, this is part of an out-of-the-box contest so it might be good to read it including the post it refers to. Creativity and imagination is part of it.
I wonder: what if your dad doesn't like to meet you? Can you accept that? Can be he forgotten you a long time ago or started a new life in another dimension or is reborn.
Your children will not be at your deathbed?
Heaven, is a place on earth you can create. I'm sorry to hear you feel afraid. Death is as natural as birth.
If my father does not like to meet me .I can't accept it, I will still insist to meet my father . I want to go to same dimension after reborn.
So if your father doesn't recognize you or doesn't want to meet you because he continues his life you will force him and show no respect? The circle of life is experience ... death... What we should except is that we are not the centre of the world no matter how much we want that. It's the same with your children. If they no longer want to see you and have you around you have to accept that as well. It is a natural thing to grow up and go your own way and make the best out of it without living in the past. Don't let this eat you. There's so much to see and experience.
I wish you all the best.
I just want to see him and meet my father . I will not bother them to recognize me. I can meet them as a stranger .
I hope that if he shows himself you can recognize him but if not remember that he lives in you and who knows if you watch in the mirror will see him.