Life Is About Risk.

in Freewriters4 years ago


Who knows when our days will come to an end?
Who knows when our hearts will stop pumping?
But yet we try things, we forge ahead relentlessly
Even when we are not sure of the breaking of the sun tomorrow

So tell me, why shouldn't I dream?
Why shouldn't I fantasize?
When I know that tomorrow might not come
When I am uncertain about the next minute?

Living is a risk
Dreaming of better tommorow is a risk
But yet, we sketch out the future for ourselves
Hoping that one day, some day, it will happen

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn't bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.


Olawalium; (Love's chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor's order.


I would not agree with you on this.

Jesus said I am come that ye may have and have it more abundantly.

If this be true, then it means that Jesus is life
And if Jesus therefore is life as the Scripture writes
It means that there is no risk in Him.

I enjoyed the ideas in the poem though. Big ups Sir.

You went spiritual and I am talking about choices of human lives and that is risk. With Jesus, it is a certainty and it is no risk. This is not a spiritual post and you must have taken some risks in your life even when your spirit prompts you to yet you are unsure where it would end but you took the leap of faith. To the average human, that is a risk but to those of the household of Jesus, that is faith.

Glad to see your different perspective. Enjoyed it though.

We deal with risk because we are hopers. With hope, we live for tomorrow, but he who's hope is dead is only a man of today

Hmm...deep words there, brother. Deep words.

Muy verdaderas sus reflexiones debido a que la existencia es impredecible, hoy estamos, mañana no sabemos.Por lo tanto hay que vivir el momento sacándole el mayor de los provechos, porque es el que verdaderamente existe. De esa manera, pisando tierra, es decir, estando consciente de nuestras limitaciones tendremos un mejor mañana al utilizar óptimamente lo que este a nuestro alcance.Felicitaciones

gracias por tus aportes siempre

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