Introducing Myself

in Freewriters2 years ago

I’m Joseph Lawrence from Anambra state in Nigeria and I’m new to Steemit. I’m so many things but I’d love to only share a few things about who I am first of all but with time, I hope to be known much better.
I’m a creative writer, a Product Designer and a Graphic designer. This shows that I love art a lot, even if I’m a science student.
Well, I found out from a young age that I had a talent for art related fields, but decided to be science oriented because I wanted to have a combination of both. I knew creativity and art comes easy for me so I knew I wouldn’t have a head time improving my talents, so I decided to challenge myself to go into Science related courses to have dual skills.
Now I’m a Geologist who is a creative😁.
I also love to act and sing. I’ve written several songs and played multiple roles in different dramas. Looking forward to making it my career soon.

I found out about steemit about 6 years ago, 2016 to be precise. I heard about it from a colleague of mine in high school.
At the moment, I knew nothing about blockchain or crypto or how steemit works.
I joined the platform then, and because I was confused and had little support on how to navigate things, I opted out. I wasn’t engaging again. In fact, I forgot about it.

Fast forward to 3 weeks ago. My team and I were working on a web 3 project and it involved team members doing a research on different social
Media platforms operating on Web3, and them we stumbled across Steemit. It was then I realized how much I had missed out on so much happening here, and then I took the life changing step to come back on steemit with a new energy.

Now, I’m ready to explore, participate in challenges, join communities and connect.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.17
TRX 0.15
JST 0.028
BTC 57527.13
ETH 2375.07
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.42