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RE: Get over here, Junior, and tell us what this says.... (contest)
It's happening at an accelerated rate. Technology... When I was little there were no TV's. I would sit on the flood in front of the radio and listen to "Sparky" on a Saturday morning. The games we player were checkers and Monopoly. It's happening fast. they say just a few generations after "The Flood" (Noah's) people thought it was just a fable. It's a rocky ride for sure.
You know what? I liked listening to the radio. I can still here that voice of the story tellers and a program my grandmother listened to (Barend Barendse) . Later there was a program where a man read poetry. The listeners could send there written text and he would read it (in between some music) . Can be that program still exists it's called: Candleleight.
Most poetry was terrible but he could read it in a way that every shitty text sounded great (I can still copy his way of reading) which I might have found the most special part of that program.
I liked listening to those plays, it was different from TV but even watching TV is something I did over two decades ago. There are more and more people I hear saying they no longer watch so we are not the only ones.
The lack of letter, some real mail (not a bill) is missed. I hear my children say it as well. The letterbox (more the opening) in the frontdoor will soon be no longer a part of front doors. Bills are digital as well.
In some ways, Steemit... although embedded in tech and crypto... offers a kind of old fashioned way to communicate.