But times have changed....

in Freewriters21 days ago


MMM. It's a long story. How I got here like this. And I'm not alone. There are a lot of us. At one time in the past we were held as sacred animals. We were actually worshiped. But times have changed and now we are killed and eaten.

People have forgotten how to care for the land, the water, the natural resources and along with that they see no value in us, the cows and bulls. A lot of it has to do with industrialization. In the past life was agrarian. We were very important then. The bull to till the ground and cow to supply milk. But with machines to till the ground the bull and oxen are a burden. What to with them? The cow is milked by machine. And in general our lives are hell.

People don't understand that because of killing and eating us there are wars perpetually. Eye for an eye. Tooth for a tooth as the old saying goes. Life for a life. Wars are mass slaughter events to pay for the slaughter in the slaughter houses.

There is hope. Some people are realizing the situation. The dynamic. The spiritual physics so to speak. But for now we are more or less stuck. The karmic reaction keeps the cycle going. Those that kill and eat us will themselves take birth as one of us and be killed and eaten. And so it is a cycle.

Yes that's who I was in a previous life. Someone who ate cows flesh. But how can I tell anyone being stuck in this cow's body?


Huh, interesting perspective!
Wish you a happy weekend :)

This reminds me of a kid's story. The butcher died laughing and was reborn as a pig. 🤣

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