Do You Want An Upvote or A Comment? Why?
I spent many hours per day commenting.
More than the average Steemian (not difficult) and try to add something (energy) to this platform. Are all comments welcome? No way. Many receivers don't care and if they receive a comment at all they do not respond or keep the reply as short as possible. How come? What makes them act this way except for not being interested in engaging which takes? We all know that to many it is nothing more than a necessary evil to be listed on the Noise List or previously have a chance to win at an SEC contest.
During the past years an incredible effort was given to make those posting comments as well. In the past we had @paulag, today there are still communities like Italy and a few others who do their best to motivate members in different ways and in most cases commenters make a chance to win a prize. Does this trick them into commenting more? This is not my experience if it comes to my contest and again it's true that the same people are the good commenters no matter if they receive a prize.
I host comment contests which get a good response, at least if I keep inviting and commenting.
It is not as I recently read that everyone has internet or enough data. That is only something that someone who has a constant (fiber?) connection believes. If you need to buy data (and there is a limit to GB and money) then you will have to choose what to do with it and... privately you will also need it.
No interest
We don't have to beat around the bush, most of the people present are not writers and never will be. The reason they don't write a comment is because they:
A: only post something to make a profit (investors)
B: can barely read and therefore do not understand what the text is about,so there is nothing to write about it.
C: make a quick post in the hope that it will receive an upvote (notifications are not read by default) - Steemit is secondary
D: Tiredness Steemit related (sooner or later everyone gets tired of the same messages over and over again. Yes, it is possible to read/find something different but you have to invest time and need to step out of your comfort zone. Steemit has much more to offer than what you usually see) or daily life related).
Internet Trolls
I don't think that internet trolls are what this platform is looking for if it hopes more people will take the time to leave a comment on an article or comment. I don't believe I came across them (not on other platforms either) but I do come across the summaries made by AI.
Once again I would like to state that these are not good comments for me and in my opinion they do not belong on the Noise List and should not be upvoted by a curator.
Can commenting be learned?
The answer is: Yes. Unfortunately, it appears that those who learn it are not very motivated to continue doing it. Is there something else underlying this than the points mentioned above?
To those who see Steemit as their main source of income, that is certainly the case. Most of the "functions" Steemit offers are paid and writing comments is not one of them.
Once you have acquired a certain title, you will not lose your income quickly, even if you do nothing (think of writing something unique, actively participating in your own contest, being an active Steemit Representative, being an active moderator, writing a post...
The question @fajrularifst asked in a thread following his article about the usefulness of commenting was whether Steemians with a position should set a good example.
I think so, but I also run into the fact that no matter how often I ask curators, team members, moderators, SRs and the hosts of contests (there is no need to do that, it only takes time and if you ignore this question, there is nothing anyone can do about it).
The Italy community started a new discussion (see Digitaly #72 - #diginnasio) in which you can participate in. You can leave your response as a comment in the comment section or post about it (use the hashtag mentioned in both cases).
The question is: What would you rather have, an upvote or a comment?
Is there are reason to comment if not commenting is supported? Doesn't this actually mean that NOT commenting is rewarded?
Who are those people who do comment?
If it comes to good comments these are always the same people no matter if they receive an upvote or not. I can make it look better than it is but this is a fact. If these commenters stop commenting those following them stop commenting as well.
Commenting takes time, more time than most think, especially if done while using a phone. It is not that I write a #comment within a few minutes and yes there are times that my eyes and fingers hurt and I can hardly hold my phone. Time can be a reason but at the same time, I don't believe this is the main reason why it is not possible to write 3 comments if you post. Not even 3 comments of 25 words... It's more like a lack of habit and politeness.
- Leave A Comment by @fajrularifst
- Digitaly #72 - #diginnasio
- Vote or Comment - #diginnasio entry by @xiao-aine
You are absolutely on the money. My sentiments, exactly. And that's why I ran away from other social networks. Still, in comparison to any other platform I've used, comments here are better in many ways. I'm almost at the point of asserting that steemians are a few IQ points above the users of other platforms and it is quite a joy to interact with the ones that bother to leave a comment.
For me, comments are an essential and integral part of the experience and you will always count on me to interact, but I know that is not the norm. Also, I don't think you can force people who can't even understand what they are reading to comment on other's posts, so, you'll have to conform to having both kinds of users around.
On another related note, I was about to unleash a couple of posts on my accounts on other social networks in a kind of private recruitment campaign, but I stopped myself just in time as I realised the only thing everybody would pay attention to would be the possibility of earning a few crowns, and I would probably be helping to ruin the atmosphere around here by attracting lots of undesirable people.
What I decided was to take the laborious road to personally contact the friends I know will bring freshness, intelligence and original contents, and do it one by one, not over the web but in personal texts or phone calls.
I decided I want more of the good people around here, so we notice the weaker ones less. I don't want any rewards, but I think one thing you could do is some kind of a bring a friend campaign that rewards the steemian that brings a friend, in a content based evaluation, for a month or two. (The least you can do. You don't want a pyramid scheme here).
Bring in good steemians, get prizes. That's what I would suggest.
Have a great day. Cheers,
I was invited as a writer. Most of those you see today are invited to make an income. This means the average IQ is not high. It might look like that but it isn't and you know that as well since you say we cannot expect from someone who cannot read/understand a text to comment.
True? I doubt it. As a commenter you can also write: I tried to read your text and I have no idea what you are talking about! Can you explain it in simple language since I have to translate and like t to know what keeps you buys.
How about such a comment? It shows interest in you as a person and you also know why you do not receive comments, because it is hard to read you.
Options: you write in a different way to find more readers or you leave it that way and hope someone reads you, sooner or later, and you can have the type of chat you like more.
Should we (who is we?) give prizes to stimulate newcomers to write? Out of experience I can tell you that will not work on long term. Perhaps 1 out of 30 or 40 if not 80 will stay on Steemit and write/comment, is willing to learn and will ask. These are the people one could support. Of course there is support for newcomers. They receive 10 SP to make it possible to post once per day, to comment and to upvote. Next to that they can read and find explore Steemit. That is how I did it and no one gave me a hand. Can it be that those people are more motivated to invest in the platform (investing as in writing, commenting, upvoting, helping to keep Steemit strong?).
Like you I like to be surrounded by people I like or I have something in common with and next to that I have communities where I like to post and most. Comunities without all the fuss and stress and competitive behaviour. To me this platform is a hobby and I should like my hobby and not feel stressed because of others.
It's my believe there's room for everyone. Plenty of communities where one can post. There are also many contest one can join to grow SP see @ disconnect for the daily contests. If you join those close to the payout dat and where not many join you make the biggest chance to win. Count how many there are!
Btw, it's also possible to comment on photos, game reviews, film reviews, post music, or share art and there are several comment contests which are easy to join without all the fuss and these are great places to talk with the other participants. If you ask me a good way to meet likeminded.
If it comes to a friend champagne I like the idea but it depends on who those friends are. If it comes to a part of the communities these are all friend and family and there's a lot of "fraud" as well because they give most of the booming votes to themselves.
There isn't a perfect solution, I wish there was because we tried this for a very long time.
Within the freewriters we have a new moderator now and perhaps we find one more in time willing to comment, read the entries and point out what is liked or can be improved.
It would be good if we can show we are supportive.
A great day to you Pedro, thanks for the great comment and idea.
No worries. I'm also here to help. I like the spot and I want to keep the garden blooming, if you get my drift...
In my view, there's no point in being part of a community if you don't participate and share a bit of the load. Problem being, many folks tend to look at others more like usable items than people who volunteer their limited time towards an ideal. And time, is something you can never get back.
I made a post about our new moderator which I prefer to call a host of the community and a commenter. If you like to give a hand that would be great. Look around since you are still new and it's good to look around.
I'll give a hand, glady, problem being, I don't know if I know enough about Steemit yet to take such a shore. What would you need to be done? Keep in mind I'm very fresh around here, but, if you feel I can help with anything, I'm able to give you a couple of hours every day.
Unfortunately I have to agree. It is becoming increasingly common to see that
Replying to posts and comments takes time. Many people invest their time in another post rather than actually communicating with other users.
Unfortunately, this is often supported by the fact that posts are rewarded better on average than comments.
The other side of the coin is that many are surprised that they are not noticed. They don't realise that the only way to get noticed on a platform like this is by interacting with other users.
So they wait for a vote from the community curators or the SC and complain here too when this doesn't come in sufficient numbers.
So my tip (and wish):
Commenting gets you more attention in the long term. The more interested people know you on the platform, the more people read the posts and the more votes you get. I think a post only becomes valuable through good comments.
And: answer and vote for meaningful comments that you have received. Imagine you speak to someone on the street and get no reply...
This is exactly the problem that I'm trying to improve with the SCA (which is how I saw this comment). Unfortunately, I'm just too d*mned slow at building it. ;-)
I know and I'm also really sorry that I can't help you much.
Once it has reached a certain level, we really need to think about how we can get the extension into the stores. The developer installation in Firefox is really annoying.
I definitely agree about eventually getting it into app stores when it's more mature. Developer mode is a big barrier to adoption.
Better slow and late than never. Thanks for sharing your thought and the link.
The upvote is for reolying and engagement.
Thankfully, in the village I live strangers greet, smile, sing, honk and stop their car to say "you look great" or tell the way.
Is it possible to change voting behaviour? Not commenting is rewarded and somehow it's not understood that promoting oneself is a must.
If curators search hours for a "hidden gem" what does that mean?
Probably that there are not that many of them ;-)
So much thoughts and observations in one posts. I think I’ve been a victim of this but we would all learn and do better. During the engagement challenge seasons, commenting seemed to be the order of the day because most users where chosen when they have many engagements which wasn’t the right reasons though to engage with others either and I must also admit I was one of those. The engagements have really reduced since the change from engagement challenge to learning challenge but there’s hope when others like @wakeupkitty have been working relentlessly to bring up the engagement spirit once again and I must say that am really motivated by her push and also her curation team has been out to support good comments in the system. This has motivated me a lot and has changed my perspective about commmeting because it’s actually needed to keep the system going. Why is it a social media platform when there’s not engagement. I told myself that when I get the opportunity to be a community curator again, am going to give utmost attention to seeking and supporting good comments in the community and also started by hosting comment contests. We must all seek to add quality to the ecosystem and good comments are as important as good posts.
Hi dear thank you for answering. If you post your thoughts in the community Italy and add the hashtag #diginnasio I am sure many are happy to read you
Even if people mainly comment because it is asked to make a chance to win I wonder if after all those months of SEC commenting didn't become a habit? I only saw a few and next those entires as a moderator of Knack4Buzz but I wasn't impressed by what I saw. The comments were not many, short, partly AI generated and there was rarely a reply. I wonder what will happen if we all had our own circle of let's say 5 people we comment and upvote. Would this make the platform stronger? Is it possible to trigger engagement this way? Most communities I see have not a single comment and if you believe there's a comment it's mostly the autobot of a witness, the puss picture or on rare occasions a few short words or the moderator report. I believe this is the biggest problem.
The question asked by italygame is: Do you want an upvote or a comment?
If it is or or or I am afraid 99% will say an upvote. Make a contest out of it, pretend they can win an upvote or a comment...
I will give it a try with Monkey Business. who knows it depends on the community what the answer will be or the situation?
@alexanderpeace, this is how I see it.
The main problem is that if we are asked to join with the promise a living is easily made the question is: Who to blame? You?
I read how they claimed you can build a house and so on. In all those years I was never able to buy anything (perhaps a few groceries in the past but can be that was on a different platform which I left for Steemit) which is not only due to the costs of living.
Back then they already said this is not a job, no guarantees but to some it works. Should you feel guilty about being fooled?
I guess am to blame because I was in a place where I was constrained financially and then I was told here could help, nothing of the social aspect was brought into view, that seems to be loud every other things and drive us…but now am learning and growing and that’s room for change.
Thanks for the support.
To the answer Upvote and guilty. Mostly most of us came into steemit with the orientation to make ends meet and whatever doesn’t seem to bring that may not be given much attention painfully until a higher motive like yours begins to drive which is giving back and adding value with time we hope it evolves having people like you who are willing to give more
На мой взгляд, не совсем корректно ставить вопрос апвоут или комментарий? Это должно быть едино, если прочитан пост и он понравился, то естественно было бы написать комментарий, даже небольшой, и поставить лайк, выразив свою благодарность автору.
Думаю, что возможно изменить отношение к комментариям и первыми показать пример для всех авторов должны кураторы-представители стран. Их выбирают на долгий срок - 6 месяцев, именно они являются примером для подражания для всех участников из тех стран, которых они представляют на Стимит.
Если вы обратите внимание в сообществе кураторов Steem POD Team , где представители стран пишут свои еженедельные отчеты и получают за них высокое вознаграждение в этих отчетах нет никаких комментариев.
У меня есть предложение к steemcurator01 оценивать ежедневные отчеты кураторов-представителей стран с учетом наличия комментариев авторов в этих отчетах. Эти комментарии появятся, когда сами кураторы будут оставлять комментарии в постах авторов, которых они поддерживают. И получится прекрасное взаимодействие между кураторами и авторами, появятся комментарии и они будут вознаграждаться, т.к. команда Стимит выделила команду кураторов, которые оценивают комментарии.
А как насчет тех стран, у которых нет SR? Как насчет Нидерландов? Бельгии, Польши, Болгарии? Кто будет голосовать за нас? Ни один венесуэлец, нигериец никогда этого не сделает, как и те, кто из Индонезии. То же самое касается кураторов, они в основном голосуют за свои страны, и я заметил, что только те немногие кураторы из Европы голосуют за всех. Даже сейчас меня обманывает товарищ по команде, который просто идет своим путем. Она соглашается с тем, что мы говорим, а затем делает наоборот. Что мне об этом думать? Прямо сейчас я не знаю, чего я больше: разочарован, зол или снова чувствую себя одураченным кем-то, кто отказывается быть командой и просто идет за свои страны. Я действительно спрашиваю себя, почему европейские кураторы ездят везде, в то время как нас игнорируют остальные и обращаются с нами как с грязью. Я сомневаюсь, что SR представляют страну, поскольку одна страна насчитывает больше одного SR, и большинство из них не очень активны и не делают больше того, что делаю я, или даже меньше. Так что я до сих пор не знаю, в чем идея SR, но я впервые слышу, что это должно представлять страну. Я думал, они
В чем заключается работа представителя страны я не знаю, потому что сама никогда им не была. Если эта работа заключается только в поддержке своих соотечественников, то наверное это не совсем правильно, потому что на Стимит много других участников и они все из разных стран. Опять же задачи для кураторов стран определяет SC01.
Если вы работаете в команде и один из участников не соблюдает правила, предусмотренные в работе команды, и более того еще и обманывает, то тут конечно, есть смысл расставаться с таким товарищем и больше его в свою команду не приглашать. Сейчас как раз время для подачи новых заявок, выбирайте себе товарищей, с кем вы могли бы сотрудничать на основе доверия и честности и возможно ваша заявка будет удовлетворена.
А также, когда будет время для переизбрания кураторов стран, то подавайте новую заявку для куратора страны и у нас появится куратор, кто будет поддерживать участников европейской части. Желаю вам удачи!
I agree that writing comments takes time, as well as concentration of thought, to write a quality comment. And in order to be active here, you need to read a lot of posts, and also write your own quality and interesting posts. Yes, that's all the time. And if your activity here is connected with your main job and family, who want all your attention and, again, time. Oh, gods... why are there only 24 hours in a day? We need to do so much and we don't have time, although we really want to.
Good question.. why are there only 24/hrs per day. Do we need more are are we investing/doing too much to be noticed or to please others? That's what I wonder about.
Imagine we only post 4 times per week (this is enough to be labelled as an active account at least that was what I've been told). This means there are 3 days per week left to read a bit, have fun, chat, leave a few comments. Let's say 5 comments a total of 15 next to replying. If you ask me this generates more notifications than you can handle that is unless those you comment will never answer but if that's the case it's better to move on to those who like to comment as well and with whom you can exchange information, have a good laugh and the upvote will automatically be given since that should be a habit at least that is what I think. You read, or watch (there are photos and videos as well) and you leave a comment, share something and you click that button.
It's not that there are only texts of 2500 words to comment on.
Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts
I agree with the fact that commenters who write good comments are the same people. I know that this is a time consuming activity too. I have been there =P.
I saw that post in Italy community. It is an interesting question. Of course, up-votes are going to grow an account a lot faster. However, I would go with comments. Because, there is a chance that I will be able to have a meaningful conversations with others.
Upvotes can also be given by those you commented and who reply. Have you thought about that? That is how it always worked and why everyone has the free upvotes, free as it doesn't cost you anything just click that button. It would be good if a group of commenters can blow life into communities. Once the community is close they could upvote another and the growing can go very fast.
(Commenting takes time) I totally agree with you, making a post also takes time, what takes the least time is voting, so in my opinion commenting is something that enriches, since to do so we must read, there are different posts, some teach us, others make us smile, others are contests, etc. The point is that if we focus on the objective of the post our comment will be in line with it and the owner of the post will surely feel satisfied.
@vipnate just wrote that both goes hand in hand. You read, comment and if you like it you upvote. Just upvoting I find time-consuming because I still have to find somethinging worth upvoting . Can be I'm different and my main problem is that I read too much?
I agree with all you say but the question is how to make clear that if you don't comment and only depend or hope for an upvote from SC this might not work out. What happens if the SCs stop for a month? All of them? What will happen?
Best regards
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Team 01 - Steemit Explorers Team
Wow! Took me a while to get here. To start, I think we need to create some kind of communication line between the people that are working on this effort of getting things to move around here. I figure that there is no discord channel, so, first order of business would be to create one, so we could all keep eachother up to date and maybe get some ideas in order. Havin said that, I'm all in on the idea of helping here,and I do have a couple of suggestions that could make for interesting incentives for participation.
Whenever, you are around, @wakeupkitty, do let me know. My discord username is the same one as here, and I can create a channel for the MonkeyBusiness and the Freewriters good people that are doing the comments and moderating to be in touch and don't loose motivation out of lack of interaction and coordination.
Just let me know. I'll be on the lookout for your answer.