Cruel Old Man!

in Freewriters17 days ago


From what I have experienced so far, it is usually normal for young folks to see the older person as cruel and wicked. It is as if they are cruel and wicked, especially when they are not yielding to their requests.

Some old men would have a very strong look on their face, it's as if they are the devil themselves when you look at them. But you cannot simply judge a book by it's cover.

The approach an old man would take concerning a situation is quite different from the young man, but it will be a pain for the old man to see the young man making a big mistake without correcting him. Hence, he lashes out on the young man and the young assumes the old man is wicked and does not care for him but it is all in his favor.

So, a cruel Old Man might not be cruel in reality, he might just be a concerned old man. The cruel Old Man indeed would show it by his actions which are really questionable.

Thank you for your time...

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