A Christmas Gift

in Freewriters6 months ago


God shows no partiality. (Gal. 2:6)

On a frosty Christmas morning, the early January by us, we were at the cruch service.
Many people took some food to give it to our charity food bank. Others decided just to donate.

As we were going down the staircase made of stone, we saw a pretty-looking young lady. We thought she needs help to pass the stairs, because she was pregnant. To our surprise, the woman politely refused when we asked if she needs help.

We stopped right next to the entrance due to the crowd of people. Then we saw that young lady kneeling down and extending her hand. It became obvious that she was a beggar...

Fortunately, people were quick to show compassion for her. Almost everyone passing by left food or some money. An hour later another beggar came out of the church. But this woman seemed to be completely different from the first one. She looked unkempt and seemed to be an alcoholic.

Because of her appearance, some of the visitors avoided her, but most still showed mercy to this woman. We noticed how she approached the pregnant lady and sat down next to her right on the stairs (it was snowing and the weather was quite cold, so everyone tried to take cover under the canopy).

Then a dialogue took place between them:
– Oh, girl, no way you're going to have a baby!
– But that's true...
– Like, for real? - I believe she just could not believe that a pregnant woman got in such a horrible situation.
– For real... – The girl smiled modestly. Then that other woman hurried to give her part of the alms and food she had received for herself.

Indeed, she wasn't even thinking about spending it on alchohol! Moreover, I guess she felt proud, because... she was able to give a Christmas gift to someone too.

Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap if we do not grow weary.
(Gal. 6:9)

 6 months ago 

A love(ly) heartfelt story. Thanks for sharing it.

#comment - touching.jpg

Thank you so much for engaging!

Another lesson might be that the unkept woman might not be an alcoholic at all. She is the only one who sits down to the pregnant lady and talks to her. It can be these words, a warm gesture shown, are more valuable than the food and money donated.

Yes, I agree; because sometimes people asking for a donation might need a warm conversation too. They feel that their opinions are valued and they're just the same humans as we are. And moreover, some people cannot offer a donation, but everyone is able to give feedback by just talking.

Exactly and if the words lack sitting next to each other in silence makes one feel less lonely too. 👍

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