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RE: Silly, Hope Not! - My Answers to : 10 Silly Questions - Just For Fun
I am so behind on replying but this ones is first while we have a giant storm here and WiFi is on and off. I have to confess brigitte is my name after Brigitte Bardot a french artist so that was funny to read.
The three people You picked were @xcountytravelers, @redheadpei, and @deannamatthews. @xcountytravelers because you two have RVs, and there is never a loss for conversation for RV owners, together with deann one of my first Pifc picks , van I be a fly on the wall there? And the fact your health isn’t what it should be we never see any less more enthousiastic collegue here on steemit and discord so thanks my first read today was a great one.
Hello. Just didn't put the two together @brittandjosie. I loved her as an actress when I was a teenager. So glad you enjoyed my post. I had to join in on this one just for fun.
Thanks as always for your support and encouragement. I wouldn't have made it this far without you and the rest of the Steem Terminal team lighting a fire under me, giving me wings or confidence, and sending me off.
I'll never forget my foundation. Besides, as my dear mom used to say, "never step on anyone as you climb the ladder cause you never know who you'll encounter on your way down one day." I've never forgot that. And besides, life is too short.
Take care, and have a great day.