The life I fear the most!

in Freewriters6 days ago


Since I've been almost 12 years old, I started looking around and realizing that most people are unhappy, unhappy with their jobs, with their financial status, and most importantly with themselves.

I started analyzing the reasons, and I made a promise to myself that I'll never live the same life they curse, and it has been a looooong journey of discovering myself and doing my best to stay away from this so-called "Rat Race"

I'm now almost 24 years old, and I can't say that I've fully found the path, but today I'm not mainly here to write about how I can achieve this fulfilling life, but rather to write about how the life I fear the most looks like.

It looks like working a job that I don't like just to pay my bills, starting each workday while waiting for the minute it will end, having a lot of dreams but knowing I can't accomplish any of them, having economic challenges every day and having money as my greatest concern.

Not being able to provide for my family, living a life that I'm not satisfied about, wishing that I could change my life someday but doing nothing about it, having to come up with excuses to justify my current status.

Having to come up with lies to try to convince myself that I'm happy, and that at least my life is better than others, being stuck in traffic, spending most of my time working a job that I don't like, being in a bad shape and not exercising at all.

Those are all symptoms of the life I fear the most, I fear I might be trapped someday into a life that I don't like, and that I'll continue just because I don't have any other options.

Does anyone here agree with me or is it just me who has great expectations? I don't know.....


You're never trapped as long as you hold on to your thought in this text because what you write / think is your way out. Don't do anything to just do them, do them because you enjoy them.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

I totally agree with you. Thank you for taking the time to read it man 😍

Does this mean you do nothing and expect others to pay for your dream?

No, it means the quality of my work matters more than how many hours I spend working.

 6 days ago (edited)

Everyone has their own journey. We don’t know what happened in others lives that put them in such a bad state. We can only be thankful for ours and hope they get better.

P.s. I’m glad you’re doing good.

I absolutely agree with you, I don't mean to be judgmental, I just wish I'll have a better one

 5 days ago (edited)

I understand, it's nice to have great expectations in life. Good read.

Hola amigo me identifiqué mucho con tu historia...

Tu solo no tienes esas expectativas, creo que la mayoría las tenemos, sólo que algunos se les hace más fácil adaptarse a lo que ya es, a que arriesgarse a algo nuevo... No es fácil amigo, para algunos, tomar esa decisión...

Siento ese mismo temor, me da miedo que pase la vida y no ver cumplidos mis sueños...

Sabes, me di cuenta que algo distinto a la que queremos tu y yo, no precisamente es una vida infeliz para otros, muchos son felices en su propio desastre... Cada quien es un mundo y se está donde se tiene que estar...

Dime, ¿estás viviendo la vida que deseas?¿y si no, que estás haciendo para cambiarlo?


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Vivir la vida con aspiraciones y con cosas por lograr es lo mas sano, no todo se logra, pues no todo es para nosotros, lo que no se da es lo mejor que te puede pasar, por ello no debemos tener ese temor.


Que bonita reflexión gracias...

Estoy totalmente de acuerdo contigo, puede que aún no esté viviendo la vida que sueño, pero lo más importante es que estoy avanzando constantemente hacia ella, y creo que eso es todo lo que importa. Al menos no le echo la culpa a las circunstancias, me doy cuenta de que tengo el control de mi vida y sigo adelante.

Por supuesto, tuve que usar Google Translate ya que no hablo español, así que discúlpenme si hubo algún error.

Así es, lo importante es vivir el proceso mientras soñamos y actuamos, así sean pequeños pasos, bendiciones...

Couldn't agree more. Blessings

First of all: what family? If you are 24 and you want to be free don't get married, do not take children and build a life for yourself first. Once you did what you like you have memories, experiences and you might be ready to have a family.. or not.

If I see how you paint your future and only see a lack of money and all the worries it brings along it's wise to decide to do it different. Why don't you?

Those plans and wishes you have. Do you expect us or society to pay for it? Do you honestly believe we all have a job that is full filling and every day brings us the biggest joy there is?

It sounds to me you are part of the spoiled generation. Not used to hard work, not used to the fact that one has to save before he can spend and you are not able to focus on the fact that money is a reward for honest work. Bored or not, with what you earn you can save for your dreams and make them come true. Why not focus on the money that will end up in your piggy bank? That is how it works. And if you saved enough you can reduce the hours you work and have more time to invest in what you like most.

I am grateful my children, although from your generation, don't have this attitude and have plenty things to do and look forward to.

The only great expectations I see after reading you is from a bored person not willing to take every job available to realize a dream. If you have a dream at all since to me it sounds this is not the case because you are not willing to make sacrifices.

If you really want it you can make it work but what I miss is the energy and spirit to do so. You are only focused on the fact you don't look forward to work. I would say.. work like many do, your anchestors for sure worked way more hours than you ever will. Find in the meanwhile a job you really like and do your hobbies in the evening or during the night.

Welcome in the world of adults dear, where life isn't free and you have to work if you like to eat.

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