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RE: Miner We-Write Lesson 5: Be Critical- 70 Steem
Five weeks have already passed. Time flies. The company is pleasant. The learning is the legacy you share. The vision is shared.
In these weeks I have learned how many writers write. Different styles. Many cultures surfacing. Ideologies, religions, ways of thinking. And in large part it's because of this program you push. So all credit (well deserved to you).
You have always been there from the beginning. Keep on lighting the way of letters. Few are interested in art. For the artists. Best wishes.
Para @wakeupkitty, @aneukpineung78
#wewrite #comment
No, four passed we start with the 5th week and after that one is left and at that time you finished 50% of the SEA project or? Time flies indeed and you wrote and shared a lot. You are a great example of a writer and commenter and above all an active artist.
Thanks for joining us!
#wewrite #comment
Berarti tidak lama lagi, apakah nanti akan ada sesuatu yang juga menyenangkan, benar kata teman @almaguer, kami belajar tentang banyaknya penulis dan menulis, dan saya sering gagal paham tapi ini benar-benar sangat menyenangkan.
Saya juga belajar cara menterjemahkan dengan cepat yang di ajari oleh ibu @sumarni 123.
Dan saya tidak malu untuk mengakui bahwa saya memang selalu lambat dalam bidang teknologi, itulah saya dengan segala keunikan tersendiri hihihihi
#wewrite #comment
Does it matter if you learn fast or slow? What counts is you learned it. You know I learn things from my children how to do ceetain things faster? Still, I like tge ols fashioed way where my brains are used to think and I son't care if it takes more time. I tell myself it is good to slow diwn and know what I am doing and how to do it.
Great you had help from @sumaeni123 😁
A happy Friday to both of you.
#wewrite & #comment
Terimakasih temanku, sebenarnya belajar bagi saya cepat atau lambat itu penting cuma tergantung otak saya juga yang tidak bisa langsung mencerna apa yang di ajarkan terkadang butuh dua atau beberapa kali untuk dapat saya pahami.
Sekarang saya sulit belajar cepat sejak saya sakit dulu pikiran lambat, bicara Alhamdulillah sekarang sudah agak cepat tapi masih nampak seperti gagu ternyata pengaruh dari magic itu sangat luar biasa.
Saya harus menerima kenyataan walaupun saya lambat tapi saya selalu berusaha untuk bisa dan terkadang sering gagal paham itulah kenyataannya. Saya masih ingat pesan almarhum ibu saya " jangan malu berkata jujur dari pada akhirnya mempermalukan diri sendiri" oleh karena itu biar lambat asal selamat.
Semoga hari anda bahagia selalu temanku 🌹
#wewrite #comment
You know I have times too that I have no clue what is meant. I go gardening or take care of the animals, do some house chorus. It can take two or three days to solve something or all of a sudden I think: OOOOOh is that meant by the word or task and your mom is right it never harms to ask. I was always told: that stupid questions do not exist (and teachers get paid to explain even it it has to be done thirty times we all have a brains working differently from others).
Also the more busy we are, the harder it will be to focus. You are doing very well and keep in mind what the idiom says: hardlopers zijn doodlopers (runners are dead ends) which reminds me of the fable: the hare and the turtoise.
#wewrite #comment
Ya anda benar sekali temanku saya mengakuinya, mengingat kelinci dan kura-kura, hanya satu yang pasti....biar lambat asal selamat 🤣🤣🤣