My Kingdom and Death (Esp-Eng)

in Freewriters2 months ago (edited)



El viejo Mike había estado más veces que nadie al borde de la muerte. Así que sus últimos días los pasaba en la cantina bebiendo y mascando sus propios tabacos caseros. Tenía una cara cortada y una gran reputación de hombre de peleas. Nunca abandonaba sus apuestas.
Después de beber unas doce jarras de cerveza medio caliente, le era imposible distinguir más allá de su nariz. Sentía que algo extraño, como si las jodidas parcas estuvieran tensando el hilo de su existir. Así que, como era un tipo brusco, la señora Muerte vino en persona a buscarlo.
Mike sintió la presencia a su lado y ni siquiera dejó de mascar su tabaco.
Te he esperado tanto tiempo que hasta la cerveza ya me aburre.
La Muerte, conocía de sus modales y solo lo miró con curiosidad.
Terminó de tomarse una jarra de cerveza y dijo: ¿Estás lista? Genial, hagámoslo.
¿De qué te arrepientes más? Preguntó la Muerte en tono de intriga.
¿Qué? Es una puta broma.
La Muerte siguió preguntando. ¿Te importa la opinión de los demás ahora? ¿Tienes miedo de que te juzguen?
Billy, gritó fuerte Mike. Póngame un par de cervezas.
El pequeño Billy quedó sin palabras, solo veía a Mike balbuceando solo. Pero se apresuró a cumplir la orden.
Me importa una mierda lo que piensen. Es más, me paro ahora mismo y me agarro a trompadas con todos. El silencio inundó el bar. Se podía percibir la respiración de las moscas.
Si tuvieras un botón que pudieras pulsar para hacerte retroceder 20 años. ¿Qué cambiarías?
Los ojos de Mike, se avivaron. Recordó su infancia. La lluvia cayendo recia, sobre el zinc de la casona. Las lechuzas rasgando la noche. La eternidad de esos momentos que era ligeramente feliz. Y que se habían marchado para siempre. Había tenido una esposa. Un perro que le seguía a todas partes. Recordaba el verde de los girasoles, al instante de florecer. La barriga de su esposa creciendo bajo, la luna, la lluvia...
Solo cambiaría mi vida, por la de ella. Dijo pausadamente antes de terminar la jarra.
Cuéntame sobre las últimas diez compras que has hecho, ¿Tienen importancia ahora? Dijo paladeando la atmósfera La Señora Muerte.
Todos los domingos compraba bombones. Ella amaba los bombones. Sus labios se embarraban de chocolate y eso me asediaba cada noche. Cada domingo era un reencuentro. Sus ojos tan azules. En la inmensidad solíamos amarnos.
¿Qué momentos te vienen a la mente ahora? ¿El tiempo que pasaste con tu jefe en la oficina o el tiempo que pasaste con tu familia? Interrogó la Muerte.
¿Crees que me importan estos putos corruptos? Gruñó.
La piel se le erizaba cada vez que rememoraba a su esposa. Podía congelar el tiempo y abrazarse a su cintura. Sentir las patadas de su hijo. Buscándola en la noche cuando vinieron a prender el fuego a su casa. Había disparado a la cabeza al hijo de mala madre. Luego vino el silencio. La Muerte a llevarse el espíritu de cada ser. Te conozco bien. Dijo Mike soltando espumarajos. Solo esa vez sentí miedo. Por ellos.
¿Sí te llevo entre mis brazos? ¿Quién vendría a visitarte y despedirse?
Estuvo unos minutos mirando al techo. Nadie le echaría de menos. Solo sus cicatrices dibujaban un pasado de desdichas. Algunos amigos ya habían muerto. Así que pidió otra cerveza negra. Acaba de arrancarme el alma. ! ¡Sabes que nadie va a venir!
Una última pregunta antes de irnos: ¿Cómo crees que la gente te recordará? ¿Qué adjetivos podrían utilizar para describirte? ¿Cuánto tiempo crees que tardarán en olvidarte?
¿Recordarme? Me has dado una buena idea.
Sacó su arma y comenzó a disparar.



Old Mike had been on the verge of death more times than anyone else. So his last days were spent in the saloon drinking and chewing his own homemade cigars. He had a cut face and a great reputation as a fighting man. He never gave up his bets.
After drinking about a dozen mugs of half-hot beer, it was impossible for him to distinguish beyond his nose. He felt something strange, as if the fucking grim reapers were straining the thread of his existence. So, being the brusque type he was, Mrs. Death came in person to fetch him.
Mike felt the presence at his side and didn't even stop chewing his tobacco.
I've waited so long for you that even beer bores me.
Death, knowing his manners, just looked at him curiously.
He finished drinking a mug of beer and said: Are you ready? Great, let's do it.
What do you regret the most? Death asked in a tone of intrigue.
What? It's a fucking joke.
Death continued to ask. Do you care about other people's opinions now? Are you afraid of being judged?
Billy, Mike shouted loudly. Pour me a couple of beers.
Little Billy was speechless, just watching Mike babbling to himself. But he was quick to comply with the order.
I don't give a shit what they think. In fact, I'll stand up right now and beat the shit out of everybody. Silence flooded the bar. You could hear the flies breathing.
If you had a button you could push to take you back 20 years, what would you change?
Mike's eyes flickered. He remembered his childhood. The rain falling hard on the tin roof of the house. The owls hooting in the night. The eternity of those moments when he was slightly happy. And that they were gone forever. He had had a wife. A dog that followed him everywhere. He remembered the green of the sunflowers, the instant they bloomed. His wife's belly growing low, the moon, the rain....
I would only change my life, for hers. He said slowly before finishing the pitcher.
Tell me about the last ten purchases you've made, do they matter now? Mistress Death said, savoring the atmosphere.
Every Sunday she bought chocolates. She loved chocolates. Her lips were smeared with chocolate and it plagued me every night. Every Sunday was a reunion. Her eyes so blue. In the vastness we used to love each other.
What moments come to mind now, the time you spent with your boss at the office or the time you spent with your family? Death asked.
Do you think I care about these corrupt fucks? He snarled.
His skin prickled every time he reminisced about his wife. He could freeze time and hug her waist. Feel his son's kicks. Looking for her in the night when they came to set the fire in their house. He had shot the bad mother's son in the head. Then came the silence. Death to take away the spirit of every being. I know you well. Mike said, foaming at the mouth. Only that time I felt fear. For them.
If I took you in my arms, who would come to visit you and say goodbye?
He stared at the ceiling for a few minutes. No one would miss him. Only his scars drew a past of unhappiness. Some friends had already died. So he ordered another stout. You just ripped my soul out. You know no one is coming!
One last question before we go: How do you think people will remember you? What adjectives might they use to describe you? How long do you think it will take them to forget you?
Remember me? You've given me a good idea.
He pulled out his gun and started shooting.


la tiza men.png

 2 months ago (edited)

How can one not fall in love with Mike? I believe Mistress D will take him in her arms and hug him to death unless she laughs and laughs till both die but can it be that the last question shouldn't have been asked? One thing is for sure people will remember Mike and he can't be punished because of 1001 reason and I assume Death will finally take him away after he had his final beer.

Super, super entry and thank you for the good laugh.

@anassharkawy your questions are answers do you regret you asked and caused this?

Contento de que les guste lo que escribo. Un saludo.

I LOVE this man's entry @almaguer

Una placer igual conocer nuevas personas. Somos seres sociales. Necesitamos cultivar la amistad. Nadie escribe una obra para leerla uno mismo. Las letras nos unen, pues que fluyan los lazos de la verdadera amistad.
Estaré por aquí creando y aportando pequeños granitos de arena.

"Nadie escribe una obra para leerla uno mismo. Las letras nos unen, pues que fluyan los lazos de la verdadera amistad."
¡Hombre, tienes una manera de expresarte que es excepcional! Estoy deseando leer todo lo que escribas. Un placer conocerte.

El placer es todo mío. Igual me gusta compartir y leer con los que tenemos afinidad. Que la amistad y la literatura nos lleve de la mano.

Amen ♥️♥️

You are wrong. I write for myself and I like to read my own stories. Perhaps it is because I write that many that I am still surprised about what my "crazy" mind came up with. I never write a story line or think of what I will write next but just sit down and write and while I write the story develops. Why should I not read my own stories? Should I only write for others and hope they will find the time to read me and if that is the case they perhaps will like it as well?

 2 months ago (edited)

El idioma es muy rico. El gran reto del escritor es pintar las ideas. Embellecerlas de tal manera que llene de gratitud el alma de quien lea. El escritor es un ser sensible que percibe lo que lo rodea, encuentra incluso en el lodo algo, para destacar. Es un duro oficio. Es mal recompensando en la mayoría de los casos. Claro que en primer lugar (Cree en ti como en Dios mismo) Escribes porque se ha llenado el poso y el agua que fluye de ti. Quiere estallar, plasmarse en el papel, en las calles, las ciudades, los muros...
Entonces vamos a usar todas las desventajas posibles para escribir (amor, desamor, soledad, insomnio, miseria) de lo contrario de que va a salir una buena historia jjj. Y aunque en esto de escribir siempre seremos unos inconformes. Tienes que amar lo que escribes. Pero siempre queremos que nuestros hijos (creaciones) tengan luz propia. Que se levanten y conquisten el mundo. Y que luego de recorrer infinitos lares. Alguien en algún momento los acaricie y diga conozco al padre a través del hijo.

You are the first I hear say that the stories pour out of you and has to be written. That's how I feel. So at the first place I write for me so the barrel will not overflow.



I agree with this because I also write what I want to read many times.

But you said you do not write for yourself 🤭

Writing "for" myself is something, and writing something that I'd personally love to read multiple times over a long period of time is something else.

Perhaps the translator made you say later the opposite of what is said here? It is a bad thing if a writer does not write for himself at the first place. If you don't like to read what you wrote why would someone else?

@ wakeupkitty


No, the translator has nothing to do with it. I agreed with what he said and I still agree. I don't write "to" read what I wrote, I write to share my writings with other people but I only publish what if I read a while after I'd think to myself: yeah, that was worth writing and publishing

you should read all entries since you are the one who asked those questions!

I read all.

First thought Mike is American, second he gave all those shooters a good reason. I did it to be remembered so my life isn't wasted. Without a doubt, every judge will fall for it. Good story. It should be sad but I had a good laugh. My hope is I won't meet Mike at work.

(Published through Steemit Dapp

Gracias por pasar y comentar. La vida tiene algo de la sin razón que a mi razón padece que decía Cervantes.

 2 months ago 

Dear friend, can you use the hashtag #outofthebox so your post can be found back?

Please, don't leave. You brighten up my life with your stories. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Estimado, se que siempre anda apoyando a los escritores. Así que además cuando escribía esta historia. Pensé que le pudiera gustar jj.
Ya agregué el hashtag

This is AWESOME. Fell in love with this

 2 months ago (edited)

jj, algo que nació. Alguna musa me asistía. Se me llenaba de hierbas y conejos el escritorio, muchas ideas queriendo acomodarse en el papel.

This is all resulted in the masterpiece we all read ♥️

This is a masterpiece!


Gracias por comentar. this is a shocking end! Mike is amazing 🤩 he made Mrs. D busy with other's life now .. seems like Mike is free

Oh, is that how the story ended? I thought the idea was that they would remember Mike and not Mike. Since he's a drunk he will surely drop dead and take the bartender and his best friends along on his journey to wherever Mistress Death will escort him. Will she feel happy she gave him this idea or be mad because he gave her extra work?

La muerte le debe dar una prorroga. Le ayudó con más almas.

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