Po Riang Temple sterilizations

We work closely with a couple of temples in the Krabi area. One of this is Wat Po Riang, which we have been working with for a couple of years. Po Riang is a lessor-known temple and unlike some of the larger ones in Krabi, it is not frequented by travelers and serves as a local temple only for the most part.

The thing about temples in Thailand is that this is the area where unwanted dogs and cats get dropped off. The monks have a spiritual obligation to look after them, and they do so as well as they can. In non covid times the visitors would arrive with gifts for the monks and since the gifts normally involve more food than the men can actually eat, this is where the food for the dogs and cats comes from as well. However, temples were totally closed for about 6 weeks and therefore donations dropped dramatically. In some situations the monks were even forced to leave the temples because there was no food. Obviously this creates a strain on humans as well but the dogs have been in pretty terrible states since the drop off of money and donations.

We have been providing as much dog food as possible to this, and several other temples in the area and now that things have stabilized we have moved forward with reducing the population.


In times like these where we too are dealing with very limited funding, we have to pick and choose which animals we are going to sterilize. This is almost always the females because of obvious reasons but another is that once you remove the "baby maker" from a dog, there are a great many other health problems that no longer are an issue once it is gone.


We picked up 2 very friendly females from Po Riang in the past week and it was really amazing how easy it was to coax them into the kennels. They didn't even complain. The level of trust that these dogs have for humans is really amazing, most likely because the people they come in contact with are in a temple, and therefore on their best behavior and highest levels of generosity.


Of course they are a little freaked out once we get them to the vet to be operated on, but i've always felt like dogs can sense that the veterinarian's office is a place that they do not want to be even if they have never been to one before and I presume that these two have not.

They were no trouble though, although there was some nervous shaking and both of them didn't give any trouble to the handlers.


After the operation and a few day's of recovery, we release them back to Wat Po Riang and if dogs can in fact talk to eachother, I can only imagine the stories of adventure that they would tell to their doggo friends.

The sterilization of just 2 females (there are about 6 more there that we are aware of) can prevent the expansion of a pack by up to hundreds of offspring and it is absolutely essential for us and operations like ours all around the world to tend to this because the crazy thing about simply making the dogs healthy (through food and vaccinations) is that a healthy dog will have babies far more frequently. Therefore, sterilization is our primary objective.

None of this would be possible without our donors and for all of you out there that help us we, and the dogs and cats that we help, are eternally grateful.

If you would like to see how you can help out, or simply spread the word, please visit our website at



Krabi Animal Welfare is a charity run entirely by volunteers and are a registered non-profit organization in Thailand and the U.K.. We aim to relieve the pain and suffering of dogs and cats within Krabi Province.




Gracias por resaltar la importancia de esterilizar, de hecho, esterilizar es la medida más ética y aceptable de control poblacional, además de ser efectiva.

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