
LOL. Many of them are my friends. It just for your document. In fact, you didn't support them at all.

Now dispersed
You are busy looking for a whale, and forget about the community,
Now you go and give your rank to others who care about KSI.

Semoga kalian dan kita sehat semua, Aamiin. Jangan lupa jaga kesehatan dan stay at home ya. Love you All.. !!!😘

sempak..!!! hahhahahahah


@kemal13 kita meet up lagi friends 📸📸🍩🍩😋😋😋

Yooookkkk 🤣

@kemal13 and @dilimunanzar Kapan..?. ajak ajak lah..... 🤣😃

nyo pat lon hahaha

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