Coronavirus Hoax Archive – August 2020


In August Berlin staged a great rebellion against Corona-terror and the Court in Berlin overturnes the decision of the city authorities to ban “Assembly for Freedom”. Corrupt governments all over the World immediately answered with a new wave of fear propaganda…

Creating an archive of Coronavirus texts in English and Serbian will not only allow evidence of the greatest global hoax to remain on the blockchain platform, but will also make it easier to search for all the evidences of a Hoax.

Timeline is going from the bottom of the text up.

91. Coronavirus Hoax: Tests or Data Harvesting? [eng/срп] Коронапревара: Тестови или жетва података? (Aug. 31st)

Your DNA is very valuable asset, did you know that? Snatching a DNA sample is forbidden by laws. How then to get a huge number of people to voluntarily hand over their DNA to you? Of course, you have to scare them fiercely. Did anyone say Covid-19?

Belgian expert, Dr. Pascal Sacre explained that neither molecular RT-PCR tests, nor serological tests for antibodies, serve as a diagnostic tool of Covid-19. But PCR tests can be used for DNA fingerprinting, by the official explanation from the National Human Genome Research Institute (NIH). Find out who could be interested for your valuable DNA data, and how French philosopher Michel Foucault in his lectures in 1976 (published in Serbia under the title “Society must be defended”) predicted the fact that in modern societies the classical control of the population by physical coercion will disappear. It will be replaced by more subtle mechanisms of coercion, which will be presented through the media as necessary and in the interest of the population. Foucault called this coercion biopolitics and claimed that these mechanisms would come from the health sphere. He described the manipulation of viruses. Does this sound familiar to you?

See again movie “The Shock Doctrine – The Rise of Disaster Capitalism [2009]” and see another important point of the test fraud, presented by the Italian doctor Dr. Roberto Petrella…

90. Kоронапревара: Манипулација бројевима на Шведском моделу (Serbian – Aug. 29th)

Све време до овог текста, Шведска (као и Белорусија) није уводила никакве мере које је прописала СЗО. Ни у једном тренутку није у Шведској било повишене смртности у односу на претходне године. Онда је USA Today послао лажну вест како је број умрлих на милион становника већи него у САД, и медијска помамам је почела без обзира очигледне и лако провериве чињенице из званичне статистике. Медији, наравно, нису поменули ни Јапан, који се цело лето надао да ће Олимпијске игре бити одржане, па нису уводили никакве мере. Повишена смртност у најстаријој нацији на свету? Не постоји. Тек после увођења мера учетворостручио им се број самоубистава…

‘Пандемија’ добија размере рата против човечанства у коме највише страдају не-ковид пацијенти, којима је због корона театра ускраћена неохопдна медицинска помоћ. Наравно, медији не помињу да је до ове године, од последица глади умирало је просечно око 6 милиона људи широм света. Ове године тај број може се, према предвиђањима Оксфама, попети на 9 милиона као последица уништења светске привреде услед лажне пандемије…

89. BREAKING NEWS: Berlin Court Overturns Ban of Gathering! (Aug. 29th)

The first good news in the ocean of Coronavirus Hoax propaganda: Berlin administrative court overturnes the decision of the city authorities to ban “Assembly for Freedom”.

88. Coronavirus Hoax: Ugly Face of Media [eng/срп] Коронапревара: Одвратно лице медија (Aug. 27th)

Censorship with corporate media is growing every day of the Coronavirus Hoax. In this text we have a list of the most drastic examples, like with Dr. Judy Mikovits, Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Dr. Scott Jensen (who is also a senator in Minnesota), Dr. Dan Erickson and Dr. Artin Masihi, Dr. John Ioannidis, and many others who dared to challenge the official disaster scenario. The special place has Spanish Doctor Luis De Benito, who destroyed government media Covid ‘Crisis’ narrative in a live program of Madrid television.

Berlin sends invitations to the big “Assembly for Freedom”, scheduled for Saturday, August 29th, city authorities are banning the rally and German government is defending the decision…

87. Why the Coronavirus Hoax is a Hoax [eng/срп] Зашто је Коронапревара превара (Aug. 25th)

A leaflet to print out and distribute, entitled “Why the Coronavirus Hoax is a Hoax”, in which Dr Vernon Coleman, retired medical doctor and author destroys a hoax in 10 points.

86. Coronavirus Hoax: From Pathogen to Profit (Aug. 23rd)

Link to the full movie Plandemic “InDoctorNation”, a.k.a. ‘Plandemic II’, by the director Mikki Willis. Connections between the corrupt world governments, corporate media, Big Pharma and ‘health protection’ agencies like WHO, roles of Silicon Valley tech giants, Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, Jeffrey Epstein, Tedros Adhanom…

85. Коронапревара: Припрема за отимање деце (Serbian – Aug. 22nd)

Сулуда одлука о обавезном ношењу маски за децу у школи само је први корак, или пробни балон за увођење чудовишних мера у име ‘очувања здравља’. Већ се десило у Канади, о чему сведочи Одеса Орлевиц (афера ‘Лавалин’), чији је оригинални видео ЈуТјуб наравно уклонио.

У тексту се налази и графикон смртности у Француској који јасно показује како се манипулише тестовима и бројем ‘заражених’, а да број којим се не може манипулисати – смртност, које нема – показује да је све фарса.

Професор Слободан Рељић показује податке из региона Балкана и описује СЗО као невладину организацију чији је задатак манипулисање ‘пандемијама’.

84. Coronavirus Hoax: First Covid Color Revolution? (Aug. 18th)

Italian reporter Nicola Bizzi reveals the mechanism of corruption at the example of Belarus. In the text entitled “Let’s abolish the Civil Protection, repository of all corruption and Trojan horse of the New World Order” Bizzi reports that President of Belarus, Alexandr Lukashenko, who refused to take any emergency, lockdown or “social distancing” measures in his country, said at a press conference that he had received a substantial offer of money (92 million dollars) from the World Health Organization to do “as in Italy”. After he refused, in a few weeks new offer came from International Monetary Fund (IMF) of 900 million dollars and the same request: to close everything and do “as in Italy”… other corrupt politicians gladly accepted the offer, and Lukashenko was treated with another ‘Color Revolution’.

83. Coronavirus Hoax: Announcement of a Crime [eng/срп] Коронапревара: Злочин у најави (Aug. 17th)

‘Crisis HQ’ in Serbia insists on flu vaccination ‘to prevent a clash of flu and corona epidemics’ citing the ‘horrible’ example of Italy… This so-called doctor didn’t seem to care that anyone could check the data and see that in Italy, according to official data, mortality in the first quarter of this year in Italy was the lowest in the past four years!

82. Др Јована Стојковић демаскира ‘кризни штаб’ (Serbian – Aug. 15th)

Др Јована Стојковић у отвореном писму министру просвете, науке и технолошког развоја владе у распаду Републике Србије Младену Шарчевићу, критикује одлуку ‘кризног штаба’ о обавезном ношењу маски и износи читав низ доказа да је стално ношење маске штетно, нарочито за децу.

81. Coronavirus Hoax: Russian Vaccine! [eng/срп] Коронапревара: Руска вакцина! (Aug. 14th)

Is the Russian vaccine a means of breaking the Coronavirus Hoax?

80. Coronavirus Hoax: United Against the Truth [eng/срп] Коронапревара: Уједињени против истине (Aug. 11th)

Every revealed truth in Serbia is met with another media manipulation. This time it’s a petition of a ‘rebelling experts’ who believe that government was hiding the real numbers of covid deaths. The truth is that government desperately was trying to inflate the number of covid deaths…

In the meantime, more than a hundred doctors with a conscience from all over the world gathered in Madrid, and held a press conference entitled “Doctors for the Truth”. The conclusions were as follows: “This is a world dictatorship with a sanitary excuse,” was stressed at the end of the meeting. Doctors agreed that:

• Coronavirus victims did not outnumber last year’s seasonal flu deaths.
• Figures were exaggerated by altering medical protocols.
• The confinement of the healthy and the forced use of masks have no scientific basis.
• The disease known as Covid-19 does not have a single infectious pattern, but a combination of them…

79. Коронапревара: Деструкција струке и ‘струка’ деструкције (Serbian – Aug. 10th)

Начин на који медији скривају мишљење истинске струке, форсирајући преваранте на платном списку фармацеутске мафије као ‘струку’. Док лекаре са супротним мишљењем Јутјуб упорно цензурише, до њиховог мишљења можете доћи само на алтернативним медијима. Овде можете чути шта о коронапревари говоре др Јоване Стојковић, пулмолог проф. др Бранимир Несторовић, проф. др Мила Алечковић, проф. др Алек Рачић, примаријус др Милан Рогановић, др Милорад Стефановић Блуменау, белгијски специјалиста др Паскал Сакре објађњава каква су превара ПЦР тестови, а професор социологије др Слободан Рељић пише текст под насловом: „Теорија завере“ губи трку, завера са пандемијом постаје сувише очигледна…

78. Coronavirus Hoax: Destroying the Myths and Pathway to NWD (Aug. 8th)

Poison Coronavirus Hoax propaganda with its pure scaring power, at least destroyed other key propaganda myths of the Western ‘civilization’…

Myth of a Science – Giorgio Agamben’s short philosophical essay La medicina come religione (Italian) where he compares three great systems of belief: Christianity, capitalism, and science. (Translation here: Medicine as Religion). In the context of a current ‘health crisis’, Medicine is not just a benevolent religion helping people to survive and procreate, but a fundamentalist inquisition ready to destroy anyone who is not following dogma.

Myth of a Free World – A criminal instrumentalization of Medicine for the benefit of globalist plutocracy, and censorship of America’s Frontline Doctors who spoke against the medical terrorism and about the cure available right now.

Myth of Democracy – Any representative democracy is actually an oxymoron – if you have a representative (middleman) you can’t have a democracy, and vice versa, because representatives are prone to corruption.

Myth of Free Market – The rule should be formulated like this: “Left on it’s own, Free Market always gives birth to the most psychopathic monopolists, ready for a mass crimes of outrageous proportions.”

77. Coronavirus Hoax: The Thinking Stuff (Part III) (Aug. 4th)

Chosen memes with the aim of encouraging critical thinking about the Coronavirus Hoax.

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Related posts / Повезани текстови:

Coronavirus Files – July 2020

Coronavirus Files – June 2020

Coronavirus Files – May 2020

Coronavirus Files – April 2020

Coronavirus Files – March 2020

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