Introducing UniLend Finance & Welcoming Every Token to DeFi
Unlocking the True Potential of Decentralized Finance
The existing DeFi solutions have successfully demonstrated the demand for trading the time value of digital assets. However, current systems have left the majority of digital assets outside of the DeFi ecosystem. There are over 6000 tokens listed on coinmarketcap. However, the current platforms such as Compound, Aave, Maker DAO, and many more, support less than 30 assets.
Current DeFi platforms act as a gatekeeper in allowing which projects to be a part of the pool; thereby barring the majority of assets from participation in the DeFi ecosystem. Multi-asset pools also expose lenders to risk associated with all of the included assets with no control over the collaterals against which their funds can be lent; thereby exposing them to risks associated with all of the assets.
Peer-to-peer protocols that are looking to accommodate more tokens are asynchronous platforms with added costs and friction to the lenders and borrowers making them practically non-viable solutions in terms of gaining meaningful traction.
There is an immense market open door for a convention that bolsters a bigger number of advantages in a decentralized and authorization less manner. UniLend is intended to address this undiscovered market and fuel the blockchain environment by opening up the DeFi space for all tokens.
The current issues that torment the decentralized account industry come from its fracture. A few conventions offer loaning and acquiring with a restricted arrangement of tokens while others offer the opportunity to exchange any ERC20 resources however disregard the loaning and getting viewpoint.
UniLend is overcoming that issue by consolidating the decentralization part of empowering any ERC20 to be used as security for loaning and acquiring while giving the adaptability to clients to likewise exchange their advantages stage. Eventually, UniLend intends to open the maximum capacity of computerized resources for their proprietors.
What is UniLend?
UniLend is a permission-less decentralized protocol that combines spot trading services and money markets with lending and borrowing services through smart contracts. In the money markets the interest rates and collateralization ratio are based on supply, demand, and other market forces and borrowing limits are decided by liquidity in the trading pairs. The integrated smart contract for both features of the protocol allows both trading & DeFi capabilities to co-exist within the same protocol. This solves the liquidity and liquidation issue which was limiting the growth of DeFi adoption to a broader market.
UniLend’s protocol allows users to frictionlessly exchange the time value of Ethereum assets by creating a spot trading pair and separate money markets for each token. This allows ecosystem owners to create their own lending and risk management strategies.
Due to the permissionless nature of the protocol, users have the capability to list any Ethereum asset on UniLend. An asset listing on the UniLend protocol’s smart contract instantly creates and lists on markets for lending, borrowing, and spot trading.
The UniLend platform is designed to create separate money markets and trading markets for each token with multiple underlying benefits:
Enabling lenders to choose the acceptable collateralization assets and allowing them to implement their own lending strategy to maximize their returns. Existing lending protocols act like managed funds whereas UniLend is designed as a self-managed fund.
Creating an inclusive DeFi ecosystem where platforms do not act as gatekeepers and are able to tap into the complete token market as opposed to a limited array of tokens supported by existing platforms.
Enabling a fully decentralized protocol for automated liquidity provision on ethereum.
Rather than using highly inefficient and slow peer-to-peer lending and borrowing, UniLend utilizes dual asset pools for frictionless borrowing and lending of assets backed by liquidity available in their respective trading pools.
Key Features
We understand the problems of fragmentation and functionality which are limiting the growth of the DeFi sector. Unilend solves this by supporting and offering comprehensive functionality for a vast range of digital assets. Here are some of the key elements of UniLend Protocol:
Permission-less listing: Any ERC20 token would be able to list without a centralized entity/ DAO controlling the process and we’re also exploring addition of cross-chain support in the future such as Binance Chain, Monero, etc..
Lending & borrowing: Users have the capability to unlock their token’s functionality for lending to receive an interest rate and borrowing by paying an interest rate.
Trading: A corresponding trading pair will operate on UniLend to include decentralized spot trading functionality.
Liquidity: By providing liquidity, users are able to receive fees in proportion to their liquidity pool stake.
Governance: The protocol will be governed by its token holders through proposals in order to ensure adjustments to the protocol are made with a majority consensus.
Native Utility Token: The native utility token on UniLend will be UFT, UniLend Finance Token. The token will have multiple aspects for governance, value, and much more to be released in a later blog post.
User Interface/ User Experience: An intuitive and user friendly interface designed to provide seamless trading and lending/borrowing experience.
Bridging the gap
Currently, only a selected few assets are allowed into the DeFi industry. These assets are currently listed on Compound, Aave and others:
This leaves over 6000 additional assets that are not integrated with higher marketcaps to further boost the efficiency of decentralized finance liquidity including: - CRO, BNB, HT, OKB, LEO, MATIC, and so much more.
In order to fully expand the infrastructure to reach a higher frontier, we need to expand support through permission-less integrations.
UniLend protocol is working to create a new niche in the market which has been neglected and untapped by current solutions in the DeFi space. We believe our efforts will create a level playing field in the market by enabling every token to be a part of the growing DeFi ecosystem.
Do you agree, that every token should be a part of DeFi? Share your thoughts in the comments.
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