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RE: OnChainArt Rules (Yaaaay)

in OnChainArt5 years ago

I agree, a lot of these are just resources. Places for us to create and amplify patterns that we can then adapt using our own creative perspectives.

A lot of my artworks have incorporated Deepdreamgenerator (I've elected to support them with 15$/month through their Patreon to double my Deep Style max quality limit, given how often I use it !), often applied to Weavesilk patterns, actually !

Here's one I'm particularly proud of:


you've got a pretty interesting one there.
Deep Dream with the default set often gives a bit nonsensical renders (the initial dataset had way too many dogs in it), but the way it reinterpreted your face makes you look like a space paon !

PS: Just saw they're having a "Natural and Digital Painting kit" bundle on Humble Bundle. The 1$ threshold is a tool that seems very similar to weavesilk, though more based on creating animated mandala effects.
The other tools also look pretty interesting, given how cheap they are compared to full market prices, and the interesting effects they promise to deliver.

I've gotten it for myself, to see if I can use it to create some new pieces :)

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