Strange City | Watercolor Sketchbook Illustration

in OnChainArt4 years ago

Welcome to the Strange City 👽


There's activity all around in this city as the day shines brightly. Some of the inhabitants are familiar, some of them new-comers. There's a lot for everyone to do here.


Sometimes the going gets tough. It can make you want to run away, despite the sunshine and rainbows.




We're all in this Strange City together and together we accomplish great things.

Let's take care of each other, and consider the impact of the decisions we make. We will make it through this!

Thank You, Everyone, for Everything❤️❤️


I love your city, it is a joyful little place of wonder and amuse. Which we all need right about now. Though I've found I'm very good at laying low. Maybe I am part slug by nature. Yes, I do believe so, though I do like salt too. Oh those oddbird misnomer's of life. And as a slug, I am way behind on here. And now I need to figure out Hive, though it will now be called something else. I shall wait, I seem to be as good at that as the TV watching Kix eating gastropod thing. We all need special talents...
Well, I hope all is well in your corner of things, keep your head down and stay healthy and keep on drawing whimsy for us. Cheers on a Tuesday in March.

Hello and thank you! Sounds like you all are making it through okay. Yes I was wondering if we could expect to see you there! DDA just posted there this week. Until I saw her post and read her questions, I didn't know what to do regarding my friends who might choose to stay here, or those who haven't been on in months-how would they know anything had changed? Actually still not sure if I want to post in both places. I heard things were being erased here by the powers that be. SMH, hard to know what's up or down with this whole thing sometimes.
Oh man Kix is good cereal, I love that stuff. Sorry it took so long to reply here! I am glad you're still posting and hanging in there; we're all weathering the storm. I've made a few posts over in that other place, if you want to look. Don't watch too much TV young man - it'll rot your brain! :D

Sometimes you just need a break from the insanity XD I love the rainbow road :D

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