The Four Pillars

in Stars5 months ago


Hi all,

I wanted to share with you something I've been involved with since September of 2022, when I harvested acorns from Riverside Park, to attempt to grow white oak saplings, that they might grow into bonsai trees.

I named the trees, which will be a year old in March, the Four Pillars:

Loyalty 💙


Love ❤️


Gratitude 💜


Respect 💚


As you can see, they are dormant right now. They look just like twigs, but I kept a fan on them all as they grew, and they have grown strong, despite being indoor trees.

This is what they looked like when they first sprouted:

Then when they first popped out of the soil, they looked like this:

When they first grew leaves, they looked like this:


When I repotted them into two gallon containers in early May, they looked like this:

This is what the roots looked like at the bottom of the smaller pots:

Love in its heyday 🤍

#loyalty #love #gratitude #respect #club5050

I appreciate all of you who have visited my post today. I wish you the best.


Interesting you put a fan to make them stronger. May they grow strong and healthy.

Thank you for your blessing. I appreciate your taking an interest in my posts. I'm glad to see the Freewriters community lives on.

It's hard to continue with many communities where can be posted as well but the freewriters are still alive.

I wish you a great weekend. ❤️🍀

In the photos above, it looked like Loyalty and Gratitude were in bad soil... But the four little plants have all turned out beautifully: well done!

Thank you for following my posts, and thank you for your support.

I'm not sure that the soil is bad, but it does have a mold-like growth on the surface. I think it might be a fungal friend of the trees, but I'm no expert, just a curious person.

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