Fairy Tale feat. CubicHoney0146 -- Part 27

in Magic & Nonesuch2 years ago

CubicHoney0146 had been walking a stretch of empty trail for quite some time, looking around and musing on things as he went, when he came upon a fork in the road, which was marked by a wooden sign-post.


An arrow pointing to the left read "Hall of Legends." There were two arrows pointing to the right. The top read "More Games," and the bottom read "Library."

How fortuitous! thought Cubic Honey, as he started down the rightward path.

Maybe another hour of walking had passed. His pace had dwindled since the last time he ate, but he was dogged in his resolve to go on and find the Library, as Dented Ant had told him to do.

Suddenly, Cubic Honey noticed something that made him look up. There was an intensity to the air around him, a growing electricity. Far above the horizon before him, in the partly cloudy blue sky, a dark welt was forming.

Cubic Honey, following what may have been his instincts, stepped off to the side of the path and took a knee in the grasses there to watch. The dark purple welt spread rapidly across the sky, and a black line appeared running vertically down the middle. That black line then opened up like a tear through the fabric in the sky itself, with a deafening sound that thundered through Cubic Honey's form.

CubicHoney0146 stared up in horror as a giant wolven head emerged from the rent in the sky, its eyes were glaring straight down upon him. Cubic Honey did not look away.

+10 MYTH


To read the CubicHoney0146 Fairy Tale from the very beginning, follow the following link:


As always, thanks for reading!

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