in Steemit City3 years ago (edited)

Good day everyone! Have you tried making a pizza without using an oven or a yeast? Well, I’m here today to share my experience on how my no bake pizza went including the step-by-step procedures and ingredients! 😉

And here we go! I won’t let you wait for long, let’s immediately proceed in preparing the ingredients! 🤩

Preparing the ingredients will always be the first process in cooking including sanitizing. The photo shown below is the list of the ingredients.

I made it this way so you don’t have to imagine how much I use because I didn’t measure everything. Just the flour. And as you can see, this is a low budget pizza. 😉

Next, measure 2 cups of flour in a clean big bowl.

After that, add 2 tbs. of baking powder.

I’m using baking powder as alternative for yeast.

In the opposite side where you put the baking powder/yeast, add about 2 pinch of salt.

Never mix the yeast and salt abruptly because the salt might kill the yeast. In result, your dough won’t rise like you imagine.

When you’re done adding the three dry ingredients in a bowl, pour water slowly and mix.

Don’t pour water immediately. Your dough might get to sticky.

Continue on mixing and kneading the dough until the flour flakes will finally firm and can form a ball of dough.

Just knead for 10-15 minutes until the dough will have smooth finish and also, check the texture inside if it will look like a bread.

If your dough is too dry or sticky, you shouldn’t panic because you can still save it. Just add flour little by little until the right texture achieve.

When done kneading, let it rest in the bowl you used earlier. Put little flour before placing so it won’t stick to the bowl.

Give a few taps then cover it with cloth. You can also use cling wraps if you have then create few holes after placing it by using toothpick or fork so air can help in raising your dough.

While waiting for the dough to rest, proceed in preparing the pizza toppings.

You can use other meat as you like. Just cook it first before putting it on top of the pizza as this is not an oven cooked pizza. The pan’s cover can’t distribute much amount of heat to cook the meat. You might burn your pizza dough.

After frying, set the meat aside and continue in preparing the pizza sauce. For my sauce, I’m making my own because I got no italian sauce. But as what I stated earlier, this is a low budget pizza so I have to improvise my own. 😁

If you have plain or regular ketchup at home, you can do this too. Just pour ketchup in a clean bowl (desired amount) then add salt, ground pepper and 2-4tbs of white vinegar (touch of italian sauce). You can also add pinch of sugar to balance the taste.

In this step, this is optional. Either you want to cook the pizza sauce or not. For me, I chose to cook it and use the excess oil from frying the chorizo/meat so the taste of the meat will be tasted on the sauce, too. 😉 It can be cook even just for a minute then set aside.

Afterwards, clean and wash the used pan/wok then put it in low heat then cover it.

I’m using smaller cover so the heat will just stay or enclosed at the center of the wok.

So while waiting for the wok/pan to heat, prepare the pizza dough. Make sire to spread flour on platform so the dough won’t stick.

Then proceed in kneading again the dough for a minute to release the air inside then divide it into half to create 2 rounds of pizza.

Now, knead the divided dough and make it flat. In this step, you can also use rolling pin but I only use my bare hands as the dough I made is soft and easy to form.

When formed, it’s time for the toppings! But first, the pizza sauce. Make sure to spread it evenly. You can add more as you like.

Then, the meat and other toppings. Place the meat evenly so every slice of pizza can have enough meat on it. And also don’t forget the cheese -more cheese, the better!

Always put cheese after all the toppings. Cheese isn’t just for pleasing your eyes and taste buds as it also helps for the toppings to stay (won’t fall) in every bites -a tip!

After having fun in putting up the pizza toppings, the pizza is now ready to cook.

Lastly, brush a little amount of oil on wok/pan then place the pizza at the center. This is the time to add the pineapple and ground pepper (must not forget) to avoid your pizza toppings from getting ruined in transferring the dough from the platform to pan. Cover it and wait up to 3-5 minutes until cheese will perfectly melt.

And after the waiting game, the no bake pizza is now ready to eat! 🤩

Look how beautiful it is. The toppings combined perfectly through the melted cheese!

This pizza could probably make you drool and ask for more!

You see? You can now have a pizza treat even you don’t have an oven at home. Even a low budget can make an extra treat for you! An idea and effort is just what we need. Your shouldn’t stop yourself from trying out things just because you don’t have the tools near you. Even if you’re using a charcoal and pot in your kitchen, you can also make some and give yourself a pleasure! 🥰

What are you waiting for? Try it now! You don’t have to worry as well if you don’t have any meat. Even canned goods can slay!

Here’s a clip of my no bake pizza for a tease -enjoy! 🤤





Sounds like very tasty food.Seeing the quality of the pictures, I became greedy for food.😋🥰

Aweee! Same here right now, still craving for it.🤤 Thank you so much btw, sir. 🥰🥰🥰


Your post quality is very good. However, you need to post regularly.We will refrain from providing booming support to irregular users.

Please try to post regularly.

Thank you steemit city team.

Will surely do that! 😊 Just been busy from being sick these days.

Good food, like a pizza restaurant. Thank for sharing here

Thank you very much @maulidar 🥰


 3 years ago 

I have tried it before, it tastes just fine.
Your pizza looks great, I can guess how delicious it might be.

Glad you tried it! And thanks, it really is delicious 🤤 HAPPY STEEMING! ☺️💚

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