Bek Karu, Pete tueng?
Assalamu'alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh 🙏
Nyan bek hana neu seu'ot saleum beuh, hukum wajeb nyan. Teuma kiban wajeb hana loen teu'oh peugah, han troih ileumee🫣 kadang fardhu kifayah lagee kheun Imuem Nawawi loen baca bak gugel. Meunyo na nyang jeut peuglah, bek seugan neuh peutroih.
Bang @hasinbadir, meunyo na watee, jeut neu peu paih, beuh 🙌. Nyang loen teupeu, saleum tertuleh lagee bak medsos hana wajeb tajaweub. Saban lagee ureung "titip salam". Nyou na, dang dang Nyak Kaoy @isnorman hana hino, ta keutip tulesan han ta ikot kaidah🫢 suwah hapai lom.
Nak bek panyang that mukaddimah, jino loen tuan bagi calitra urou nyou. Teungoh loen tuan duek-duek sajan maslakoe, troih ureung jak intat pete u rumoh. Watee loen tuan kalon boh jih, langsong loen tuan teupeu nyan dari leun seumeujid blah deh jalan.
Nyang intat nan geuh Kang Tatang, marbot seumeujid. Geu peugah lee gobnyan, watee teungoh geu koh bak tee pageu, deuh nyang ka masak. Geu peutron aju saboih tangkè geu jok keu kamoe.
Geu peugah nyan bek peutroih sapat beuh. Na nyang beungeh enteuk. Hana loen peugot status WA, loen tuleh hino mantong. Daripada Kang Tatang keunong dhöt. Tapi loen tuan bagi bacut sapoe ngön ibu-ibu nyang kayem seumayang atawa jak beut sajan loen.
Nyang blah wi, na bak rambot nyan rumoh dan Kôk (keudee cut bak sagoe jalan, kheun ureung Indrapuri) Yahtuan loen tuan. Pat loen tuan tinggai seulawet nyou. Seumeujid padum langkah sagai dari rumoh
Loen peugah bak Kang Tatang, meunyo na neu bagi2 lom, neu jok meu padum boh papeun keu ibu-ibu jama'ah chit. Aleuh nyan, loen tuan jak intat 3 papeun pete u rumoh Bu Aisyah. Gob nyan dua geuh sagai i rumoh, nyan ka sep keu peurasa mantong. Bek ka geu tinggai leubeh trep dari uloen tuan, hantom geu rasa pih pete dari leun seumeujid.
Watee troih u rumoh, jeehh.. ka na saboih tangkè teuk😄 sang geu yue jòk keu kak ipar uloen tuan nyang juga donatur tetap seumeujid. Kapalo teuh meunyo ureung beungeh nyan geu teupeu🫣 so so nyang teupeu, bek peugah saho beuh🤫
hana ji meuboh bak keutapang, meuhan loen tuan jak kuet syit🤣
Cloudy Sunday (12/14), I was sitting at the living room with my dear hubby. A man named Kang Tatang who's working as the mosque across the street's caretaker brought a bunch of stinky beans which he had picked up from the tree. The stinky bean tree growing in the mosque's front yard. December is the harvest time for the tree.
When he gave the beans, he said don't let anyone knows, because there's someone who doesn't like it if he shared the beans with us. I wonder who and why? But he kept his mouth shut. He told me that my hubby is the one who gave the seed of the tree and planted it. Thus, it's fine to share the harvest with us.
I remember that we always got our shares every December before. He gave it openly. But, a few days ago when he sent a few, someone seems not too happy with it. Yeah, a few days ago we got it too, but it's not as much as usual. I guessed it was not many beans ready. I didn't mind it.
Now, I know the story behind and I think Kang Tatang was making his own decision to give it to us today. Big Thanks, Kang!
I told him, don't just share it with the men, there are also women amongs the regular prayers at the mosque. I just told him as a reminder but who knows? He picked up another bunch and told me to share it with the women's prayer. Especially my sister-in-law who's also an honor donator of the mosque.
But with a condition, don't make a fuss telling everybody about it. No Instagram, no facebook or Whatsapp status, in case someone will be mad at him. I agree and I didn't post it on other social media, but here!
So, shush 🤫 don't tell anyone around my neighborhood 👍 okay.
this is a lot to keep it for ourselves, of course I'll share with others, quietly. This stinky beans can be kept in the refrigerator for months. As long as we peel it off and keep the beans in a sealed container, plastic sealed bag is fine. Just take a few beans when you want to consume and let the rest kept in the sealed bag. It will be fresh and crunchy, the taste remain the same as we picked it up from the tree
I have shared with Bu Aisyah who has been living in the neighborhood longer than I do and never taste the beans from the mosque's yard before and she's happy when I gave her. There are another friends to share with, I'll do that ASAP. It's Sunday, everyone has gone out for fun with their family. I have to wait for them before I send out the beans.
That's all for today, 🤫 shush... See you around
@cicisaja wa,alakum salam.... Ibuk !!!!!!!
Meutuwah ☕
Beutoi,, lage nyan.. boh peute neukirm keno ile, Ino that meuhai, 30rb 15kre
Neublo hinan mantong, eungkoh kirem 100rb, troih pih 5-10 uroe, ka thô bak jalan, han jeut ta mamam lee
Waalaikumsalam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
Meutuwah 🫰