
in NutBox4 years ago

背景 / Background

PNUT-TRX 流动性池长期缺乏足够流动性。到目前为止,流动性池中,资金不到2万美元。PNUT流动性不足不利于Nutbox项目的发展壮大,压制PNUT的升值速度。

For a long time, the size of PNUT-TRX liquidity pool is limited. It is less than 20 thousand USD so far. It has become the main obstacle to promote the Nutbox project, which makes the SP delegation pool increase slowly as well as PNUT price.

摘要 / Abstract

项目内容 / The content of this project:


1, to create a new smart contract that engages in repurchase assets management (including assets airdrop).

2、建立对应的存储PNUT-TRX 令牌页面。

2, to create a webpage that can be used to save PNUT-TRX LP token.

3、在提案通过执行后的一年内,每个区块对存入PNUT-TRX 令牌的用户,按照资产比例分配0.2个PNUT(该PNUT由Nutbox.mine通过资产回购获得)。

3, In the following year, the smart contract will airdrop 0.2 PNUT per block at Tron to those people who save PNUT-TRX LP token in the Nutbox smart contract. For an individual, the more tokens save, the more PNUTs will get.

项目效果 / The consequence of the project:

基础设施的搭建 / Infrastructure construction:


To establish a smart contract that is used to manage the repurchase assets, and some of the parameters can be changed in the future. It can be used to airdrop assets at any time.


To establish a new webpage for LP token saving for Nutbox. It will be the front end of the liquidity promotion event.

短期流动性增幅 / Short term liquidity promotion:


In the beginning, we want to double the PNUT-TRX liquidity pool size. (The goal can be amended as long as the new proposal is approved. )


Before the target is achieved, the airdrop APY for LP assets is no less than 50%.


According to the data, the PNUT distribution speed will increase by 2%, which will only result in a limited inflation effect.

对社区的益处 / Benefit for our community:


1, To increase PNUT liquidity, lower the liquidity risk, improve the PNUT investment value.


2, To improve the Nutbox ecosystem, prepare to attract bigger investors.

资金使用计划及项目节点 / Funding plan and project plan

1、提案阶段,时间1周,1W PNUT

1, To hand in the proposal, one week, reward 10000 PNUT

2、智能合约的编写, 时间2周, 10W PNUT

1, To code the smart contract, two weeks, reward 100000 PNUT

3、前端界面的编写, 时间2周, 5W PNUT

3, To write the front end webpage, 2 weeks, reward 50000 PNUT

团队 / Working team

the initial team of Nutbox, any community members having the coding ability are also welcome.


Thank you for your hard work!


Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.17
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 61497.04
ETH 2478.29
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.66