June, 5 World Environment Day 2021 (Ecosystem restoration) by @salmanchpk

Hi, dear steamians! Hope you will in good health and doing well. Today globe is witnessing World Environment Day and the theme is Ecosystem restoration. Interestingly, this time Pakistan is co-host and the United Nations to spread awareness regarding the protection and restoration of the Ecosystem (Environment where different organisms live, including humans). My post will cover different aspects of environmental protection and its importance.

Brief Introduction:

Restoring the ecosystem means restoring nature. Only healthy ecosystems can improve people's lives, cope with climate change, and prevent biodiversity (Different types of organisms like plants, animals, microorganisms, and humans) collapse. Every year, World Environment Day is celebrated around the world on June 5. This is one of the largest United Nations-sponsored events that aims to raise awareness of the importance of nature. On World Environment Day, the United Nations is calling on people to change their lifestyles to be more environmentally friendly.

Brief history of World Environment Day:
World Environment Day is the first day of the Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment established by the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) in 1972, established for the first time in the United States in 1974 United Nations under the motto ‘Only one earth’. World Environment Day begins with the theme "One Earth" and reminds people of their role and responsibility towards the Earth. How our activities increase pollution, environmental degradation, and climate change.
Importance of Environment protection:


1) A healthy ecosystem cleans our waters, purifies the air, maintains the soil, regulates the climate, recycles nutrients, and provides us with food. They are used for medicinal and other purposes. They provide raw materials and resources.
2) Forests provide raw materials for a variety of consumer products. Forests are an important part of the environment and help provide a variety of raw materials and essential oils such as food, rubber, and wood from these natural resources.
3) Forests provide habitat for many species. Deforestation leads to the destruction of the entire ecosystem since almost half of all species live in forests. Just as the way you treat others reflects your personality, the way you treat the environment reflects who you really are. A good person treats the environment responsibly. And show that you have a really good character
4) This is the way to empower your generation. Proper management of the environment makes the earth a better place for everyone. You help yourself and others to have a better quality of life. This is a way to contribute to future generations. It will also benefit everyone for future generations. This land is our legacy for generations to come.
5) This is a way of giving back to the earth. Whether we realize it or not, we can only live by consuming the resources this planet provides us. We only get energy by using resources like petroleum and coal that the earth provides, not to mention basic necessities like food and water. Nature provides all these.
6) Plants serve as food for animals as well as for humans. Therefore, the destruction of the environment destroys the food chain system.
7) Trees, an important part of the environment, help keep the climate cool.
8) The environment helps to maintain the balance of the earth. Plants have another way of dealing with heat. Absorb CO2, the engine of global warming Plants need CO2 for photosynthesis, which they do in plants, leaves, and soil It will be stored for centuries. Forests also absorb impurities from emissions.
9) A balanced ecosystem brings rain. Large forests tend to influence weather conditions and therefore create their own microclimates. Forests are like giant sponges that catch water instead of rolling on the surface, but they can't absorb everything. The water that passes through the roots of plants drains into aquifers and replenishes groundwater, which is important for drinking, sanitation, and the surrounding irrigation in the world.
10) Trees play an important role in wind protection - Farming near forests has many benefits, including insectivorous bats and songbirds, rat-eating owls, and foxes. In addition, these trees In addition to protecting foxes, weak winds make bats easier to contaminate.
11) Trees help keep the soil in place. Not only does deforestation disrupt things, but the resulting soil erosion can also lead to new and life-threatening problems like landslides and sandstorms.
12) Many animals need the environment to survive. When the environment is destroyed, more and more animals in the ecosystem go extinct. Most animal species are endangered as the environment deteriorates.
13) Environmental protection can prevent soil erosion. Soil erosion is a factor caused by a variety of activities that lead to environmental degradation. Erosion can occur naturally due to the action of water or wind, or it can be promoted by irresponsible agricultural practices.
14) Environmental protection delays global warming. Forests slow down this process because carbon dioxide is stored in trees and converted into oxygen.
15) Maintenance of the environment leads to the creation of natural water bodies. Plants and rainforest trees descend and receive other types of moisture. It helps water flow naturally into larger bodies of water like lakes and rivers, helping to maintain water quality and help aquatic systems thrive. In forest ecosystems, rain and moisture are converted to groundwater and collected as freshwater for consumption.
16) Forests, being part of the environment, help us breathe. Did you know that more than 10 people can get oxygen from a single tree?
17) Forests give us clean air. The air we breathe is less harmful to us because the trees in the forest act as natural filters to remove harmful particles. In small amounts, the sun's ultraviolet (UV) rays are good for us and provide a good dose of vitamin D. However, too much sun exposure can be uncomfortable and can lead to skin cancer and many other health problems.
18) Maintaining an environment like reforestation helps stabilize noise pollution, it is so subtle that we hardly notice it. Around the world, many people depend on food from forests to survive.
19) Environmental protection increases tourism activities: many societies benefit from the financing, support, and economic recovery of tourism. Tourists are mainly attracted to areas such as forests and zoos that are part of our environment.
20) Medicines found in forests and in the environment: Medicines that can be used for a variety of health conditions can be found in forests. Extract to cure infectious diseases and many health problems.

Consequences of Environment degradation by humans:


Following will be the consequences (but not limited to these) if the environment not protected by humans:
1) Pollution:
Pollution of the air, water, and soil as a result of pollutants along with plastics, heavy metals, and nitrates, as a result of elements along with pollutants and gases launched with the aid of using factories, combustion of fossil fuels, acid rain, oil spill, and business waste.
2)Global warming:
The emission of greenhouse gases because of human pastime reasons international warming, which in flip reasons a boom in temperature that then ends in growing sea levels, melting of polar ice caps, flash floods, and desertification.
3) Overpopulation:
We are dealing with a scarcity of assets along with food, water, and gasoline to preserve the growing international population, especially in growing countries. Intensive agriculture trying to reduce the hassle certainly ends in greater harm thru using chemical fertilizers, insecticides, and insecticides.
4) Waste disposal:
An immoderate quantity of waste is produced and dumped withinside the oceans. Nuclear waste is especially dangerous, in addition to plastics and digital waste.
5) Ocean acidification:
The boom withinside the manufacturing of carbon dioxide with the aid of using people reasons the oceans’ acidity to rise, which has a poor effect on marine life.
6) Loss of biodiversity:
Species and habitats are getting extinct because of human pastime. This reasons an imbalance in herbal procedures like pollination and poses a chance to ecosystems – coral reef destruction is especially affected.
7) Deforestation:
Loss of bushes in an effort to make area for residential, business, or industrial initiatives manner that much less oxygen is produced, and temperature and rainfall are affected.
8) Ozone layer depletion:
Pollution as a result of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) withinside the air creates a hollow withinside the ozone layer, which protects the earth from dangerous UV radiation.
9) Acid rain:
Pollutants withinside the environment along with sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides purpose acid rain, which has poor results for people, flora and fauna, and aquatic species.
10) Public fitness troubles:
Lack of smooth water is one of the main environmental issues currently. Pollutants withinside the air additionally purpose troubles along with respiration sickness and cardiovascular sickness.
How to protect Environment:

1) Everyone should start saving water, it's the most important part of life. After use, it is recommended to close all faucets, collect rainwater to save water and prevent a water crisis.
2)It integrates solar panels that contribute to viable life.
3) Public transport must be used to reduce the level of air pollution. In addition, waste should not be dumped into water bodies to avoid water pollution.
4) Encourage product recycling and reuse and use paper bags instead of plastic bags.
5) Promote tree planting and afforestation to increase the green coverage of the land.
6) Don't waste food and water.
7) Planting trees is the best thing to do to protect the environment. The world is facing deforestation. Stopping water after use saves water.
8) The combustion of fossil fuels is a major source of environmental pollution.
9) Use of recyclable products.
10) Appropriate use of electrical appliances at home to save energy.

Protect Environment: Live Healthy life

Thanks for reading my post.


Your post is very informative. You have done very well

You made a very good post. I like it very much

Very informative post
Keep up your good work.

Thanks for sharing your post

Thanks Ahmad bhai

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