THE DIARY GAME | 02-04-2022


Hello fellow steemians i hope you all are doing well. I am doing good. So basically its been a while since i posted in the platform. Its good to be back. I had to powerdown my whole steempower as i was going through very tough times. Life was very harsh on my lately. But its the trend of life. You gotta keep moving on. So now that the harsh times are (almost)over i am back on steemit with the same energy that i had previously. I will be participating in #club100 untill i get eligible for the steemit crypto academy. Now lets get started with the diary game.

So the day starts as usual,same lazy mornings & the day filled with emptiness. So 1st thing in the morning i made coffee for myself.


After having the coffee i started reading the book "THE MYSTICAL POEMS OF RUMI". Well the problem though is that the words used are out of my league so it was difficult to read & understand without using a proper dictionary.


After reading few pages. I slept for a while & thats pretty much how my day was yesterday. Ah! I almost forgot that i visited a nearby park & had a pepsi bottle.


 2 years ago 

Hello, I'm sorry you had to turn off due to economic problems, it usually happens to us, we are not exempt from it, the important thing is that you are back with enthusiasm and willing to invest in Steemit, welcome back, greetings from Margarita.

#onepercent #venezuela

 2 years ago 

@marito74 thanks alot sir

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