Steemit Engagement Challenge S3-W3: A little bit of motivation can go a long way


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Most of us can identify the importance of motivation in our lives. There are things we never wanted to do but got to do them because we got motivation from others or we motivate ourselves. I believe motivation is important. The motivational quote I chose for this post of that of Olaf from Frozen and The Blu Fairy from Pinocchio.


Olaf: "There are some people worth melting for"

I picked this statement because it's true. There are actually some people worth melting for. There are people who impact our lives so much that we hold them at high esteem. There are some people we love so much that we find them worth the sacrifices we make for them. I choose to use the word sacrifice because the word melting sounds like dying but I don't see it as such. I see the word melting in the statement as sacrifice.

So the meaning of these words for me is that there are people who are worth our sacrifices. It could be your mother, father, brother or sister, spouse, child, friend or even a total stranger. There are worth your sacrifice because maybe you love them, maybe they impact your life directly or indirectly or it's their lifestyle you like. You feel like the world needs more people like them.

The Blue Fairy: "Always let your conscience be your guide"

I chose this second statement because it's speaks to me directly. In everything I do in life I always try to be guided with my conscience. I think these words mean that "do unto others what you want them to do to you". Looking at it deeper it talks about how we treat others and live our lives.

Before we do something we should think about switching places with the person it will affect so that we can imagine how it'll feel it it were us. As a business woman I always say "don't sell what you cannot consume". In other words don't decieve people with goods that even you can't use or consume. Let's use our conscience to judge everything we do.


A little bit of motivation can go a long way" True or False?

The statement a little bit of motivation can go a long way is very very true. There are moments when we want to give up and just be like I can't do it. At those times that we are about to give up on something big or important. A little bit of motivation might just be able to wake us up and see how important what we want to let go is.

There's this one statement that someone can say to you to motivate and it changes your entire life forever. You can even be watching a motivational video or movie and be like I want to be like that person. This person motivates me, and that's when things start to change for the better. There no small motivation, even just a sentence of motivation can change your life. So I support the statement that a little bit of motivation can go a long way.


Why Motivation is Important to Me

As a human, there are always times of weakness and struggle. It's how we pep talk ourselves out of that cage in our minds, it's how friends and family pat your shoulder and say you can do it that brings you our of some situations. As a person I'm always self motivated or motivated by others.

I always tell myself you can do it!! Just start! I say these to myself everyday as I wake up and face the day. If I feel down I remind myself how awesome I am and how I have tacked bigger things.

Sometimes I might reach out to a friend and be like my motivation is not enough. Please tell me something to boost my zeal. Hearing the things you are scared to admit to yourself from another person is a real booster.

Motivation is important to me because there's alot I have given up and alot I have started because of self motivation and motivation from others. The world isn't easy to live in so sometimes we need that extra push to get back on our feet and try again.


Two examples of me motivating others

  1. One of my close friends was facing a problem with school. What she was doing wasn't what she wanted to do. She was scared of what her parents will say and moreover she was scared of starting over. She reached out to me and I told her there's no time to start over like the present. Start over as much as you can till you are able to find what you love and settle for it. Your parents love you and they will understand.

Well my motivation helped and she started over and took a different course. She's happy and doing what she loves.

  1. I had this other friend who wanted to start up a business. She was afraid she wasn't good enough. She was scared her marketing skills weren't good enough. She was terrified of trying and failing. I told her that she'll never know if you can succeed until she tries. Don't live life thinking what if? Just do it!

She took my words and started. I am proud to say that her business is still up and running up till now.

I'm happy my friends took my motivation on these tow occasions. It feels good to be part of the success story.


Habits I can creat to Increase motivating myself

So my usual habits that I've been using to motivate myself are things like listening to music, talking myself and reading my Bible.
I've found new ways of increasing my motivation like running and doing yoga. Anytime I feel like I need air I go running, anytime I feel like I need silence I start my yoga.

These two things have proven very effective for me when I want to motivate myself not to give up on a situation.


I'll conclude by sharing my most famous motivational quote. I tell it to myself all the time. "If you can see it then believe it". For me it means if you want something and you can picture yourself getting it, then believe you can get it. All that is to say... NEVER GIVE UP! KEEP MOTIVATING YOURSELF.

I invite @graceleon @b-naj @gimbia @patjewell and @ijebest to join this contest.

Thanks for reading

 2 years ago 

Todos necesitamos, en algún momento, sentirnos motivados. Usted tiene muy bien pensado todas las opciones con respecto a este factor tan importante, además que puede influir positivamente en sus amigos cuando la necesitan. Éxitos...

 2 years ago 

Thank you friend
We all need that push and also push others.
My regards.

 2 years ago 

Olaf is one of the characters I like and is the same as the character I chose. Olaf is liked by his friends.

I also share motivation, if you have time please see it and I am very happy.

 2 years ago 

I will check on your post

 2 years ago 

Thank you for your time

 2 years ago 

Hi-@wase1234, thanks for the invite, I like it where you said you do motivate yourself. It's a great virtue oooo, for someone to motivate his or herself, you may not go down too much than waiting for others. Thanks for all the points raised they help a lot in life.

 2 years ago 

I'm happy that you can relate...
Thank you...

 2 years ago 

Thanks very much my baby girl, I'm always available, hahaha 🤣😂.

 2 years ago 

Conscience is a good guide when it is trained well. If only most people allow this to guide them. Wickedness would not abound as it is now. Thanks for sharing this piece with us.

 2 years ago 

Thank you for engaging

 2 years ago 

You are welcome.

 2 years ago 

Yea you are right, i for one see melting in that text as being able to do something for that one person, which in normal a circumstance, you won't do for just anyone. It indeed must be an act of sacrifice.


This phrase reminds me of spongebob and his euphoric lifestyle, always happy no matter what.

do unto others what you want them to do to you

One must always view from every one's own angle. Only the person wearing the shoe knows where it hurts most, but we can try to switch places too.

What she was doing wasn't what she wanted to do

So many students face this challenge today, and it eventually leads to quitting. I'm glad you gave her a motivational advice.

Thanks for sharing. I invite you to visit my publications too my friend. Cheers 🥂

 2 years ago 

Thanks for your quality engagement
It's very well appreciated
I'll keep motivating others!!

 2 years ago 

You are welcome my dear

 2 years ago 

Little bit of motivation is really important in places where we feel that we are really going to give up. I also fave experienced that in my life.

 2 years ago 

Thanks for engaging friend

 2 years ago 

Well done on writing a great post!
It is clear that you know what motivation is 😊
You are right, the world isn’t easy to live in.
Good luck with the contest 🤞🏻

 2 years ago 

Thank you Ma'am

 2 years ago 

Truly there are people that are worth melting for because of their importance in our lives, those are people we can go any length to see that they are happy.

"don't sell what you cannot consume"

I think this is a good way of explaining conscience because only hypocrite and someone that has sold or block his conscience will do unto other what he can not allow people to do to him.

Thank you for sharing.

 2 years ago 

Thanks for stopping by and engaging

 2 years ago 

You are welcome.

 2 years ago 

Thanks for mentioning me on your post I appreciate and I will perform on this tags

 2 years ago 

Okay 👍

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