RE: Contest | 25-Word Comment - Monkey Business | Coffee Time
Boiling for 1 hour? What a waste of energy and next drinking that syrup every hour. I am familiar with this "thick" coffee from Turkey and a friend made it as well if on holidays and traveling but the idea is you use a bit and add (hot) water to it as much as is yoimur taste (or boiled whipped milk or it is used for dessserts ir pie. I did nitice that if this is saved too long (2+ days there's mold on it).
I never heard of coffee mixed with anything but what you drink sounds way more healthy.
Coffee makes me sleepy. They also say it helps against obstipation. Not if it comes to anyone I know, and one cup per day (just like red wine) should be good for the heart (most likely because it widens the blood vessels). Does it help everyone? I doubt it. If that would be the case heart attacks wouldn't exist and we all would be healthy and never sleep again.
I like to hear your coffee recipe.
By the way
They say the worst for one's health is unfiltered coffee.
The coffee I drank was made up of powdered coffee, ginger powder, cardamom and clove, its a kind of herbal coffee. One tablespoon of coffee powder not black coffee for one thermoses. Bring it to boil and drink the mixture after eating your meal. You can drink it slowly in one day.