And Then There Were Noone



There is a story with a riddle and it appeared in different versions. Usually, you read about it in children's books where the true story has been changed and no one knows or ever read the original version. I remember the different stories but the one that stuck with me the most is the story of ten little elephants who went for a walk on the beach... it seemed like with every step they took something went wrong and every time one elephant was left behind. In the end, there was only one.
I wonder how that one felt. I assume not great because the average elephant is more social than the average person and leaving one out of the group behind is not something this mammal does quickly. I wonder what the writer of that children's story thought as s/he chose this animal or was s/he perhaps inspired by a more famous elephant like Dumbo who was kicked out of the group by other elephants?

So instead of elephants, I asked Bing for monkeys because humans seem to have a lot in common with them.
The monkey business, for example, that not everyone is charmed by and where opinions do not care or whether someone is left behind. Life is survival of the fittest and Steemit is a beautiful illustration of that. What we experience offline can also be seen here, especially if you take the time to read.

Is it possible to reach the top if you are invited to stay at an exclusive resort for free?
Are you a team builder and prepared to fight for strangers or do you prefer to stand on the sidelines and watch how someone else tackles and solves all the problems? The original story on which the elephant version is based would probably not even be published today. Not because the average person hardly reads, let alone solves detective stories and riddles, but because there is always someone seeing discrimination in every written word, film, painting or deed.

Christmas is already twelve days behind us and I find it suspiciously quiet. Not a word about the Christmas spirit that seemed to play a major role in the lives of many not too long ago. It seems that this elephant has been removed, just like the one that wears the crimes of the old year and that cute elephant carrying the achievement.
Don't worry it will be Valentine's Day soon and we can talk about love again.

Come on people get out of your comfort zone and do something different for a change!
If you like riddles, I think you can try your luck all year long with the competition that @the-gorilla is organizing (no, I have no idea what to do).
To ring in the new year, there is also an out-of-the-box competition in which an unexpected visitor wants to ask you all sorts of questions while you are dying. Are you creative? Then write what you will say and let the seriousness behind it.
If you like to be artistic you can scribble a mouth this week. A closed mouth might be the best option.
Of course, Monkey Business will continue since Steemians are always good for a topic.
BTW, I still have some elephants hidden in the closet but had to let go of two more because it's clear that if it comes to Steemit old habits die hard and as the saying goes: Those who do not want to hear, must feel... (experience).

And then there were noone? No, four down, six left, they are not partying in the porcelain cabinet. A good week to all, and don't forget to have fun.

Picture generated by me
The title is the prompt and provided by @freewritehouse.
Did you notice there's an Out-of-the-box contest where all free writers are welcome? Read the questions before you join.

 2 months ago (edited)

Is funny how you compared us with the monkeys.., but you are right. After all, science is always trying to prove that early humans are monkeys!

But the beauty of life is “survival of the fittest”, is not something we can rule out. That’s why you see some users go far to the top by adapting to Steemit demands while others are left behind because they couldn’t Meet up

But I do love the fact that you are encouraging everyone of us to step out from our comfort zones and be more creative because everyone of us have a role to play in building something more meaningful. I will be going to check some of the contest you mentioned, right away

 2 months ago (edited)

Do you know the book I refer to?
I am not sure if we should build something meaningful but the least thing we can do is to think out of the box and have some fun. Life it self is already serious enough.
And if it comes to the monkeys I like them and we do have a lot in common although if I may believe our DNA has a lot in common with pigs as well (they make good donors for humans).

Indeed it is survival of the fittest. To me, there's no need to be at the (upper) top because it will come with a lot of responsibilities and I have strong doubts if it comes to fun time but if you want a better life it's wise to act and not lean back and wait till you will be saved.

Good luck with the contest.

 2 months ago 

Do you know the book I refer to?

I had know idea it had a book until you mentioned it. It was the cartoon I watched when I was much younger and it was quite popular back then.

make good donors for humans

I read this statement and I thought you were joking but just to be sure, I decided to do some research and to my amazement, you were correct and I’m here wondering, why scientists mostly use monkeys and rats for their research when they have pigs that have close match to humans DNA.

 2 months ago 

It's good to hear you did some research since there's always truth in what I write. Isn't it interesting that people rather believe that everything that's true is fiction and take the make up stuff for the truth?

I assume that rats, mice, dogs, cats, ferrets and genuine pigs are easier to keep (ask that rat of a Fauci) and a part of them breeds faster as well. Why monkeys? An old habit I guess and old habits are hard to kill.

Lately we had a discussion why pigs aren't used and why a pacemaker if the organs of a pig are available. Why killing strangers on the streets to steal their organs and leave them behind for dead if a pig is the answer? Pigs are consumed and in the old days we didn't waste much. Skin (leather), bladder (condoms and lamps), legs, skull, bowels everything was used (no waste). So instead of eating the heart and kidneys they could be used. The reason is why not? Is it really because humans are afraid such a heart will change them into a pig (good for a story) or is the reality that doctors/governments rather see us die and they all pretend that we are in high need of organs?
The reality is we are not.

The book I refer to in my text is written by Agatha Christie. Didn't google or AI provide the answer? You only needed to google the title. If not AI isn't as educated as I thought and @weisser-rabe has the solution it it comes to guessing the books she has in mind.
Thanks for replying.

It's amusing to see monkeys with books))) Here in Ukraine, we have an old saying about a "monkey with a grenade," which symbolizes a person who has gained great power (for example, becoming the president of a country) but lacks the proper wisdom for their position and can cause a lot of harm.

Here are the illustrations of such an archetype that DALL-E created for me))


 2 months ago 

Hah, you did a great job with generating these pictures. Somehow those monkeys look familiar. It's an interesting expression and it does make sense. If I look at these pictures my first thought is (a Dutch expression translated): He didn't invent the tyre.

A monkey expression we have is (again translated): Even if a monkey wears a golden ring it remains an ugly thing. (I believe you figure out yourself what that means).

By the way my uncle had a monkey he took along as he was selling the food he cooked during the lunchbreak to the workers of a factory. No idea what happened to that little one.
Can monkeys read? Most likely not but the same counts for many humans and since a book stands for intelligence it's a smart move to hold one and pretend you love them. Don't they look smart?

Any idea about the book I am referring to?

Good illustration and just like what happened to our country politics . Some like a monkey holding a granade or bomb that harm countrymen.

Hello my dear @wakeupkitty

Honestly , I don't know what to do or to discuss but it brought me to read some stories about monkey in google and it redirect me shoeing the Monkey Paws. I read a little and I also found about Agatha Christie and community. There are so many lesson I learned from a short read just in nut the message impact to my morning reflection goes like this
What a great message for me from the monkey itself.

Cleverness is better than strength and it is important to oppose bullies because if you keep taking their abuse, they will keep on oppressing you. Once the monkey showed them in the story otherwise, they all became aware of the situation.

It rocks my soul! I hope I should be clever but in such nice way . Many hope, wishes I intend to wish but it said too that "we must be careful on what we wishing for."


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