A Rice Shower - May 5th, 2024

in STEEM FOR BETTERLIFE5 months ago (edited)

By now it's a year ago I said: We shouldn't forget the rice. Of course we did and I thought about it once we sat in church.


Two days ago it was my friend's wedding day.

Was she looking forward to it? Not really but after 29 years she said okay to please...most likely her father who's dying of cancer and has dementia (I had a good chat with him: I heard a lot about you, your name is familiar (his daughter and I share the same name) and next we talked about travelling through Europe by car. He dozed off during the ceremony and it was hard to tell if he heard a word, same for her mom.
The wedding was a surprise and so was church and till today I wonder whose idea it was. I doubt hers and there were more surprises when her children turn out to be baptized. Really?
Really must have thought the priest too since it might have been the last time he saw the couple.

Why they marry, my daughter asked, the children are adults by now! Yee!

Hurray for the couple, the ceremony was a surprise, not boring and although there was coffee and cake out of the car's trunk the family was jolly (and smoking) and we made some funny shots on the square.

I adopted her ex-bf, hubby by now, as my brother (his mom was Indonesian) so we are one big, at times happy family, which is good for him since his family died or refused to show up.

It's good we didn't throw rice since my friend does not want more children and rice thrown into the face can be painful. No white doves by the way so no poop spoiled the white dress. Also a surprise, that dress, the first and last time she wears one. She was wearing sneakers underneath if you wonder.


After 1 year, we meet again

one day before the first anniversary.

How's life as a married woman, I ask?

Never again I did it for him.

And your father.

I add to it, not that it cheered her up. Her dog is happy to see me which is a plus. His face became more white but he was as jumpy as he was as I saw him as a pup.


I told the dog I am leaving. Really, he thought, you ask me to get off the couch again!

The day after I texted

Congratulations! 1 year married.

And 30 years together, it feels like eternity.

It is eternity. How was your wedding day?

Great, hubby went to work, the children weren't home. Are you travelling for a month I want to leave too!

Next year we celebrate your wedding day together.


While sitting on the plane

(I have a seat behind two parents with a child who can't stop crying and people were already so kind to change seats so the entire family can sit next to each other) it feels as if I am in between two worlds. The foreign plane waits at the airport in the Netherlands.
The steward did his hocus pocus (what to do if the plane crashes always good to keep the spirit high and not a single person pays attention except the screaming child) and... the toddler is quiet.


There's a manual with hocus pocus on board. Always good if in need studying those tiny pics and wonder what is meant. The chocolate is melting. Solution: I ate it.

As soon as the steward stops the screaming starts again. I wonder why the parents don't notice it. All Dad has to do is stand in the plane and make gestures.

The plane is late, let's see if they decide to fly faster. These days it takes over two hours instead of barely 1.5 hours. It's all because of Mother Nature which is nonsense but good enough to add extra chairs and to cash off.


My eldest dropped me at the airport and surprise surprise she said she wants to give Steemit a try and save for her son for the next 10-15 years. She sounds enthusiastic but I'm not so sure if she will continue since she is a more than busy bee.

One of my daughters has an account but gave up on it. For an artist Steemit is not attractive, real followers are hard to find let alone someone to exchange experiences with. And before you ask my son is not interested he does not like to waste time upvoting, reading, commenting and writing what does not interest him.
If it comes to Steemit I believe my children read and hear enough stories (they read mine) and I paint the atmosphere and what to expect from Steemit lively and in all colours of the rainbow.
I wonder if Steemit, for the average European, isn't equal to how Dutch people see Facebook. A place for mainly older people (FB is for the elderly (and some businesses) because it brings nothing new and there are better places to be).

Happy Mother's Day I said as I hugged my eldest goodbye.

It's next week, she replied.
(Why does my phone say it's on May 5th, anyone?)


Eindhoven Airport

is not in the centre of the city. It takes nearly one hour by bus to get there. From Eindhoven Central Station it's 2 hours by train or if I wait 5 hours I can take the Flixbus and arrive in Arnhem (and need an extra train and next it's walking).






The outside looks ok, the inside, hall is okay, but once you passed the gate... The last photo is the parking, that one that collapsed.

I took some photos on my way. Also for my son. The last time he was here was years ago and the parking garage collapsed exactly the night before it would open. So far construction in The Netherlands.

It's easy to go through the first control.

Just scan the barcode on your ticket (phone).
The undress party and no liquids allowed is history. If it fits in your handbag you are free to take 10 liters of soda with you.
This time I could keep my clothes and shoes on. There's an uncomfortable body scan where you should place your feet on the prints on the floor and stay in some Kung fu position with your arms up. To some, if not many, this might be hard if they do not wear the right clothes and can't spread their legs that far. If you ask me these footprints are the feet of a modern giant about 2.15 meters tall and foot size 52. I wonder how many fell trying to fulfil the wishes of the body scan.

What can you see, I asked one of those male employers once. Can you see underwear, if we women have our period?

If you are worried they can't the body scan is still a body scam once we are used to it being fake they place the real one. Although it might recognize the steel ring in a bra it simply beeps every 8 or 10th time someone walks through the gate (the man told me) so no need to sweat.


Coolpack? The chocolate inside melted. Not cool!

I had no trouble but my bag was taken out.

You took food along, he asked.

The bag of the lady before showed potato chips and 'boerenkool' (a kind of green cabbage I am apparently found in and if I may believe it's typical Dutch).

Yes. I have cookies, cheese - I thought - and drop (licorice).

I saw his Dutch face smile as he repeated what I said and thought she's good for the Dutch economy.

Can you open up?

I did and hoped everything I stuffed inside wouldn't pop out like a Jack in the Box. A plus is my bag opens at the side so if I lay it down it's more like a suitcase. I took out my agenda and he wiped my bag with liquorice with a hygienic wipe.

It's okay, you can go.

Huh? Is this all? I stood there for nearly one hour. Before I closed my bag I noticed the chocolate. Let's hope the cheese and chocolate will arrive in a good state.

Altogether this took long and I couldn't refill my water bottle. I didn't know I could take it along. Because of a lack of space in my bag, I decided to leave the white lamb my daughter bought for my son behind. I told him and sent a photo. He has to wait for it 6-8 months (in time for Easter 2025)


35 minutes passed. Was the pilot unwell because of a shot or did the fuel come out drop by drop? We are still waiting and this plane is extremely dirty.

Tall people or those with longer legs

have a hard time in this plane. There's no room for the legs unless you pay for a seat at the door. At the time we get out of here, we all are crippled.

While waiting I texted my youngest and son -we still didn't leave- but didn't receive a response. They rarely check their phone but if I ignore them it makes them angry. Well, angry is an overstatement since they know sooner or later I'll reply. I am always on standby (not if I sleep I switch off my phone) although my phone doesn't make a sound or buzz. If I go outside I leave my phone at home (not now I use the flight to write).

The plane left 35 minutes later, no update, no drunk people either although my neighbour ordered white wine. The Wizz magazine says these are quality wines but even if so you have to drink it out of a paper cup. Drinking straight out of the bottle is a better choice.

The child in front of me is still filled with energy and the lady next to me reads on her tablet, plays with her phone. Who says only the youth is addicted to the screen? Age 60+

My bottom hurts

My son won't like it if he has to carry me in and out of the car. Let's hope I won't have to stay in bed again for x weeks because I have plans. It's Springtime and my son and I will empty the house, clean it and he wants to drag me around to try out sofas (this can be fun).

It's 7:20 p.m. according to the pilot we are landing. Good because the seats are worse than a wooden kitchen chair. Landing means: seat belts on, blinds of the windows open, tables closed. The landing also means it will take at least 30 more minutes, 45 to 50 till I am out of the airport. I hope my son will be on time and bring me some water.


The sun is shining, always good. I'm wearing my winter clothes.

What can I say?

My son forgot me (let mom rotten at the airport since there are plenty of moms and women on the planet?). As he finally called back after me texting, calling (this is unique) he said he just arrived at the city nearby and needed a bathroom accompanied by the words "I don't feel well, it's going downhill since this morning... (12 hours ago!), I have no idea when I will arrive. 😐
I mean... seriously?
It's good they had seats, internet and a socket at the airport but nothing to drink plus I wasn't in the mood to search for it. After the plane landed in some abandoned corner of the airport and I walked 70 miles without the giant's 7-mile boots I had it.






70-mile strole on BUD - Budapest Airport

My favourite son arrived earlier than expected and asked if I could drive. While I his mom thought he had some flu with diarrhoea included he only needed to pee (ladies do not fall for men their tricks!).

So, you slept and forgot me, I said (moms know when you lie boys, girls and men, you are warned!).
He mumbled yes and decided to sniff a bit more and complain about allergies and meds the doctor once described and how they did nothing (duuuh I thought while driving on).

It was after midnight we arrived. It looked like a jungle. Of course, he assured me he mowed and the car couldn't be parked close to the door because of the excessive growth of a rose bush (soon it will cover the guesthouse and the entire place. It will be hard work for a prince or Shrek to cut a way through it. I guess this is a woman's job too.).

While driving my son's health increased magically.
No need for a doctor with me around. The house looked as if a bomb exploded inside so I decided to do the dishes first, wipe floors, drink jasmine tea, burn incense, collect the trash before I went to bed.
My son was fine with it, he went to bed and was snoring.

I texted for some time with my daughter (night shift) and told her after the garden is finished I will collect what is in my way and set it on fire.

RIP brother, she texted back.

I texted my friend and told het I raised my children in the wrong way, I failed. It's as if I see my granny disappointed by each one of her sons.

_Visions of an abandoned elderly (me) at the airport without ID (always good) played through my mind. Let's see if I can escape from the painful rice shower asap.

So far a better life. Hey, @el-nailul you can practice here too! Don't overdue it take my son for example. With me you will always sleep safe and sound. I had a good day and made a new friend @irawandedy thanks for asking me (you have more info now I rarely write diaries).
@fadthalib here is another one (waiting, flights and waiting are goof for writing). @ibesso thanks for declaring your friendship.

I'll be back unless I drop dead in the garden (time for the laundry, it's a good thing I have a son 😉).


@yaladeeds @blessedlife @goodybest

Header: Canva
Photos: taken by me
Pictures Wizz Magazine April/May 2024
I am a mobile phone user only

25% - @ null
20% - @worldsmile
20% - hive-169911

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 5 months ago 

Hai @bangun kitty

Ini kejutan besar, anda terlalu royal berbagi foto, sesuatu yang jarang dilakukan. Dengan melihat foto paling tidak imajinasi pembaca lebih terkontrol. Anda sudah seperti reporter travelling profesional 😁.

Sebenarnya yang paling menarik itu tentang "nasi putih yang dilempar ke wajah", imajinasi saya jadi nakal dan brutal seperti Sun Go Kong (kera sakti) hahahah.

Terima kasih sudah menyebut nama saya, jangan lupa melanjutkan " Waterfall III", saya sudah mulai mencoba cerita bersambung, versi suka-suka .

 5 months ago 

Haha Ya, lemparan nasi ke pengantin adalah tradisi yang aneh, maksud saya melemparnya dengan makanan, saya melemparnya dengan nasi rebus! Itu bisa menyakitkan jika Anda melemparnya ke wajah seseorang.

Saya memang jarang sekali menunjukkan foto, meskipun jika Anda berjalan dengan saya, saya bisa diam setiap beberapa detik karena melihat sesuatu yang menarik (mata saya bisa, tapi ponsel jarang). Saya lebih tertarik pada kata-kata daripada gambar, tetapi hari ini saya membuat pengecualian untuk kehidupan yang lebih baik. Saya jarang memposting buku harian. Saya yakin ini adalah yang ke-4.

Saya baru saja selesai berkebun jam 5 sore. Saya berharap dapat menulis tindak lanjutnya hari ini. Saya hanya perlu memeriksa sesuatu yang Anda tulis karena saya tidak yakin apakah itu diterjemahkan dengan baik. Saya suka cerita Anda, ini sebuah kejutan. Mari kita lihat bagaimana saya bisa menindaklanjuti dengan satu atau dua petunjuk.

 5 months ago 

Saya hanya berusaha untuk menulis fiksi tapi ada informasi terkait tempat dan tokoh. Saya seperti sudah menemukan gaya baru yang nyaman buat saya. Hanya perlu memperbanyak kalimat fiksi yang memang susah. Saya yakin dari beberapa clue yang ada dapat anda kembangkan menjadi cerita yang sangat menarik 🙏

 5 months ago 

Kisah-kisah terbaik memiliki sebagian kebenaran di dalamnya. Inilah yang membuat mereka terasa nyata.
Saya tidak tahu apakah kalimat fiksi ilmiah itu ada. Yang bisa Anda coba adalah menulis tentang masa lalu (sejarah) dan menambahkan beberapa fakta masa kini.

Misalnya, sultan bertemu dengan Portugis dan memiliki visi tentang Perang Dunia 2 atau 3

Atau gambarkan fantasi seorang pelaut (pilot otomatis di kapal atau orang Belanda yang terbang) dan bagaimana mesin menggantikan tentara.

Mengajar sejarah dengan kacamata VCR, gurunya adalah AI. Seperti apa dunia ini jika mereka mengambil setiap pekerjaan?

Perasaan seperti: antusiasme, ketakutan, kekecewaan, dan kekhawatiran, tetapi juga kurangnya kecerdasan dan pendidikan akan membuatnya lebih mudah dikendalikan.

Akankah orang-orang bertahan, mengemasi tas mereka dan meninggalkan kota? Akankah manusia masih ada jika mesin mengambil alih?

Bagaimana jika listrik dimatikan?

Ini seperti berpura-pura menjadi karakter tertentu dan mencoba berpikir dan merasa seperti mereka.

Fakta bahwa Anda sudah mengetahui apa yang ingin Anda tulis adalah awal yang baik.

Saya rasa bagian fiksi ilmiah akan muncul dengan sendirinya.

Ada sebuah buku dalam bahasa Jerman: Er ist wieder da. (Dia ada di sini lagi).
Buku ini bercerita tentang Hitler yang terbangun di sebuah ladang 50 tahun kemudian. Dunia telah berubah, dan penemuan-penemuan baru dan orang-orang mengira dia adalah seorang aktor dari cara dia berpenampilan dan berpakaian. Dia menginginkan Jerman yang besar. Uni Eropa yang sekarang adalah apa yang ada dalam pikirannya. Kebetulan?

Bagaimana jika Köhler terbangun di kebun Anda? Bagaimana reaksinya? Dapatkah dia beradaptasi dengan zaman modern? Bagaimana reaksinya jika dia melihat laptop? Bisakah Anda berteman dengannya? Mungkin saat menulis, Anda akan menemukan kebenaran tentang siapa yang membunuh siapa...

 5 months ago 

Nah itu dia imajinasi tentang kohler yang bangun di kebun saya maka pertanyaan pertama yang akan saya ajukan, siapa yang menembak kamu?.

Sepertinya saya akan mencoba beberapa model cerita fiksi terutama tentang muatan konflik masa lalu dan terulang kembali di masa sekarang.

 5 months ago (edited)

Anda yang melakukan itu. Anda mungkin, sambil menulis dan memakai hts yang berbeda, menemukan jawabannya. Jarang sekali jawaban itu sedalam yang kita pikirkan dan kebanyakan ada di depan hidung kita.

Kecelakaan atau diatur jika iri hati.
Jika Anda bertanya pada Köhler saat dia bangun di kebun Anda, dia mungkin bertanya-tanya mengapa Anda berpakaian begitu aneh dan bingung. Kemungkinan besar dia tidak tahu bahwa dia sudah meninggal. Hitler yang kembali tidak. Dia diizinkan untuk tidur di kios koran di sebuah kursi. Sepanjang malam dia membaca koran-koran itu dan di siang hari dia membantu pemilik kios. Pemiliknya mengira dia adalah seorang aktor yang baru datang dari sebuah stasiun penyiaran dan... Hitler menjadi acara radio/tv-nya sendiri. Dia sukses besar. Mengapa? Karena semua orang menyukai apa yang dia katakan tentang kemiskinan, negara yang korup, dan dan dan. Tidak ada yang mempercayai apa yang dia katakan: Saya Hitler. Mereka mengira dia seorang pelawak.


 5 months ago 

Your son must be so proud of you which I am sure he didn't forget about your arrival at the airport. Maybe he was too busy or might not be expecting you to arrive so early. It is a good thing that he didn't only text you but also he finally called you to let you know his reasons. That means he cares so much about you. Indeed, your trip was a great one that is filled with memorable stories to tell.

 5 months ago 

He felt sick, went to bed and forgot about me. He called back after I texted him 3x and called 3 times. I.asdume I woke him up. It's fine. It wasn't called, I didn't feel bored, just thirsty. He did his best and it was hard for him to be alone (during my absence he called 3-5 times a day). Autism isn't easy but he will learn how to survive and improve his life.

Thanks for taking the time to read me and leave a comment.


 5 months ago 

Wow! What a journey! But travelling will always be nice, and waiting is good time fir writing, only if your needs are covered and you are not desperate to get Home. Well, I'm doubting the way I'm raising My daugther as you do hahaha. By the way, she is curious about Steemit too, but she is still so little.

In my country the rice is for prosperity, not for kids as far as I know.

Nice reading you and knowing you took some time to visit your friend.

 5 months ago 

One thinks it's only a flight of 2 hours but the travelling altogether... Pfff. Anyway I arrived and the weather was fine, my son feels better (in bed again but he had to clean the car because he spilled 8 liters of gasoline in it and it smells terrible).
I told him to kick his own arse because I know he can do it (autism x high intelligent isn't easy and I teach him the tricks to act social acceptable, how I wish he would have hone to the art school instead).
It was hard for him to stay alone, it causes him stress but he managed. Next time better.

Thanks for stopping by.
A great day to you.

Ps no idea why rice since it doesn't grow with us, flowers, potatoes or tulips would make more sense. Rice x babies??? The throwing stands for fertility I guess we are out of grain?

 5 months ago 

The diary is long enough to read and I enjoy it so much, so you are in Budapest at your son's house?.

What surprised me is the plane you said was dirty, I rarely fly around now. I saw you had a good chat with my queen.

have a good day there @wakeupkitty

 5 months ago 

No I travelled further. I am close to the Romanian border, Ukraine. I am not fond of cities and Budapest is a world on its own. They feel better than the rest of the country and it is where the money flows to.

Liw budget flies, planes do the minimum. They have to fly in time to keep their spot on the airport that's why they kept flying even without people during the lockdowns.

No one is afraid of germs or viruses, wears face masks or covers up. Most rarely wash their hands. Everything is sticky but hey, they save on water and soap which is good for the environment and It will boost the immune system for sure just like living in the cold.

Last year I went by bus which takes me over 30 hours besides last time a crazy "woman" beat me up just before we arrived in Prague. According to other passengers this is normal. 🤯
It was kind of traumatic for my son who jumped in between and my youngest daughter. She said she would kill me so I told my children if to leave without me (take the next bus).
Before I drove by car but I no longer have one because my son and youngest need one to drive to the busstop. I drive faster than the bus but I am no longer in the mood to do so plus the gasoline is exlensive.
The flight cost as much as the bus and takes about 2.5 hours, travelling to airlorts and homes not calculated but even then it's faster for the same price if not cheaper. Puic transport in the Netherlands is more expensive. The train costs more than a flight. So far the green policy and fight for the planet. 😐

Shouldn't you rest? Perhaps Queen should strap you to the bed. I forgot to tell her since you are a workaholic! I forgot to tell her last time.
Catch as much sun as you can, take the vitamin D3 and try to relax. There's nothing wrong with that and doing nothing will trigger creativity.

Stay where you are and be happy and healthy.

How was the birthday party?

My ❤️🍀 to all

 5 months ago 

The birthday was without a big party, we went to Indomaret (lokal small shop to buy things she liked the most and that was it, And today the queen was busy preparing noodles for her and her friends in the free education center I built a year ago for the children in my village sponsored by Wolrdsmile Project, and my mom gave her land for free. So now the children can have a free education while their parents busy with their work. I will make a diary post about the birthday, but as you know, I just have a few pictures from yesterday. I am not a photo taker so does my queen LOL.

 5 months ago 

I do not make much photos either. I care more about the words. We rarely had a birthday party fir us or the children. I believe my youngest never had one, my son perhaps twice?
Choosing the own present is for sure a great moment. I know my children liked it.

Thank you, friend!
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