Contest | 25-Word-Comment - Monkey Business | Prizes Divided - 6 Steem
Do you:
Want a Better Life
Need a friend
Do you invest?
Are you:
Willing to Engage?
Do you read, have something to share?
Are you willing to comment?
If yes, how should Prizes on Steemit be divided?
Monkey Business

Write a creative comment of at least 25 words in the comment section about
How and to whom the contest organiser should award the prize!
Tuliskan komentar kreatif minimal 25 kata di kolom komentar tentang
Bagaimana dan kepada siapa penyelenggara kontes harus memberikan hadiah!
• Post in the comment section
• Original text written by you
No AI generated text
• Minimum of words: 25
Add a description and an English translation if needed, make yourself visible
• No plagiarism
• Mention your sources
• All Steemians are welcome!
• Upvote + resteem this post
• Invite someone new instead curators, moderators and mentors
• Read at least 3 comments and talk + upvote
Not supportive? You can't win.
• Hashtags - #betterlife #comment #prizes
• Deadline: payout of this post
6 Steem
paid by @hive-169911
#1 | 3 Steem
#2 | 2 Steem
#3 | 1 Steem
Winners of the last 25-Word Comment Contest
Will be announced in the Comment Section
Pemenang Kontes Komentar 25 Kata terakhir
Akan diumumkan di Bagian Komentar

Header/Photogrid: Canva
Picture source
I am a mobile phone user only
I upvote comments and (good) entertaining stories. @hive-169911 is my hive (community). I will grow its SP to upvote stories only. Please, do NOT post in it!
Happy Writing @wakeupkitty
CC @disconnect
#betterlife #contest #prizes #steemexclusive #kittywu #club100
Selamat atas 239 komentar yang anda dapatkan , jumlah yang sangat banyak ini menandakan keaktipan para steemian. Begitu juga dengan para pemenang yang sudah berusaha menghasilkan komentar terbaiknya, selamat untuk anda semua. Saya akan menulis dua bagian terkait dengan siapa dan bagaimana penyelenggara kontes memberikan hadiah.
Pemenang kontes tentunya siapa saja yang memenuhi kriteria yang sudah ditetapkan oleh penyelenggara kontes. Penyelenggara bebas menentukan kriteria atau aturan yang akan ditetapkan, peserta wajib mengikutinya.
Hal ini kembali pada objektivitas dari penyelenggara kontes ketika melakukan penilaian terhadap postingan yang dikirim. Apakah postingan itu sudah memenuhi semua kriteria yang ditetapkan. Semua kriteria tentu sudah melalui proses dialog dengan team dan pastinya merujuk pada aturan yang unum.
Tetapi bukan disitu poinnya, yang harus dipertanyakan adalah prosesnya. Sebagai contoh, apakah penyelenggara sudah membaca dan memeriksa tulisan peserta itu bebas AI dan plagiat. Saya tidak pernah menemukan penyelenggara yang memberikan peringatan terkait plagiat, seperti mengutip pendapat orang tanpa menyebutkan sumbernya. Saya paham ini bukan pekerjaan yang mudah, maksudnya akan banyak waktu yang tersita untuk itu.
Kemudian hal yang berhubungan dengan kreativitas penulis. Dalam penulisan di sosial media tidak ada aturan yang baku tentang metode penulis. Jadi lebih pada kebebasan dalam menulis namun sesuai dengan tema dari kontes. Tetapi setidaknya postingan itu bisa menjawab pertanyaan APA dan BAGAIMANA. Sehingga jika ada ide yang "out of the box" akan mudah dipahami oleh para pembaca.
Faktor lain yang bisa menjadi acuan penyelenggara dalam menentukan pemenang kontes adalah dengan melihat pendekatan yang digunakan oleh penulis dalam menghasilkan tulisan. Hal ini menjadi penting karena sejauh mana penulis mampu menghadirkan fakta sebagai upaya untuk menjelaskan pertanyaan APA dan BAGAIMANA.
Terakhir, penyelenggara kontes harus memiliki etika, integritas , keadilan dan independensi dalam menentukan pemenang. Bagaimana jika pemenangnya orang itu-itu saja. Jika hal itu terjadi maka penyelenggara harus memiliki skala penilaian yang fleksibel, misal juara 1 nilainya A berkisar 90-100. Jadi perlu ada batas minimal dan maksimal setiap kategori juara.
Silahkan @nasuwaaa untuk berpartisipasi memberikan komentarnya.
#hiduplebihbaik #komentar #hadiah
Thanks alot bro 🙏
Thanks alot bro
Benar sekali saya sependapat dengan anda bahwa pemenang adalah yang memenuhi kriteria yang di tetapkan
Terima kasih sudah berkunjung
Prizes on Steemit is all about hard work and constant because hard works surely pays and every hustler has his or her own pay day.
The good ones, we can learn from them always deserve prizes because each time we learn something from them. They are an example, have given us a lesson and also correct our mistakes and try to make us never repeat that mistake again.
Prizes should be given to someone who is always hard working, always active and also always supporting those who needs support. Everyone in Steemit needs support especially if we are just growing, so those who supports us, encourage us and also helps us deserve the prizes if the are the best it is deserved.
A good post should always deserve the prize because it worth it and it okay and very presentable
Thanks for reading 🙏
Yes, I agree with you. What is good should be rewarded and we all can learn from it. I daily read entries I find good and they teach me to think differently. You know, even if the same person wins no entry is the same. You will see if you start following such a writer. To be honest they are rare, many good ones left or hide somewhere on the platform so they can write in peace and I? I read them in silence because it helps me to reflect.
One doesn't have to be very experienced to be a good writer or justify text to write something that keeps the readers attention.
Thanks for your respond, your answer is noted.
TEAM 6 : Congratulations!
This comment has been curated using steemcurator08. We appreciate your efforts on making useful comments. Thank You! 😊
Thank you very much for stopping by and rewarding comments. It's highly appreciated. A great week @sofian88
TEAM 6 : Congratulations!
This comment has been curated using steemcurator08. We appreciate your efforts on making useful comments. Thank You! 😊
Thanks for the upvote 😘 I really appreciate
Quiero comenzar por recordar que steemit es una red social, donde publicar cualquier cosa nos da el derecho de ser recompensado, además tenemos una puntuación llamada reputación que debería garantizarnos apoyo, pero las cosas no funcionan así.
Las recompensas de los curadores son o están centralizadas a un selecto grupo, deberían de ser más equitativas, pues invertir tiempo acá es lo mas valioso que podemos dar.
En cuanto a los concursos, los premios depender del creador del mismo, el es quien decide quien gana, el es que decide que participación es buena y merece el premio, ahora bien en estos momentos hay concursos de la SEC, estos poseen otras reglas para ganarntizar transparencia, aunque no es así, pues estos retos se han convertido en algo aburrido, en concursos donde ganan amigos, ganas participaciones vacías y donde reina el amiguismo, la SEC es la política corrupta de steemit, duele decirlo pero así se ha convertido.
Un usuario bueno no es apoyado porque solo se apoyan a los mismos, esto ha llevado a que muchos escritores del alma, escritores que escriben del corazón se salgan del ecosistema, así han quedado puros escritos peceteros (que les gusta el dinero).
Todo cambia, todo se transforma, si es para mal estaría destinada a desaparecer, si es para bien podría ser una joya valiosa, veremos hacia que rumbo va steemit, para mi va por el camino incorrecto, pero tengo fe que los cambios llegarán.
Invito a @isgledysduarte @dexsyluz @yonaikerurso
Me diste mucho en qué pensar y te lo agradezco.
La SEC también me parece aburrida, principalmente porque todas las preguntas son iguales y si la comunidad A no las hace, el próximo mes será otra comunidad. Muchas de esas preguntas también las hacen numerosos concursos y es como si todos nos repitiéramos una y otra vez. Ya no puedo hacer eso. Nunca me invitaron a unirme a Steemit para darle vida a los concursos y mostrar cómo ser creativo. Las pocas veces que lo intenté recibí respuestas confusas y reprimendas porque debería ser un imitador del resto.
¿Son esas plantillas más fáciles porque un bot puede leerlas y seleccionar al ganador? No puedo evitar pensar que muchos anfitriones rara vez leen las entradas. Publican y si pasan los 7 días anuncian al ganador. Es una victoria fácil sin demasiado esfuerzo.
Puede que sea anticuado, pero leo cada entrada y no una, sino al menos dos, si no tres, veces. Los leo nuevamente antes de anunciar un ganador. Se siente como si fuera el único. De hecho, consume mucho tiempo y mi tiempo es tan valioso como el de cualquier otra persona, pero lo hago porque todos merecen ser leídos.
Dices que esta plataforma es social, ¿verdad? Para un pequeño grupo aceptado podría serlo, pero para muchos no lo es. Puede ser que este sea el cuello de botella y la razón por la que muchos prefieren permanecer en Facebook, Instagram, X, YouTube o TikTok. Sin compromiso no hay nada que buscar. Sí, uno puede mirar a su alrededor, leer un poco, publicar, dejar algunos votos positivos y comentarios, pero si nunca hay una respuesta, es una ciudad fantasma. Lo experimenté durante muchos años.
No está mal si se garantiza un alto voto a favor y solo publica para recibir el interés diario de la inversión.
Saya setuju pendapat anda tentang SEC, namun ada satu fakta yang saya alami bahwa postingan yang bagus akan mencari kuratornya sendiri tanpa harus di mention.
Saya penasaran untuk mendengar bagaimana tulisan itu menemukan kuratornya. Sebaiknya Anda mulai menulis cerita lagi, sayang. Kurator bulan ini tampaknya peduli dengan para penulis cerita dan penulis lepas! Jangan sampai ketinggalan lagi! Tulislah secara bebas dan lanjutkan Air Terjun dengan prompt!
Saya sudah memulai menulis di penulis lepas dan komentar saya di postingan kamu di penulis lepas mendapatkan suara dari kurator
Super to hear that. It's a great start!
Enjoy your day and the glory. 🍀❤️
Hello friend 👋
Hope you are fine 💕
I am happy to see such an amazing comment contest hosted by @wakeupkitty.pal and feeling very honoured to take part in this comment contest......
In my point of view contest reward meaning is to give a kind of appreciation to those users who participated in contest by focusing on his own creativity without use of AI or without making any plagriarised content and use high quality and in depth knowledge and proper grammar,along with that most creative and original images.
So that was all about my point of view
#betterlife #comment #prizes
I want to invite @patjewell,@sualeha,@lirvic to participate
There are many different contests hosted by different people and different communities. I assume the communities stand for a certain topic (I know many no longer do) and each one of them will fight to show the face of the community by its entries.
Like you, I go for the content and the best one should win no matter if this is twice a week. Like @fadthalib said flexibility is a part of it if it comes to creativity.
Thank you for leaving your comment behind, it's appreciated.
#betterlife #comment #prizes @goodybest @khursheedanwar @solperez how do you reward or think about this? Should creativity be rewarded or is it important and is all that matters to keep Steemians on the platform?
Ada satu pertanyaan tentang plagiat, jika saya menulis suatu pendapat yang berasal dari para ahli tanpa menyebutkan sumbernya dan kebetulan pakar tersebut tidak terkenal, apakah penyelenggara kontes mengetahuinya?
A good question also what is Plagiarism? Is the use of idioms plagiarism? Someone was the first using these words. Is citing a phrase of the holy book plagiarism? Are ideas not mine and mentioning them theft or plagiarism? Where exactly is the line? How many expressiins, memes are words expressed by someone else? Commercial makers, actors, poets, standup comedians and even if they said them are these words original theirs or did a 3 year old say them, a columnist?
Is saying "they say" enough to make clear these are not your words but someone else's?
Benar sekali, mereka cukup menyebutkan dari mana mereka mengutip itu sudah menjelaskan semuanya tanpa harus menampilkan detail dari link berita.
Kedengarannya cukup bagus bagi saya.
Sebenarnya kita bisa mengacu pada notasi lagu yang sudah lebih jelas memberikan batasan. Lagu yang mana bisa di sebut plagiat.
Most songs, words are plagiarism so are films, books but in some way it's allowed. What to think about fairy tales?
I just counted the comments on this contest. About 8 Steemians out of this entire platform dared to reply but those 8 are good enough for over 135 replies. About 50% are mine, your score is high as well. To keep discussions alive answers are important.
Although there is a lot of discussion among the hosts, moderators I wonder if it's worth the time and energy. If only 8 people comment it means 99,999 % doesn't care or scared.
Nah, itu masalah yang steemit alami. Jika kita melihat bagaimana platform sejenis seperti twitter yang begitu aktip berkomentar. Saya tidak paham tujuan para steemian apa hanya sekadar mengumpulkan steem semata, tapi sudahlah itu hak masing-masing steemian.
Terkait dongeng, ini keahlian yang langka. Tapi yang saya khawatirkan jika itu dongeng masa lalu di copy ulang. Jika idenya sama itu tidak menjadi suatu permasalahan dan bukan plagiat karena gaya penulisnya pasti berbeda.
All the tales here can be told and are rewritten many times. I once read tales like Little Red Riding Hood has hundreds of different versions same for the others.
Those Tales of the brothers Grimm so famous are not theirs. They only wrote them down and never cared about noting the name of the storyteller. They took the credit.
Nah itu dia masalahnya, apa susahnya menulis nama pengarang aslinya, hanya isinya sudah menggunakan versi yang berbeda. Sama seperti penyanyi yang membawakan lagu penyanyi lain maka lagu yang dinyanyikan itu disebut dengan "cover version".
Benar, hadiah adalah bentuk apresiasi kepada kontestan yang telah berpartisipasi dan memenuhi kriteria
So a prize is not more than a reward for following the rules no matter if the text is good?
Ya tentu saja pihak penyelenggara akan memberikan hadiahnya kepada mereka yang benar-benar penulisannya kreatif dan yang sesuai dengan kategori pertanyaan. Saya rasa cuma itu, kalau ada penulisan saya yang salah mohon di respon kembali.
Salam hangat untuk ibu tercantik @wakeupkitty.pal semoga sehat selalu🤗
This indeed weighs heavily on the minds of contest organizers and troubles them more than the participants. Consider their burden: they gather funds to finance the contest, then use their creativity to formulate it, and finally, fairly determine the winners.
Steemit's most fundamental spirit : originality and creativity. But, "If everyone is already original and creative (and complies with all contest prerequisites and conditions), then how?" I think organizers surely have the intuition (that should be respected) as a group capable of comparing quality (that's why judges are called "Your Honor"). Therefore, I agree more with rewards being distributed based on quality ranking.
This dilemma for sure lives among the Steemians they are here to earn. That's why they join contests.
By far not e eryone is creative how I wish that was true. Now you mention creativity I wonder if the contests killed all creativity by setting all those rules and asking questions. It feels to me that host who doing this believe the average Steemian is too stupid to have an opinion. Can we still think? Dare we to see what bothers us? Do we feel we have to shut up and apologize?
Quality wins, and quality is what the host believes it is. To me it is creativity/art.
If quality wins this also means one person can win two or three times per month, right?
Rules Kill
Rules might kill creativity. I agree. But I also think, rules are important , therefore rules should be designed to guide contestants to stay within boundaries while also ensuring they do not kill creativity.
Win And Win Again
In my opinions, everyone deserves to win every time they beat another contestants in a fair fight. And if the hosts started to feel "bored" of them, I think the hosts have all the rights to banned them from any contest, permanently or temporarily.
I remember a once very popular comment contest on Steemit, if I'm not mistaken it was called the "Steemit Engagement Contest", run by @paulag. This contest ran for quite a while and underwent several rule changes. At one point, due to certain individuals consistently winning the contest,@paulag changed the contest policy: this week winners will not be eligible to participate in the following week.
A dilemma it is.
I don't know about banning from a contest. If the host is bored it's better to take a break. It's time consuming the hosting, reading, commenting, payments, administration and if it's combined with boring... 😓
Lately we "all" seem to remember @paulag 😁 I joined and was for longer in the top 3, more than once #1 and that while using a phone. I wanted to proof back then that smartphone users aren't the ones writing just a few words. It's from that period I write underneath my posts" I'm a smartphine user only".
A dilemma it is and will always be and in the end the best give up and say: you can skip me and next they leave.
What I meant about "getting bored" is about the winner, "it's you again, I want someone else". Haha. If it was about the contest, my suggestion would be the same, take a break.
I can never forget @paulag. She had done so much for our small and struggling community at that time. She and her co-witness Asher ( @abh12345 ).
Ah, okay. Well It is YOU again ... enjoy your price!
*laughing hard here, it is the 2nd time you made me laugh hard .. 😂
Who have thought I can be entertaining. I will figure out in time if we share the same humour. 🙃
Where did @paulag go?
Yeah. That's it. You, wakeupkitty, tell me what really has been driving you to create all those contests.
Good question, most likely the hope to inspire people to write better but most of all reward those who can write. It feels bitter to me the creative minds are left out. I keep bumping into that, although they are the once making the difference and platforms a better place. Steemit wonders why people invest many hours for free on Youtube and facecbook? Well it clearly lives more. Here it's drawin behing the lines while locked into a small box dealing with more rules than one ever thought possible. Steemit seems to forget that people want fun, interaction and enjoy their spare time. The same counts for me. It's way too serious here, all the talent left and those still here hide since they had it with...
Something good to read/see? Something that brightens up my life and keep my brains busy if not triggered?
The circle of people who do is small here and getting smaller since those who fascinate or trigger me or I have something in common with I speak more outside Steemit.
So what does this mean? Again other social media beats Steemit because this wordjunk rather spends time elsewhere with like minded than on Steemit.
Also... time is limited so off line with me means limited time on this platform.
sorry, Steemit I take the good creative ones away
Monyet dewasa sedang memperebutkan gelar tahta kekuasaan yang di lambangkan dengan mahkota kerajaan menjadi pemenang adalah tujuan utama karena menyangkut kehormatan dan harga diri, lebih baik mati daripada menyerah begitulah yang terjadi di alam semua binatang akan memperebutkan daerah kekuasaannya.
Tentu saja kepada pemenang, siapa yang di sebut pemenang? dia adalah yang telah menyelesaikan semua tugas yang di persyaratkan dalam suatu kompetisi atau kontes dan dia juga menjadi bahan pertimbangan dari dewan juri untuk berlaku adil bebas dari kecurangan
Saya mengundang @fhasnia @neukyan @ustazkarin untuk ikut dalam komentar
#betterlife #comment #prizes
Entri yang bagus.
Jadi, pemenangnya adalah orang yang mengikuti semua aturan dan tidak masalah jika dia menulis gf Rf lbkkljgddcbbn atau jika dia sudah pernah memenangkan kontes?!
Masalah dia sudah pernah menang dalam kontes itu hal yang wajar, dan tidak juga mereka yang menulis asalan seperti gfRfhjkbhj itukan tidak relefan dan tidak memenuhi persyaratan standar pemenang,
Tentu saja mereka yang kreatif dan mengikuti semua peraturan yang ada dan dia juga akan menjadi pertimbangan dari dewan juri (mereka yang kreatif dan baik ejaan dalam penulisan) tidak masalah dia sudah pernah menang
Jika pemilihan pemenang di persyaratkan yang belum pernah mendapatkan gelar juara maka tidak perlu ada persyratan kreatif, bebas plagiat harus minimal 25 kata (buat saja persyaratan yang sudah pernah menang tidak boleh lagi ikut kontes)😁
Tepat sekali maksud saya. Untuk apa berkreasi, mengikuti semua peraturan, mengikuti setiap kontes jika Anda hanya bisa menang sebulan sekali? Pasti sebagian besar tidak mengetahui aturan ini dan mudah-mudahan ada komunitas yang tidak mengikuti aturan ini.
Saya hanya bisa belajar dari orang kreatif lain yang menginspirasi saya, bukan dari orang yang tidak punya apa-apa untuk dibagikan.
Kontes bagi saya sama saja, tidak ada ruang untuk kreativitas. Banyak yang sudah terlatih untuk menulis dengan cara tertentu. Sayangnya, bukan berarti mereka bagus.
Ada beberapa platform di mana orang tidak peduli apakah mereka menang atau tidak. Yang mereka inginkan hanyalah menulis. Jika hadiahnya tidak dibayarkan dalam satu hari, tidak ada yang mengeluh.
Baiklah, saya punya kontes baru untuk dikirim. Saya akan melihat apakah saya bisa mengubah hadiahnya.
Really? There's such a rule? That's funny and ... (I refuse to use the word, better for me to only laugh).
Apparantly, and good enough to discuss among admins and moderators for days and how to handle this. What a waste of time and energy.
Laugh and be happy. 🍀❤️
😃 thanks a bunch ...
Tell me what makes you laugh and next time I leave you Rowan Atkinson behind. 👋
Why we upvoted? Because we enjoy entertainment and talent. Good luck to you It's great to have you on Steemit!
Do you like to powerup & celebrate do so with us. We make 1 Steem as valuable as 20 or more.
Are you in for entertainment? Be Our Ambassador and spread joy & talent!
This contest has been included in the daily Active Contest List
🌟 Contest alerts are now proudly sponsored by the WOX community! 🌟
Follow & Resteem for more updates.
#ContestAlerts #winwithsteem
Task: Comment a picture you like
We did beat our last Comment Contest!
You kept me busy and I noticed I wasn't the only busy commenter. It was fun to read you all and I tried to upvote all comments good enough to guarantee it pays out.
#1 @vwrites - 3 Steem
Your recipe... It made me laugh and if you ever publish a cooking book in this style let me know!
#2 @liasteem - 2 Steem
You joined us later with your photo but took the time to leave a comment everywhere and engaged. I take my hat off for you. You brought extra life to this contests especially to those who joined later.
#3 @jeff-kubitz - 1 Steem
You made me search for the cacti with needles but your poem couldn't be missed. It was like an oasis of peace brought by mother nature. Your answer about how cacti smell I won't forget.
The prizes are paid by @hive-169911, congratulations! 🥳
Thank you very much for this opportunity dear... I am very happy, if only the internet was not a barrier for us to comment on each other, .... 😁
Congratulations to my other friends, don't stop here, let's interact with each other and spread positive things... 😇🌼
The internet connection you mean? It goes up and down plus I deal with a frozen phone at times but I'm here.
Share your ipinion about prizes, how do you want them to be divided or should we stop with contests? /
I'm in for the positive things - let's invest in egageging and make this place rock.
My internet card has run out of quota...
I like Steem prizes, because I can use them to take part in power up contests too 😁
I think you can continue the comment contest, maybe by guessing the picture or guessing the person (steemian).... Hehe strange input, you are better at this...
We all like the prizes or upvotes since if you do not power up you are seen as a loser. If you power down you are kicked out of the club and there are Steemians bullied because of that and ignored from that moment on.
Quessing pics is not my cup of tea. I don't know yet what I will do next Tuesday but for sure something will pop up or I let it blank and see if people say something. 😁
< div>
Thank you so much! And I certainly will! 🥰
Great. A book like that will be the best thing a kitchen prince can wish for 😁🥳
You are welcome! I hope you will join our new comment chat and share your opinion about writing on Steemit and being rewarded.