Contest | 25-Word Comment - Monkey Business | Best Wishes



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Monkey Business

25 word comment Contest A Better Life(5).jpg


Write a comment about the first best wishes (words) you said in the new year

Tulis komentar tentang ucapan selamat pertama (kata-kata) yang Anda ucapkan di tahun baru

Best Wishes

• Post in the comment section

Original text written by you
No AI-generated text

• Minimum of words: 25

• No plagiarism

• Mention your sources if needed

• All Steemians are welcome!

• Invite someone new instead of curators, moderators, and mentors

• Read at least 3 comments and talk + upvote. Engagement is important.
Not supportive? You can't win.

• Hashtags - #betterlife #comment #bestwishes

• Deadline: payout of this post

Kopie van Een subtitel toevoegen.jpg
SCB will use the topic of this contest and link to it



paid by @wakeupkitty.pal

#1 | 4 uvf
#2 | 4 uvf

Winners of the last 25-Word Comment Contest

Will be announced in the Comment Section
Pemenang Kontes Komentar 25 Kata terakhir
Akan diumumkan di Bagian Komentar


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Picture source
Date: 31.12.2024

I upvote comments and (good) entertaining stories. @hive-169911 is my hive (community). I will grow its SP by writing. Please, do NOT post in it unless you are invited!
Happy Writing @wakeupkitty

CC @disconnect

#betterlife #comment #bestwishes #wewrite #steemexclusive


My word's and best wishes for New Year

"Happy New Year! Happy New Year 2025 could be the year of new events, new hopes, and new successful experiments. Wishing you and your future many moments of happiness, lots of joy, and all the victories one can have in life. Wishing you many successes in your pursuits this year, happy connections, and happiness as great as you can imagine. To transitions, positivity and unforgettable memories in the new year. May the forthcoming lovely year bring you strength, health, and lots of happiness for you to walk through it!

 6 days ago 

Semoga di tahun ini, kita semua bisa mendapatkan keberhasilan sesuai cita-cita dan keinginan kita masing-masing. Kita juga bisa sukses di steemit ini, serta keberuntungan berpihak kepada kita.

Semoga harapan anda akan terkabulkan di tahun 2025 ini. Sukses selalu untuk anda sahabat.

Thanks Dear for your Best wishes for me

Apakah ini kata-kata pertama yang Anda ucapkan? Saya mengucapkan selamat tahun baru kepada banyak orang, juga sebagai bagian dari tim True Colours dan kami akan melakukannya minggu ini karena ini adalah hal yang biasa dilakukan di Belanda untuk minggu pertama (setelah minggu itu saya mungkin akan tetap melakukannya dan saya akan menghadiri Festival Musim Semi juga. Setiap hari adalah hari yang baik untuk memulai tahun yang baru dan menetapkan tujuan.

Kata-kata pertama saya untuk seseorang yang istimewa yang mengejutkan saya adalah: selamat tahun baru, saya memelukmu, kamu sangat berharga bagi saya.


Tiket maksimum di pantai Scheveningen adalah 10.000!

 5 days ago 

Sesuatu yang sangat menyenangkan dengan adanya musim semi seperti ini, semoga anda selalu bahagia dan melewati hari-hari penuh dengan kasih sayang dan pelukan hangat. Selamat berbahagia.

A happy New Year to you! Yes it could but also couldn't. What if not? Did you make a plan to achieve something? I didn't and the question remains...

What were those first words, wishes in 2025 you spoke as the clock said.. Midnight!

I wish you creativity, humour and fun to make every day a good one!


Same fir you dear

Thanks Dear Mod for your support and vote

Amen 🙏. Happy New Year to us all.
It's surely going to be a great year. All we need do is, be optimistic and stay positive. Let's not lose sight of horizon.

Thanks Dear for leaving such a lovely comment

Thanks a lot dear brother.

Thank you for your fine wishes @huraira50
Many more beautiful wishes to you too.

Welcome Dear for your best wishes

Selamat datang tahun 2025, selamat tinggal tahun 2024....semoga tahun ini merupakan tahun dimana banyak keberuntungan yang akan menghampiri kita semua.

Jika tahun 2024 banyak mengalami masalah semoga saja tahun baru ini lebih banyak membawa berkah. Tahun semakin bertambah namun umur kita semakin berkurang.

Teruslah berjuang untuk menata hidup yang lebih baik, banyak bekerja daripada banyak bicara itu lebih baik.

Yuk Bu @watii, @ulfatulrahmah, @hafsasaadat90, berikan komentar terbaik anda disini👍.

#betterlife #comment #bestwishes

 4 days ago 

Semoga di tahun 2025 ini lebih baik lagi dari 2024 ya bu

Amin, semoga saja bu, kita hanya bisa berharap dan berdoa semoga yang kita cita-citakan bisa terkabulkan

 4 days ago 

بالکل ایسا ہی ہے 2024 میں اگر ہمارے لیے کچھ پریشانیاں تھی تو ہمیں امید ہے 2025 ہمارے لیے بہتری لے کر ائے گا۔ مستقبل میں امید اچھی رکھیں تو ہماری امیدیں اللہ تعالی ضرور پوری فرماتا ہے۔
"بہت زیادہ باتیں کرنے سے بہتر کام کرنا ہے"
میری اپنی بھی یہی سوچ ہے مجھے باتوں سے زیادہ کام پسند ہے اور کچھ کر کے دکھانا ہی مجھے زندگی کا مقصد ہے۔

Alhamdulillah ternyata kita sepemikiran teman, terkadang saya berfikir bicara banyak itu tidak ada gunanya jikalau kerja tidak ada.

Alangkah baiknya kita berperinsip seperti padi, semakin berisi semakin merunduk.

 4 days ago 

ہمارے قائد کا یہ قول تھا کہ،

"کام کام اور بس کام۔"
ان کی زندگی کا مقصد سو کے اٹھ کے کام کرنے سے لے کے رات کو سونے تک دوبارہ کام میں مصروف رہنا ہے. تو ہم اپنے قائد کو فالو کرتے ہیں. اور اپنی زندگی کو کام میں ہی مصروف رکھنا پسند کرتے ہیں۔

Itu sesuatu hal yang sangat baik teman,

 3 days ago 


Happy New Year to us all... Last year has been a tough year for me. I thank God for seeing me through the tough moments. He has been my anchor all through my journey from last year January till December.
I did my crossover in church. The moment the clock hit 12am, January 1st, 2025, I quietly knelt down, gave God thanks and said a short prayer. The prayer was in respect to one of my goals for the year 2025.
I prayed a silent prayer and wished I will own a piece of land this year 2025. It's a land I hope to develop and have my own personal space. High cost of house rents is becoming unbearable. Having my own space will relief me of this financial burden.
I know it's not going to be easy. I already have my blue print mapped out. I will work towards that. With God on my side, it will end in praise and I'll come back here to give a testimony.

I truly hope you can realize this. With us own land is expensive and building a house isn't easy or even allowed. Rules, laws and every step has a price tag.

Your first words are heard

Mehn..., the road to success is rough and tough. My country permits we build our own homes but building plans have to be adhered to. The process is not easy but It's achievable.
A big thanks for all the support.

Building plans should be permitted and paid for and whatever you build should fit to what already has been build plus it is a risk since the government is free to confiscate your property if they feel to it or want to build something else.
Lucky your.

 4 days ago (edited)

Happy New Year to all Steemian.
May we all enjoy health and longevity so that we can achieve happiness and be able to make others happy.

My personal hope is that I and my mother and my family all enjoy health and longevity. May we be given ample sustenance so that we can fulfill the fifth pillar of Islam, which is to go on Hajj to Baitullah. Aamiin ya Allah. I really want to take my mom and family there. Pilgrimage to the Tomb of the Prophet 🥲

Invite : @ulfaturrahmah @iqin @hendra-serune

#betterlife #comment #bestwishes #wewrite #steemexclusive

Ameen. May God listen to your silent prayers and grant you your heart desires most especially you wish and hope in going for Hajj.
May Allah make it easy for us all.

 4 days ago 

Aamiin ya Allah..

May God grant you all your good prayers this year, my brother.

Aamiin ya Allah 🤲

 4 days ago 


 4 days ago 

Makasi ya Pak.

 3 days ago 

Sama-sama buk

On New Year's Eve, which happened to be the 31st of December 2024, as usual, it was no ordinary night as I spent it in church filled with lots of gratitude for the year and beautiful anticipations for 2025.

As the one-hour countdown began, my pastor, in his wisdom, urged us to stay focused and to pray our way into the new year. He even made sure the wall clocks were unhanged and set aside to avoid distractions. I prayed fervently, declaring positivity and asking for blessings even as I set out to work better and smarter this year.

My pastor signaled us at the stroke of midnight and I joined the church with a joyous chorus and a voice of triumph to say my first wish for the year, "Happy New Year" (a loud and genuine wish for a fresh start, hope and abundance). I hugged a friend who had become a close sister over the year with tears in my eyes, and we stayed for long because she could relate to the happenings in my life word for word.

I moved around to other brethern and wished them beautifully and positively for the year. I also sent out messages and calls to loved ones after church service.

My wishes for this community and Steemit at large is "In this new year, may we enjoy every bit of it in good health, love, peace and joy. And may all our labour bring us beautiful success.

I invite @eveetim @bluelavender @tripple-e

#betterlife #comment #bestwishes #wewrite #steemexclusive

 4 days ago 

I'm glad we made it to 2025, God is so faithful and I say may His name alone be praised

New Year is not just about seeing fireworks lit up in the sky, but a new year full of attention about new enthusiasm and hope to move towards a future with new happiness. Sitting just contemplating when the new year comes is not a solution because the new year will probably pass and leave us like before. Many people say that the new year will be worse than before, maybe that's how it is, but all of that will happen to people who don't want to change their positions and just sit around waiting for food to come their way. So get up and walk by turning over a new leaf and that will make you better than before because it's never too late for those who want to try. For me personally it's better late than never. Regard @jalpasee

 2 days ago 

¡Agradecido con Dios!

Para mi este 2024, Dios a estado con nosotros en cada momento, ayudandonos a superar cualquier prueba, por lo tanto debemos ser mas que agradecidos con su infinita misericordia, ya que aun sin nosotros merecerlo el nos a permitido recibir un nuevo año 2025 en paz y bendicion.

Invito a mis amigos: @willeusz, @aril.hatake y @devi2021

#betterlife #comment #bestwishes

¿Las primeras palabras que le dijiste a alguien en 2025 fueron éstas?

¡Agradecido con Dios!

Suena como si hubieras tenido un año muy duro, pero al mismo tiempo te aferras a la vida y tienes esperanzas para 2025. Gracias por compartir tus primeras palabras con nosotros.


 3 days ago 

¡Muchas gracias, Dios, por un nuevo año! Y grité: “feliz año”. Abrace a mi esposo y le repetí las mismas palabras, al igual que a todos mis familiares que estaban a mi alrededor. Y continúe diciendo que este año sea de bendición, paz y mucho éxito para todos.

@simonisai15 @elinav @santi09

 2 days ago 

Muy lindo mensaje, gracias por la invitacion.

 6 days ago 

Selamat Tahun Baru 2025!!!. Semoga pada tahun ini menjadi sebuah kebun yang menghasilkan kesuksesan, kemajuan, sumber inspirasi, serta cinta kasih yang penuh kebahagian dan semua rencana, impian akan terwujud tanpa menghilangkan rasa tawa bersama dengan membangun jembatan dan ikatan sosial antar sesama steemian.

Semoga semua harapan kita selama ini akan kesampaian di tahun 2025 ini, terutama keberhasilan di platform steemit ini.

Ayo kita sukses bersama saling mendukung antar sesama.

Saya mengundang @abdullah79, @fhasnia @wahyudi2

#betterlife #comment #bestwishes #wewrite #steemexclusive

Yes ooooo. The year 2025 will be like a garden full of beautiful flowers that blossom day and night, sending it's fragrance across the neighborhood. Our success will be unlimited, our laughter, contagious, our joy will know no bounds. It's surely going to be a year of growth and prosperity.

 4 days ago 

Semoga saja tahun ini membawa keberkahan dan keberhasilan.

Taman alam berbunga, semerbak wangi mengharum dunia.
Warna warni alam menyelimuti kita, kesuksesan harus tetap di jaga.

Usaha dan doa, semoga keberhasilan selalu menghampiri kita semua.

 5 days ago 

Let me show something

Does that counts? I wish everyone to have a blessed year, Wonder days to enjoy and beautiful relationship to have. Because I know so many friends in need of a good relationship with their surround, their families, their friends and of course they also need to think of having a beloved one like mine 😁.

Right after the first fireworks explosion, I was looking for Pedro, he's hiding under the table in the kitchen as prevention. He knows I'll tease him. But then I was told that all cats and dogs are afraid of fireworks explosion 😓 my bad.

My poor Pedro 😔 I wish I never scared him with new year excitement next year.

Beautiful fireworks and great wishes for the year

Although it is hilarious, I feel sad for Pedro. It reminds me of our dog bullet that year. He disappeared too during the fireworks and was found under the table in the living room. We could not imagine how he would have been brave if there were real gunshots, but bullet was always adorable.

 4 days ago 

I never know that cats and dogs don't like fireworks 😔 I thought because there's dog that serves in the police/army.. they're all the same. Poor Bullet, just like us.. not everyone loves fireworks too.

Thanks @deelyt, pat2 bullet's back for me

Sometimes, you won't learn anything before you made mistakes which left a scar in your heart and unfortunately the creature's bone too. Pedro doesn't hates you, he is a little boy remember

 2 days ago 

thanks love, I know he loves me too... I just get rid of the ticks from his hair

Ha ha ha ha ha...... This cracked me up. Oh, poor Pedro. Please don't get Pedro scared again.
Yes, wishes counts... If only you work towards it. I say a big Amen to your wishes. A good relationship brings joy, laughter and happiness not just in our homes but in all places.

 4 days ago 

Happy to know that it brings a laughter to you @collins012. I can't say it directly to my friends, go out find yourself a girlfriend, don't bother my hubby 😄😄

Ha ha ha ha ha........ I will find myself a girlfriend. But until then, I'll have to disturb your hubby for now 😊

 4 days ago 

Well he's there @dipoabasch, but fyi ... He's under my supervision, he can't go out without me clinging 😄😄 best wishes for you, have a wonderful days and a nice girlfriend to take care of

 4 days ago 

Happy new year 2025

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