Benefits of melon



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One of the fruits that you most want to eat when we are in the hottest season of the year, without a doubt is the melon because, it has 93% water in its content and, at the same time, it favors it to be the sweetest option and with less caloric degrees therefore, include it in our daily diet, will always be the best option.

Similarly, this fruit contains excellent properties and if consumed daily, it is not necessary to worry so much about water intake since, a standard measure melon supplies us with 3 liters of H2o, this being the approximate amount of liquid that we lose in a day when we are in the summer season. A curious fact of the melon is that, if it is consumed before eating vegetables, we have the opportunity to supply our body with the fiber, iron and vitamins A, B, C and E that our body requires daily, thus allowing the proper functioning of our cardiovascular, ocular and blood system. Now, to know more details of the benefits contained in melon, this time I will share the most relevant.

Helps combat fluid retention

Thanks to the fact that 93% of this fruit is water as well as, the richness of potassium and fiber it has, they allow the melon to act as a diuretic agent. In the same way it can act slightly as a laxative therefore, when consumed on a regular basis all the waste in the body is eliminated. It should be noted that constipation and fluid retention increase the feeling of heaviness in the arms and legs as well as fatigue.

Helps prevent premature aging


This fruit contains beta-carotene nutrients, specifically pro-vitamin A therefore, it acts as an antioxidant agent thus allowing its regular consumption to achieve the action of fighting all free radicals that are responsible for developing premature aging since, solar radiation is the first element that stimulates the damage of our skin and at the same time, It prevents cells from growing healthily. To achieve this effect, you should consume 200 grams twice a day.

Helps strengthen the immune system

A key element for the proper functioning of our immune system is the consumption of pro-vitamin A and, thanks to the fact that melon is a fruit that is characterized by being rich in beta-carotene, if we consume it frequently, we have the opportunity to reduce the risk of catching a virus or failing that, an infection.

Helps strengthen teeth and bones


This delicious fruit is rich in vitamin C noting that it is an excellent source of ascorbic acid, therefore, it acts decisively when collagen is forming in our body. Now, to ensure that the teeth and bones will be 100% strengthened thanks to the melon, we must consume the fruit and seeds because, these granites have a large amount of calcium and if we consume them 3 times a week, we give our body the opportunity to receive these natural properties of melon.

Helps level blood pressure

The melon is characterized by being an antihypertensive fruit of natural origin since, it has citrulline, this being the amino acid that is responsible for stimulating the production of nitric oxide and, this is the gas that allows the relaxed state of the arteries and blood vessels therefore, it is possible to level blood pressure.


To conclude, several studies have confirmed that melon helps combat anxiety levels thanks to the vitamin pump it has. In the same way, it is an excellent ally fruit for women who are pregnant or failing that, they want to be and because of this, doctors usually recommend the consumption of this fruit when planning the gestation process since, it is an excellent carrier of magnesium, calcium and vitamins B9, A and C, these being responsible for strengthening the proper development of the fetus.

Have a Nice Day !!!

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