#CLUB100 | Winner Announcement : CONTEST : DIARY ACTION TO PROMOTE STEEM #2th Edition



After a few days of this competition starting, we finally decided to announce the list of winning participants CONTEST : DIARY ACTION TO PROMOTE STEEM #2th Edition, which runs from May 21 to May 26, 2022.

Profound appreciation to all contestants who have tried to take real action in advancing steem in various ways and efforts that have been made in the context of promo-steem to the wider community.

We as part of the Community team will continue to strive to promote Steemit in any way you can and try to invite as many people as possible to join this platform, thank you to all the contestants who have participated and took part in the real action of the steem-promo, I really appreciate it. glad they all tried to do it the way they could.

The following is a list of CONTEST : DIARY ACTION TO PROMOTE STEEM #2th Edition who will get 5 STEEM POWER + positive votes from the @booming.

  1. @sailawana : Diary Action Promote The Steem || "Meet Up Steemian As Weel As Promo Steem At Public Area" By @sailawana

  1. @walictd : Diary Action to promote the Steem || Belajar fotografi dan Membimbing steemian pemula

  1. @alfinnur : #Diary Action untuk mempromosikan steem || menganalisa sampel air di laboratorium dan aktifitas sehari-hari selama magang


Congratulations to the winners!!!

Prizes have been sent to all winners

A big thank you to the STEEM FOR BETTER LIFE Team for taking the opportunity to determine the winner of the contest and thank you to all the contestants for their participation.

My infinite thanks to all Steemit Users who I cannot mention one by one who have supported and motivated me and inspired me so that this contest can be held. Also my best regards to STEEM FOR BETTERLIFE and Team.

Winners who have received positive votes from @steemcurator01 and @steemcurator02 are not submitted to get a booming vote again, this is done to comply with the rules of the Steemit Team.

My best regard,


Best Regard


No friendship is good, except for a conversation that never ends

 3 years ago 

Thankyou mr @sofian88
Sukses selalu 🤲🤲🤲

 3 years ago 
 3 years ago 

Hastag apa itu bang..?

 3 years ago 

Baik terimakasih banyak, saya akan mencobanya satu dalam waktu yang singkat ini.

 3 years ago 

Alhamdulillah menang..
Selamat untuk teman-teman yang lain nya dan sukses terus buat bapak @sofian88

 3 years ago 
 3 years ago 

Selamat saudara semua atas keberhasilan anda dalam postingan terbaik anda :

"Kerja keras" mendapatkan hasil yang maksimal baik Salam dari @steem-wariors 🙏
Salam juga buat @sofian88 🙏

 3 years ago 

Trms ya ucapannya..

 3 years ago 

Terimakasih sobatku @steem-wariors.
Semangat buat kita semua 💪💪

 3 years ago 
 3 years ago 

Terimakasih atas apresiasinya dan selamat juga untuk @walictd serta @alfinnur

 3 years ago 

Terimakasih buk @sailawana, selamat juga buat ibu dan teman-teman lain, sukses selalu

 3 years ago 

Tetap semangat. Steem on !

 3 years ago 
 3 years ago 

Terimakasih @steem-wariors

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