By the grace of God, I will also bring in the children lessons as well as the teenagers' lessons. Please endeavour to read it, though you are not in that age, but you can help someone from the lessons.


Trust in him at all times, O people... God is our refuge. Psalm 62:8, (NIV).


To help the child realise that God is with him or her in times of fear and danger, and will deliver and protect him or her as he or she continues to trust in Him.


During and after the lesson, each child will show that he or she understands the lesson by:

1. Telling about a time when he or she was scared or was in danger but God helped him or her overcome his or her fear.

2. Answer correctly questions that will be asked during and after the lesson.


  1. Paul is in a Storm - Acts 27:1- 42
  2. Paul and the Others are Safe - Acts 28:1-10
  3. Paul is in Rome at last - Acts 28:11-31


You may not have been in a real storm at sea and you may not have experienced shipwreck. But you may have had a problem that really bothered you. That is a 'storm' or even a shipwreck. There are many 'storms of life'. Everybody has them. No one is exempted. Paul has his own share too.
The time for him to go to Rome to defend himself has come. And he was on the way. God had even promised that he would get Rome. But, look, something terrible was happening. His ship is caught in a storm and God did not even mention he would be in a storm. Paul, however, was not afraid. These was not the first time he was facing problems and even death. He knew someone was keeping watch over him and would lead through to Rome. The same is truth of believers today.


1. PAUL IS IN A STORM - ACTS 27:1-42

Julius, a centurion, was responsible for taking Paul to Rome. On their way, they stopped for a while at three different places. At the last place. Paul adviced the men to put off the remainder of the trip until past winter. He sensed that the journey would be too dangerous. The master of the ship refuse Paul's suggestion. They set out. But they were not long at sea when a fierce wind began to blow. The ship was caught in a great storm. The situation was terrible and continued for many days. Death stared all of them in the face.
One night, however, an angel appeared to Paul, he told him that nothing would happened to him and those in the ship with him. He must surely stand before Caesar. Paul believed God. The next morning, he told the people that none of them would lost his life though the would be destroyed. After fourteen days in the terrible storm, Paul encouraged the men to eat something. He prayed and began to eat and everybody joined him. The next morning the ship struck a sand bar the waves broke it into pieces.


The soldiers wanted to kill the prisoners so that they would not escape. But centurion refuse because he wanted to keep Paul alive. He told those who would swim to jump into the sea and swim to the shore. The rest used pieces of planks to float to safety. Everybody got to an island called Malta. There they built a fire to warm themselves as it was raining and cold. As Paul put some wood into the fire, a poisonous snake coiled itself around his hand and bit him. But Paul simply shook the snake into the fire and was not hurt. Thinking that Paul was a very bad man who deserve to die after escaping on the sea, the people of island waited for him to swell and die. But when he didn't, they decided he must be a god. The chief of the island was Publius. Paul and the rest went to his house and prayed for his father who was ill. And instantly, he was healed. After this, Paul told the people of the island about Jesus. Many believed and many were healed of their sicknesses. In gratitude they honoured Paul. When the time came for them to leave, the people of the island gave them all the things they needed for their journey.


From Malta, it took Paul and his companions two to three weeks to get to Rome. When Paul's Christian friends heard that he was coming, many of them travelled a great distance to go and welcome him upon his arrival in Rome. This greatly encouraged him. He was allowed to rent a house and live on his own in Rome. But because he was still a prisoner, there was always a soldier on duty to guard him.
The first thing he did in Rome was to call a meeting of the Jewish leaders in Rome. When they came, he explain his mission to them and why he was arrested. He also explained why he had to appealed to Caesar. He had been proved innocent in Caesarea by Felix and others. But because some of the Jewish leaders objected seriously, he appealed to Caesar.
The leaders of the Jews in Rome told him that they had received no bad report about him though they had heard about him and his testimony. They said they wanted to know more about his religion. A meeting was arranged. And after listening to Paul, some believed and some did not.
For two years Paul lived in Rome under house arrest and continued telling people about the Lord Jesus Christ with all boldness.


All of us face times when we are afraid or discouraged. And at such times, it is possible that we are alone in our problems. But if we can know that someone is near who cares about us and who is looking out for us, our situation will no longer be as frightened as we may have thought. When things are tough with us, let us know that we are not alone. God promises to be with us. He will keep his word to us. Our part is to always spend time in prayer with God and Bible study. We should also attend church services always. This will keep us close to God. And when hard times come, we will know for sure that God is close by.
God delivers all those who trust in him. He will also deliver us if we consistently seek him and follow his ways. He must have a place in our lives.


1. The officer in charge of the ship did not obey Paul's advice for the following reasons except?

(A) He was not patient because they had spent many days in the journey.
(B) Because of the expert (Pilot) advice to him.
(C) The place they were to wait was not comfortable for them.
(D) He used majority vote to rule which is not always right
(E) God told the officer to continue.

2. What happened to Paul when he was warming himself beside the fire at Malta?

(A) A poisonous snake coiled itself around his hand and bit him.
(B) A poisonous snake came out of the wood in the fire and escape.
(C) Paul received revelation from God.
(D) Nothing happened to Paul.

3. Why did Paul always have a soldier on guard in his rented house?

(A) Paul was made king.
(B) Paul wanted to escape.
(C) Paul was still a prisoner.
(D) Paul requested for a soldier as guard.

4. How can a believer keep close to God during hard times except?

( A) Spending time with God in prayer.
(B) Studying God's word regularly.
(C) Fellowship with other brethren.
(D) Staying alone and quietly.

Courtesy of the Assemblies of God Nigeria


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