Contest - The Importance of Time Management.

Hello creative Steemians and welcome to another exciting contest brought to us by Steem for Better Life on the topic The Importance of Time Management.

There's is this popular musician that sang a song and the lyrics says and i quote " That we should use our Time wisely rather than gossiping and walking around doing nothing because money doesn't fall from heaven but we should do something better with our time." . I will like to share my views and opinions on this topic.



How necessary is the "Time Management" in our lives today?



Time is money and as we all know Time management is very important in our daily lives in the sense that;

  • It shows that you are very Orderly

  • It helps you to the things that are of Importance and prioritization to you. When things are of great Importance we tend to utilize and prioritize our time to ensure it is achieved.

  • Managing your time makes you to work harder and be duty conscious in every thing you do.

  • It fosters efficiency and effectiveness.

  • Time management makes you to be smart and very active. if you are time conscious you wont do things sluggishly.

How helpful is time management to create order in our lives?

Time management is helpful in the sense that

  • It helps you achieve great results within a very short period of time because you are time focused and less distracted.

  • It gives me the opportunity to be productive within a short period and give me time to relax and do other activities for myself since i am time conscious.

  • It helps me to become very focused since i have a time frame to achieve results and i strive towards achieving the activity.

  • It helps me not to procrastinate. as we all no procrastination is the thief of time... it helps you to be in control of what you do.

  • It helps me to be focus and less distracted in other to achieve more.

How do you manage your daily time according to important tasks?
  • How i manage my time is very easy because i set a time frame for every activity i want to do and if it means setting reminders i do so that i won't forget but it will help me keep to time.

  • though there might be some unforseen circumstances that we can't overcome when it happens this usually makes us not to carry out some activities assigned for that day.

What lessons have you learned by using time management?
  • I have learned that i minute, an hour or a second lost can never be regained so what ever opportunity I have that i am not doing anything rather than being idle I try to do something creative or do an activity meant for another day using the opportunity i have.

  • It helps me achieve more.

How do you do your time management or any method you have ?



The method i use i draw up a weekly or daily roaster depending on what i want to achieve in a day or in the week so with that i ensure it is carried out.

For example i set a time to post on steemit platform which is every evening but because of my school activities while in school and the lecturer isnt in class i use that opportunity to participate in any contest or challenge and i start writing so that in the evening i will have time for other activities.

Time management is very important as it helps us become productive.
it is advice able that any opportunity we have to perform a task. or activity we should utilize the time and use it judiciously.


I will like to invite @usoro01, @adunni and @emmy02 to participate in this contest.


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