#burnsteem25 : Drilling Well Design for Prie Keutapanng People Who Are Lacking Clean Water
It must be admitted that in the past few days I have been busy with the world of work where at the beginning of June I had to complete various projects in providing the best for remote villages in the administrative area of Meurah Mulia District, North Aceh Regency.
The existence of various projects in planning construction in early June as one of the requirements in the disbursement of the budget originating from the remote area program in Indonesia. At this time for a few days I completed a drwaing shop from the construction of a drilled well that will be utilized by one of the villages in Meurah Mulia District, namely the village of Prie Ketapang.
Where the design of this drilled well will soon be carried out by the construction executor in an effort to facilitate the village community in fulfilling clean water. It should be noted that at this time the village lacks clean water, which is indicated by the dryness of the wells from the community. The design of this drilled well is also specifically dedicated as one of the flagship programs in overcoming stunting for the Prie Keutapang community.
Apart from the above, the drilling well planning for the Prie Keutapang community has been calculated from a construction technique by spending a budget of 60,000,000 IDR or equivalent to 15,000 STEEM when calculated.
Therefore, below I will also show the design of the drilled well complete with a water reservoir whose construction uses iron accompanied by a fiber tub as a place for the connection above.
The following are several sheets of the results of the designs or designs that I made related to drilled wells to meet the needs of clean water for the people of Prie Keutapang, Meurah Mulia District, North Aceh Regency in Indonesia's Underdeveloped Regions Program.
And the application that I use in the design of the drilled well for the people of Prie Keutapang Village is using AUTOCAD 2D.
Finally I say thank you for supporting me all this time to all steemian and especially I say hello to the steemit team through @steemcurator01 and @steemcurator02 who have supported me continuously all this time.
Cc : @pennsif
Отличная работа! Скважжина очень нужна в тех районах!
Of course, because the village is located on a high land and the people there really need clean water
Curated By - @sofian88
Curation Team - The Efficient Seven
Greetings from me @waterjoe