"Steemit Engagement Challenge S9-W2: "Easy Come, Easy Go"


I am excited to participate in the Steemit Engagement Challenge S9-W2 , which focuses on the theme "Easy Come, Easy Go." As a member of this platform , I have witnessed the highs & lows that come with being a content creator & engaging with other Steemians.

The phrase "Easy Come , Easy Go" is particularly relevant to our experiences on Steemit , as we strive to gain followers , rewards & recognition for our work . However , it is important to remember that these gains are not always guaranteed & can be lost just as quickly.

Through this challenge , I hope to explore the various ways in which we can build meaningful connections& support each other as a community . I believe that by fostering genuine engagement & uplifting each other , we can create a positive& rewarding experience on Steemit.


What do you understand about Easy Come , Easy Go?

so yeah i am medical university student so i will explain it to my level of undrstanding..
"Easy come , easy go" is a Common phrase used to describe situations where something is gained or acquired quickly & easily , but is then lost just as easily . In the medical field , this concept can be applied in many ways, including the importance of maintaining good health habits , adhering to medical treatments & avoiding Unhealthy behaviors that can lead 2 negative health outcomes.

One example of " easy come , easy go" in the medical field is crash dieting . While it may be tempting to try & lose weight quickly , crash dieting often involves extreme calorie restriction & can be difficult to sustain over time . As a result , many people who lose weight quickly through crash dieting may gain it back just as quickly once they return to their normal eating habits. This can be frustrating & discouraging & can lead to a cycle of yo-yo dieting that can be harmful to both physical & mental health.

Another example of "easy come , easy go" is medication non-adherence . When patients are prescribed medications for a condition , it is important that they take them as directed by their healthcare provider. However, some patients may forget to take their medications or stop taking them altogether once they start feeling better. This can be dangerous , as it can lead to a relapse of symptoms or complications from the condition . Additionally , stopping medications abruptly can be harmful & should only be done under the guidance of a healthcare provider.
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In order to avoid the negative consequences of "easy come , easy go" thinking in the medical field, it is important to focus on consistent, sustainable health practices. This may involve Making gradual changes to one's diet & exercise habits, rather than trying to make drastic changes all at once . It may also involve setting reminders to take medications or using tools like pill boxes to ensure that medications are taken as prescribed.

Have you ever experienced a condition in life like that ? Share your experience if you have any.

As a medical student, I always knew the importance of a healthy lifestyle. I also had a passion for fitness, so I decided to join a gym & start working out regularly. I was determined to achieve a toned & muscular physique & I worked hard to achieve it.

Through consistent effort & a strict diet, I was able to build an impressive body in a relatively short amount of time. I felt proud of my hard work & enjoyed the attention I received from others. However , I soon realized that I had fallen into the trap of "easy come , easy go."

As a medical student , my schedule was already packed with classes , clinical rotations& studying . I found myself skipping classes to work out& spending most of my free time in the gym or preparing meals. Despite my impressive physique , I began to feel isolated & disconnected from the world around me.

As time went on , I struggled to maintain my gains . I was constantly tired & hungry , &found it hard to keep up with my rigorous routine. I began to neglect other aspects of my life , including my studies & personal relationships . My grades suffered& I lost touch with many of my friends.

Despite my best efforts , I found that my body began to deteriorate . I lost the gains I had worked so hard to achieve , & my confidence took a hit. I realized that I had been too focused on short-term gains & neglected the long-term consequences of my actions.
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My experience taught me a valuable lesson . Achieving success in any aspect of life requires sustained effort & a balanced approach . While it's important to work hard & pursue our passions , we must also prioritize our health , relationships & other important aspects of our lives. "Easy come , easy go" is a cautionary tale that reminds us to be mindful of our priorities & strive for balance in everything we do.
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How did you deal with the instant success that disappears in a short time?

When I realized that my gains were disappearing , I felt discouraged & disappointed . I had put so much effort and dedication into achieving my body& it was disheartening to see it disappear so quickly . However , I also realized that I had learned a valuable lesson about the importance of balance& sustainability in my approach.

To deal with my situation , I first took a step back & evaluated my priorities . I realized that my focus had been too narrow & I had neglected other important aspects of my life , such as my studies and personal relationships. I decided to take a more balanced approach, allocating time and effort to different areas of my life.

I also sought support & guidance from others . I reached out to a personal trainer who helped me develop a more sustainable workout routine & meal plan . I also sought advice from my peers & mentors , who helped me prioritize my studies & personal relationships while still pursuing my fitness goals.

Most importantly , I learned to be patient & persistent . I realized that true success takes time & sustained effort . I focused on building healthy habits & consistent routines , rather than just seeking instant gratification . With time and effort , I was able to rebuild my body and regain my confidence.

Overall, my experience taught me that instant success is often fleeting & unsustainable. True success requires sustained effort & a balanced approach to life. By prioritizing our health, relationships, and personal growth, we can achieve long-term success and fulfillment.

What lesson can be drawn from this expression?

The expression "easy come , easy go" conveys the lesson that quick and effortless gains are often short-lived &
unsustainable . It warns us against the dangers of s eeking instant gratification & neglecting long-term consequences. It reminds us that true success and fulfillment require sustained effort , perseverance & a balanced approach to life. The expression serves as a cautionary tale, reminding us to be mindful of our priorities, to avoid shortcuts and quick fixes, and to pursue our goals with patience , persistence, and a long-term perspective.

What if you associate the statement above with a romantic relationship If you have any, could y ou describe it?

In the context of a romantic relationship , the expression "easy come , easy go" can refer to the dangers of rushing into a relationship without considering the long-term consequences . It warns against the dangers of seeking instant gratification & neglecting the foundation of a healthy & sustainable relationship.

For example , if one were to jump into a relationship quickly without taking the time to build a strong emotional connection , the relationship may not last long. The initial attraction or chemistry may fade , and the couple may realize that they are not compatible in the long term . In such a case , the relationship may end as quickly as it started , resulting in disappointment & heartbreak.

On the other hand, if the couple takes the time to build a strong emotional connection , communicate effectively, and work on the foundation of the relationship, the relationship is more likely to be healthy, sustainable , and fulfilling. This requires patience, effort, and a willingness to work through challenges and disagreements.

Overall, the lesson that can be drawn from "easy come, easy go" in the context of a romantic relationship is to prioritize the foundation of the relationship and take the time to build a strong emotional connection . Rushing into a relationship without considering the long-term consequences can result in disappointment and heart break. A sustainable and fulfilling relationship requires patience, effort, and a long-term perspective.
i invite @roomi , @drbehram and @hamzayousafzai to participate in such contests.

 last year 

Es muy gráfica esta aseveración, "lo que fácil viene, fácil se va," en el ámbito de la medicina. Tomar dietas que te hacen bajar se peso rápidamente, solo sirve para unos días, ya que enseguida se corre el riesgo de ganar los kilos que se han perdido. Y eso mismo sucede cuando no se atiende estrictamente el régimen de los medicamentos y otras cosas.
Sin embargo, en todas las situaciones de la vida, podría aplicarse esta sentencia; para la riqueza, para los estudios y hasta para las relaciones amorosas. Éxitos, amigo. Saludos...

¡Hola! Muchas gracias por tu comentario y por compartir tus reflexiones sobre la frase "lo que fácil viene, fácil se va". Estoy de acuerdo en que esta sentencia puede aplicarse a muchas situaciones en la vida y es importante recordar que el éxito requiere trabajo duro y dedicación. ¡Te doy la bienvenida y te deseo todo lo mejor! ¡Saludos!

Your post has been supported by @damithudaya from Team 2 of the Community Curation Program, at 30%. We invite you to continue sharing quality content on the platform, and continue to enjoy support, and also a likely spot in our weekly top 7.

Voting date: 27/04/2023


  • I completely agree with your interpretation of the expression "easy come, easy go." It is a valuable lesson that we should all keep in mind when pursuing our goals and ambitions. In today's fast-paced world, it's easy to get caught up in the quest for instant gratification and quick wins, but that approach rarely leads to long-term success or satisfaction.

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