Good point.. Write as if talking to a friend. That doesn't rule an angry mood if you feel something is amiss. I personally like to meditate a bit before putting down in writing an essay on a particular topic. Commenting on what someone else has written doesn't require me to do a lot of meditation. But I do like think before I write a comment. Like this comment. Writing something to a friend. :>)
Some friends do rule that angry mood if talking to a friend since that's what friends are for as well: honesty, that listening, understanding ear if anger, frustration, hurt speaks.
Thinking what is written, meant but also what it does to us as a reader I see as a natural thing. There are also cases where I discuss it with others or search for answers before I comment.
Thanks for writing my friend. It's appreciated.
Thank you for the upvote dear @mikitaly I hope you are fine and rested.