P-O-S-T As Entity Steem For BetterLife Community

in STEEM FOR BETTERLIFE3 years ago (edited)

WhatsApp Image 2021-12-26 at 00.15.15.jpeg

50% Reward for Charity
: @worldsmile and @adollaraday

The community continues to grow every day on the Steemit Platform with various Visions and Missions, as well as Steem For BetterLife Community, We were born from the concept of pluralism oriented to 3 main Aspects (World Charity Aspect, Steem Education Aspect and Investment, and Power-Up Aspect). The formation of this community is based on the hard work, integrity, and commitment of the Founders/Initiators consisting of Admin and Moderators. We build communities based on the principles of coordination, cooperation, deliberation, and consensus in making strategic community policies.

Steem For BetterLife Community admins and moderators are likened to a vehicle engine that can mobilize passengers from one place to another, but Steem For BetterLife Community members have a strategic function that is likened to fuel, a vehicle can be run if it has an engine, body, and wheels. intact and fuel as the driving force.

Well, based on the vehicle philosophy, Steem For BetterLife Community really appreciates the role of members as drivers of this community, especially with the charity aspect that is currently being carried out, of course, it requires the member's role in creating creative content so that it has curation when donated to @worldsmile charity account.

3 Main aspects of Steem For BetterLife Born from the diversity of admin moderator ideas, they have a high socialist spirit so that they gave birth to charity programs, have educational instincts, and implement them in the Steem Education program, while investment and Power-Ups were the spirit of this community before the merger, this is based on the vision and mission of the community to encourage the steem ecosystem to continue to grow and become the prima donna coin on the exchange. This is what lies behind the birth of Steem For BetterLife Community.

I do not believe if someone says that a community is born by itself, without the need for a solid team when first built, not requiring a delegate, not requiring coordination and cooperation in making decisions. We from Steem For BetterLife were born, developed, and progressed together, all elements have contributed to the growth and development of this community according to their respective capacities and responsibilities.

P-O-S-T Steem For BetterLife Community

Steem For BetterLife Community has four important keys which we briefly refer to as P-O-S-T, the four letters have a hierarchical meaning.

  • P: People, People are meant to be target members, in this community we encourage the growth of members with the same vision and mission, meaning having the same view of Charity as community identity, Steem Education and Investment, and Power- Up, the common view of these aspects will increase the quality and quantity of the community in the future.

  • O: Objective, Community objectivity has been clearly mentioned several times in the above discussion, so this is an important point that continues to be implemented and becomes the identity of the community.

  • S: Strategy, In running a community a systematic strategy is needed. Important elements in implementing a community strategy are:

    1. Teamwork: Teamwork is the main key in running this Community, we admins and moderators have had their respective functions and responsibilities in encouraging community growth and running the World Smile Project based on deliberation, not individual decisions.
    2. Timeline: Timeline is used as an indicator in carrying out community activities and achievements, for example in the construction of the Free Education Center some time ago, the technical team compiled a Time Schedule for implementation so that it became a reference frame for achieving activity progress.
    3. Activation: All elements have roles and are proactive in carrying out their functions and responsibilities
    4. Budget: Availability of adequate funds in mobilizing the community, both community operational costs and other costs such as project implementation obtained from share rewards. Currently, Steem For BetterLife Community already has an operational activity account (@hive-153970) which is obtained from the reward share of 20 to 25% of posts published by @worldsmile charity account.
  • Technology: The team continues to update information and integrate technology in the community so that the use of information technology becomes the runway for the growth and development of the Community.

In addition to P-O-S-T, various other factors are continuously pursued to maintain the existence and credibility of the community, for example, the publication of cash reports for charity accounts on a regular basis, involving the role of active members as a form of community regeneration, transparency in the implementation of project activities and involvement of all elements of the community in every aspect. This is what distinguishes Steem For BetterLife from other Communities, so that we exist because of togetherness and grow for the common good through the vision of bringing smiles to the world.

Cc: @steemcurator01 @el-nailul @pennsif @heriadi @miftahuddin @klen.civil @sofian88

Komunitas terus tumbuh setiap harinya di Platform Steemit dengan beragam Visi dan Misi, begitu juga dengan Steem For BetterLife Community, Kami lahir dari konsep kemajemukan yang berorientasi pada 3 Aspek utama (Aspek Charity Dunia, Aspek Pendidikan Steem dan Aspek Investasi dan Power-Up). Terbentuknya komunitas ini didasari dari kerja keras, integritas dan komitmen para Pendiri/ Inisiator yang terdiri dari Admin dan Moderator. Kami membangun komunitas dilandasi asas koordinasi, kerjasama, musyawarah dan mufakat dalam mengambil kebijakan strategis komunitas.

Admin dan moderator Steem For BetterLife Community diibaratkan dengan sebuah mesin kendaraan yang dapat memobilisasi penumpang dari satu tempat ke tempat lainnya, tetapi member Steem For BetterLife Community memiliki fungsi stategis yang diibaratkan dengan bahan bakar, sebuah kendaraan dapat dijalankan jika memiliki mesin, body, memiliki roda yang utuh dan bahan bakar sebagai penggerak.

Nah, didasari dari filosofi kendaraan, Steem For BetterLife Community sangat mengapresiasi peran member sebagai penggerak dari komunitas ini, apalagi dengan aspek charity yang dijalankan saat ini, tentunya membutuhkan peran member dalam menciptakan konten kreatif sehingga memiliki kurasi saat disumbangkan ke @worldsmile akun charity.

3 Aspek utama Steem For BetterLife Lahir dari keberagaman ide admin moderator, mereka memiliki jiwa sosialis yang tinggi sehingga melahirkan program charity, memiliki naluri pendidikan dan mengimplementasikannya dalam program Pendidikan Steem, sementara investasi dan Power-Up merupakan roh dari komunitas ini sebelum dimerger, hal ini didasari dari visi misi komunitas untuk mendorong ekosistem steem agar terus tumbuh dan menjadi koin primadona di bursa. Inilah yang melatarbelakangi lahirnya Steem For BetterLife Community.

Saya tidak percaya jika ada yang mengatakan bahwa sebuah komunitas lahir dengan sendirinya, tanpa perlu tim yang solid saat pertama dibangun, tidak membutuhkan delegator, tidak membutuhkan koordinasi dan kerjasama dalam mengambil keputusan. Kami dari Steem For BetterLife lahir, berkembang dan maju bersama, seluruh elemen memiliki andil terhadap pertumbuhan dan perkembangan komunitas ini sesuai dengan kapasitas dan tanggungjawab masing-masing.

P-O-S-T Steem For BetterLife Community

Steem For BetterLife Community memiliki emppat kunci penting yang kami singkat dengan istilah P-O-S-T, keempat huruf tersebut memiliki makna yang hierarki.

  • P : People, People ini dimaksudkan adalah target anggota, dalam komunitas ini kami mendorong pertumbuhan anggota dengan visi misi yang sama, artinya memiliki pandangan yang sama terhadap Charity sebagai identitas komunitas, Pendidikan Steem dan Investasi dan Power-Up, kesamaan pandangan terhadap aspek tersebut akan meningkatkan kuaitas dan kuantitas komunitas kedepan.

  • O: Objective, Objectivitas komunitas telah jelas disebutkan beberapa kali pada pembahasan diatas, sehingga ini menjadi poin penting yang terus dijalankan dan menjadi identitas komunitas.

  • S: Strategy, Dalam menjalankan komunitas diperlukan strategi yang sistematis. Elemen penting dalam menimplementasikan strategi komunitas yaitu:

    1. Teamwork : Kerjasama Tim merupakan kunci utama dalam menjalankan Komunitas ini, kami para admin dan moderator telah memiliki fungsi dan tanggungjawab masing-masing dalam mendorong pertumbuhan komunitas dan menjalankan World Smile Project yang dilandasi musyawarah, bukan keputusan individu.
    2. Timeline: Timeline dijadikan sebagai indikator dalam melaksanakan kegiatan dan pencapaian komunitas, misalnya dalam pembangunan Free Education Center beberapa waktu yang lalu, dari Tim teknis menyusun Time Scedule pelaksanaan sehingga menjadi kerangka acuan pencapaian progress kegiatan.
    3. Activation: Semua elemen memiliki peran dan proaktif menjalankan fungsi dan tanggungjawab
    4. Budget: Ketersediaan dana yang memadai dalam menggerakkan komunitas, baik biaya operasional komunitas maupun biaya lainnya seperti pelaksanaan Proyek yang diperoleh dari share reward. Saat ini Steem For BetterLife Community telah memiliki akun operasional kegiatan (@hive-153970) yang diperoleh dari share reward 20 sampai 25% postingan yang dipublikasi oleh @worldsmile account charity.
    • Technology : Tim terus megupdate informasi dan menginterasikan teknologi dalam komunitas sehingga pemanfaatan teknologi informasi menjadi landasan pacu dalam pertumbuhan dan perkembangan Komunitas.

Selain P-O-S-T, berbagai faktor lain terus diupayakan untuk menjaga eksistensi dan kredibilitas komunitas, misalnya terpublikasi laporan kas akun charity secara reguler, melibatkan peran member aktif sebagai bentuk regenerasi komunitas, tranparansi pelaksanaan kegiatan proyek dan keterlibatan seluruh elemen komunitas dalam setiap aspek. Inilah pembeda Steem For BetterLife dengan Komunitas lain, sehingga kami hadir karena kebersamaan dan tumbuh untuk kepentingan bersama melalui visi membawa senyuman bagi dunia.

 3 years ago 

I do not believe if someone says that a community is born by itself, without the need for a solid team when first built, not requiring a delegate, not requiring coordination and cooperation in making decisions. We from Steem For BetterLife were born, developed, and progressed together, all elements have contributed to the growth and development of this community according to their respective capacities and responsibilities.

I believe that nothing is instant, everything needs a process and the most important thing is how we can respect each other, every role has value and every value needs to be respected.

 3 years ago 

Bagus sekali bang betul sekali jawaban tersebut patut saya apresiasi...best bang..👏👏🤗

Thank You for sharing...

Assalamu'alaikum Wr.Wb
Postingan Achievement 5.2 Saya Belum Di Verifikasi, Mohon Segera Di Verifikasi. Berikut Adalah Link Postingannya :



Thank You for sharing...

 3 years ago 

Pertumbuhan dan perkembangan Komunitas "Steem For BetterLife" sangat bagus, ini tidak terlepas dari kerja Team Work yang solid dan meluncurkan program-program yang mantap. Semoga Sukses terus.

 3 years ago 

Semua berkat kerja keras member yang memiliki loyalitas terhadap komunitas, kami dari admin dan moderator hanya mendorong secara manajerial dan program.

 3 years ago 

Mantap, semoga sukses terus

Assalammualaikum bang @irawandedy
Saya telah menyelesaikan achievement 5-1. Akan tetapi belum diverifikasi, mohon bang dikoreksi bila ada kesalahan.
Berikut adalah link postingannya.


Thank You for sharing...

 3 years ago 

Lanjutkan sesuai dengan petunjuk